11.1134, Calls: NLP:EMNLP/VLC-2000,Comp Ling:ACL'2000 Workshop

The LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Sat May 20 00:24:00 UTC 2000

LINGUIST List:  Vol-11-1134. Fri May 19 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 11.1134, Calls: NLP:EMNLP/VLC-2000,Comp Ling:ACL'2000 Workshop

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Associate Editors:  Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U. <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
		    Scott Fults, E. Michigan U. <scott at linguistlist.org>
		    Jody Huellmantel, Wayne State U. <jody at linguistlist.org>
		    Karen Milligan, Wayne State U. <karen at linguistlist.org>

Assistant Editors:  Lydia Grebenyova, E. Michigan U. <lydia at linguistlist.org>
		    Naomi Ogasawara, E. Michigan U. <naomi at linguistlist.org>
		    James Yuells, Wayne State U. <james at linguistlist.org>

Software development: John Remmers, E. Michigan U. <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
                      Sudheendra Adiga, Wayne State U. <sudhi at linguistlist.org>
                      Qian Liao, E. Michigan U. <qian at linguistlist.org>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded jointly by Eastern Michigan University,
Wayne State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: James Yuells <james at linguistlist.org>

As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.


Date:  Thu, 18 May 2000 17:44:34 EDT
From:  Priscilla Rasmussen <rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu>
Subject:  Joint Sigdat Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora

Date:  Thu, 18 May 2000 18:00:38 EDT
From:  Priscilla Rasmussen <rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu>
Subject:  Comp Ling: ACL'2000 Student Workshop

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 18 May 2000 17:44:34 EDT
From:  Priscilla Rasmussen <rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu>
Subject:  Joint Sigdat Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora


                              CALL FOR PAPERS

                             VERY LARGE CORPORA

   Sponsored by SIGDAT (ACL's Special Interest Group for Linguistic Data
                    and Corpus-based Approaches to NLP)

                             October 7-8, 2000
               Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

                            In conjunction with
                  ACL-2000: The 38th Annual Meeting of the
                 Association for Computational Linguistics

   This conference aims to bring together academic researchers and
   industrial practitioners to discuss empirical and corpus-based natural
   language processing through technical paper sessions, invited talks,
   and panel discussions. Topics of interest include (but are not
   limited to):

     * statistical parsing
     * language and dialog models
     * machine translation
     * information retrieval
     * information extraction
     * comparative evaluation of empirical vs. rule- and knowledge-based
     * lexical acquisition
     * statistical language understanding
     * phrase identification
     * noun phrase coreference
     * question answering
     * word sense disambiguation
     * word and term segmentation and extraction
     * alignment
     * bilingual lexicon extraction
     * text categorization

   This year, we are especially interested in papers discussing these
   topics in the context of web-oriented applications.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------


   Submissions are limited to original, unpublished and empirically
   evaluated work. Reviewing of papers will be blind. Electronic
   submissions are required; author instructions, stylesheets and
   a web-based submissions interface may be found at
   http://nlp.cs.jhu.edu/~sigdat2k. Submitted papers should conform to
   the colacl.sty style file (or the provided MSWord equivalent) for final
   2-column format, with the exception that name, affiliation and address
   should be replaced with 'XXX'. Full paper-length submissions are
   strongly encouraged, and should not exceed 9 pages in final format.
   Submissions must be received on or before June 26, 2000.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Important Dates:
   June 26		Submission of full-length paper
   July 28		Acceptance notice
   August 29		Camera-ready paper due
   October 7-8		Conference date

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Program Chair:    Hinrich Schuetze, GroupFire (hinrich at groupfire.com)
   Program Co-Chair: Keh-Yih Su, Behavior Design Corp. (kysu at bdc.com.tw)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 18 May 2000 18:00:38 EDT
From:  Priscilla Rasmussen <rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu>
Subject:  Comp Ling: ACL'2000 Student Workshop

########### Final Call for Papers ################

Student Workshop at ACL' 2000 Call For Papers
38th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics
3--6 October, 2000
Hong Kong

*** Please note: ***

a. extended PAPER REGISTRATION deadline: May 12, 2000

b. new email contact of the Student Workshop Co-chairs (also the electronic
   submission address) with effect from April 28, 2000:
	acl-stu at cs.ust.hk

This information can also be found at this URL:

Note: The exact dates of the Workshop have not been firmly established
yet.  Tentatively, the Workshop may take place anytime between 1st and
7th of October, 2000.  The exact dates will be posted once confirmed
by the Main ACL'2000 Conference Program Committee.

1. General Invitation for Submissions

The Student Session is an established tradition at ACL conferences.
This year it will take the form of a Student Workshop. The main
purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for student
researchers who are investigating various areas related to
Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. We would
like to invite student researchers to submit their work to the
workshop. Seeing that the main mission of the student workshop is to
provide the participants with a wide audience and useful feedback,
the emphasis of the workshop will be on work in progress.
For the Student Workshop, original, and unpublished research is
invited on all aspects of computational linguistics, including, but
not limited to these topic areas:

-syntax and the lexicon
-phonology and morphology
-interpreting and generating spoken and written language
-linguistic, mathematical and psychological models of language
-language-oriented information retrieval and information extraction
-corpus-based language modeling
-machine translation and translation aids
-natural language interfaces and dialogue systems
-approaches to coordinating the linguistic with other modalities in
multi-media systems
-message and narrative understanding systems

The conference will also feature tutorials, workshops, and demos.
See the Main ACL'2000 page for information.
URL: http://www.cs.ust.hk/acl2000

2. Submission Requirements

Papers should describe original work in progress. The main purpose
of presenting at the workshop is to exchange ideas with other
researchers and to receive helpful feedback for further development
of the work. Papers should clearly indicate directions for future
research wherever appropriate. The papers can have more than one
author; however, all authors MUST be students. A paper accepted for
presentation at the Student Workshop cannot be presented or have
been presented at any other meeting with publicly available
published proceedings. Papers that are being submitted to other
conferences must indicate this immediately after the title material
on the first page.

3. Submission Procedure

Paper Registration

Registration of your submission is required. This can be done by
filling out a form available here. After you fill out and submit this
form, a unique ID number will be generated and sent to you in an
e-mail shortly after the paper registration. You will then be able
to use this ID number instead of your name on the title page of the
paper and in any subsequent correspondence with the workshop
co-chairs. If you are unable to use the on-line form for paper
registration or experience problems using it, please, send email to
pakh0002 at tc.umn.edu

Paper Length

Authors should submit their papers for review, not to exceed 2500
words. The count does not include title page and references. The
final camera-ready copy is expected to be about 5 pages. The exact
limit is to be announced once confirmed by the Main ACL'2000 Conference
Program Committee.

Separate items to be submitted

Identification page
Paper ID code: (generated at paper registration)
Author(s) name(s) affiliation and e-mail addresses
Topic Area: (one or two general topic areas)
Keywords: Up to 5 keywords specifying the subject area
Word Count: excluding title page and references
Under Consideration for Other Conferences: (if yes, specify)
Abstract: short summary (up to 5 lines)

Title page
Paper ID code: (generated at paper registration)
Topic Area: (one or two general topic areas)
Keywords: Up to 5 keywords specifying the subject area
Word Count: excluding title page and references
Under Consideration for Other Conferences: (if yes, specify)
Abstract: short summary (up to 5 lines)


Electronic submissions as well as hard copy submissions are

Electronic Submissions

If you are submitting your paper electronically, only the following
formats will be acceptable:
PostScript (.ps)
Rich Text Format ACL style (.rtf)
Microsoft Word ACL style(.doc)
LaTex format ACL style (.tex)
PDF (.pdf)
We strongly recommend the use of ACL latex style
files or Microsoft Word Style
files tailored for this year's conference. These style
files include a place for the paper ID code (see below) and word
count and allow for a graceful transition to the style required for
publication. These will be made available from this page soon. In
case you are unable to use these style files directly, a description
of the format can be found at this URL:


Electronic submissions should be sent in an attachment to the following
e-mail address:

acl-stu at cs.ust.hk

Hard Copy Submissions

If you are submitting a hard copy of your paper, please send six
double sided copies of your paper (two copies should have the identification
page attached, four should have the title page attached) to the following

c/o Sergei Pakhomov
Department of Linguistics
University of Minnesota,
315 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

3. Reviewing Procedure

Reviewing of papers submitted to the Student Workshop will be
managed by Student Workshop Co-Chairs, each of whom will have the
assistance of a team of reviewers. Each submission will be matched
with a mixed panel of student and senior researchers for review. The
final acceptance decision will be made based on the results of the

Note that reviewing of papers will be blind; therefore, please, make
sure you do not put the author(s) name(s) on the title page. (See
paper submission requirements for details). You should not have any
self-identifying references anywhere in the paper submitted for
review. For example, you can't have a reference like this "We showed
previously (Smith, 1991), ..." Instead, use citations such as
"Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991)..."

4. Schedule

Submissions must be received by May 19, 2000. Late submissions
(those arriving on or after May 20, 2000) will be automatically
disqualified. The student workshop committee is not responsible
for postal delays or other mailing problems. For electronic
submissions, all time zones will be taken into account)
Acknowledgement will be emailed soon after receipt.
Notification of acceptance will be sent to authors (by email) on
July 21, 2000. Detailed formatting guidelines for the
preparation of the final camera-ready copy will be provided to
authors with their acceptance notice.

5. Timetable

The dates here pertain only to the Student Session.

Important Dates:

Paper registration:		May 12, 2000  *** extended ***
Paper submission deadline:	May 19, 2000
Notification of Acceptance:	July 21, 2000
Camera-Ready Copy Due:		TBA

Contact Information

If you need to contact the Co-Chairs of the Student Workshop, please
use this address: acl-stu at cs.ust.hk. An e-mail sent to this address
will be forwarded to both Co-Chairs.

Olivia Kwong (Co-Chair) 	Sergey Pakhomov (Co-Chair)
Computer Laboratory 		Linguistics Department
University of Cambridge		University of Minnesota
Cambridge CB2 3QG		315 Pillsbury Drive SE
United Kingdom			Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
Oi.Yee-Kwong at cl.cam.ac.uk 	pakh0002 at tc.umn.edu
Tel: +44 1223 334619		Tel: +1 (612)-835-6546
Fax: +44 1223 334678		Fax: +1 (612)-835-9720

LINGUIST List: Vol-11-1134

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