11.2469, Calls: General Ling/France, Formal Ling/China
The LINGUIST Network
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Nov 15 16:17:35 UTC 2000
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-2469. Wed Nov 15 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 11.2469, Calls: General Ling/France, Formal Ling/China
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Editors: Karen Milligan, Wayne State U. <karen at linguistlist.org>
Michael Appleby, E. Michigan U. <michael at linguistlist.org>
Rob Beltz, E. Michigan U. <rob at linguistlist.org>
Lydia Grebenyova, E. Michigan U. <lydia at linguistlist.org>
Jody Huellmantel, Wayne State U. <jody at linguistlist.org>
Marie Klopfenstein, Wayne State U. <marie at linguistlist.org>
Naomi Ogasawara, E. Michigan U. <naomi at linguistlist.org>
James Yuells, Wayne State U. <james at linguistlist.org>
Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U. <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
Software: John Remmers, E. Michigan U. <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Gayathri Sriram, E. Michigan U. <gayatri at linguistlist.org>
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>
As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 00:04:59 +0100
From: HI-YON YOO <hi-yon.yoo at libertysurf.fr>
Subject: "6th Doctorate meeting in linguistics at the university Paris 7(France)
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 02:59:14 +0800
From: ningcy <ningcy at mail.hunnu.edu.cn>
Subject: (China) Formal Linguistics
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 00:04:59 +0100
From: HI-YON YOO <hi-yon.yoo at libertysurf.fr>
Subject: "6th Doctorate meeting in linguistics at the university Paris 7(France)
April, 5-6 th, 2001
The Graduate School in Linguistics at the University Paris 7 is
organizing the 6th Doctorate Workshop in Linguistics on
April 5-6th, 2001. The purpose of this meeting is to promote exchange
and communication among young researchers and
doctorate students of different fields of interest in linguistics. We
therefore impose no restrictions on the subject of the
presentations, or on the level of linguistic analysis.
Doctorate students are asked to submit an abstract of one page and
possibly, an additional page with data and references. As
reviewing will be anonymous, please send in two versions your abstract,
of which only one version should include your
name, university and e-mail of the author(s), and the second one
anonymous. We accept presentation in French and English.
Speakers will be given 20 minutes to present their paper, followed by 10
minutes for discussion.
All submissions should follow the following format :
- type of 10 points (Times, Times New Roman) ;
- margin of 2,5 cm (0,984 inch) on all sides ;
- Postscript,RTF or MS-Doc format (Word 97 version, or earlier) ;
- for the IPA characters, please use SIL DOULOS IPA (you can download
the font at the following address
The abstract are to be sent as an attachment or floppy disk, and
eventually as a paper version, to the following addresses :
adl at linguist.jussieu.fr
Case 7003
2, Place Jussieu
75 251 Paris Cedex 05 France
Projected dates :
January, 7th, 2001 Deadline for abstracts
February, 5th, 2001 Notification of acceptance
April, 5-6th, 2001 Doctorate meeting in Linguistics
Selected papers will be published in the form of proceedings. Further
information concerning the definitive format of the
papers will be given at a later date.
Futhermore, please note that we can cover partial of full
transportation cost for speakers travelling more than 100km.
For additional information, please contact :
Emmanuel Aïm : emmanuel.aim at linguist.jussieu.fr
Hi-Yon Yoo: hi-yon.yoo at linguist.jussieu.fr
L'atelier des Doctorants en Linguistique de l'Université Paris 7
organise pour la sixième fois une rencontre qui se tiendra le
5 et 6 avril 2001, avec l'aide logistique et financière de l'ED
"Sciences du langage".L'objet de ce colloque est de favoriser
les échanges et de créer de liens entre jeunes chercheurs et doctorants
quel que soit leur domaine de recherche en
linguistique. Aussi, le contenu des communications est libre : aucun
thème n'est imposé, et tous les niveaux d'analyse
linguistique sont acceptés.
Les doctorants sont invités à envoyer un résumé d'une page avec,
éventuellement, une page de références ou de tableaux.
Nous demandons deux versions du résumé, la première indiquant le nom,
l'université et l'adresse électronique du ou des
auteurs, et une deuxième anonyme. Langues acceptées : français et
anglais. Prévoir 20 minutes de communication (+10
minutes de discussion).
Le résumé doit respecter le format suivant :
- police de caractères type Time (Times, Times New Roman), pts 10
- des marges de 2,5cm de chaque côté
- format RTF,.MS-doc(version Word 97 ou inférieur) ou postscript.
- pour les caractères IPA, utiliser SIL DOULOS IPA (téléchargeable à
l'adresse suivante
Ces deux résumés sont à envoyer en fichier joint ou disquette, et
éventuellement en version papier aux adresses suivantes :
adl at linguist.jussieu.fr
Case 7003
2, Place Jussieu
75 251 Paris Cedex 05 France
Calendrier prévisionnel :
07.janvier 2001 Date limite de réception des résumés
05.février 2001 Notification d'acceptation des résumés
5 et 6 avril 2001 Rencontres de l'ADL
Les communications seront rassemblées sous formes d'actes. Des
renseignements supplémentaires concernant le format
définitif des communications seront donnés ultérieurement.
Par ailleurs, il existe une possibilité d'un remboursement partiel voire
total des frais du transport pour les intervenants
venant d'une distance supérieure à 100km de Paris.
Pour plus d'informations contacter :
Emmanuel Aïm : emmanuelaim at linguist.jussieu.fr
Hi-Yon Yoo: hi-yon.yoo at linguist.jussieu.fr
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 02:59:14 +0800
From: ningcy <ningcy at mail.hunnu.edu.cn>
Subject: (China) Formal Linguistics
Call for Papers
The First International Conference on Formal Linguistics/China(C)
Philosophy of Language, Syntax, Phonology, Semantics,
Language Acquisition, Cognitive Linguistics, Formal
Pragmatics, NLP and other related areas in formal
June 9 - June 11, 2001 (Important notice: The date of
the conference has been changed from June 1-June 3 as in
the previous announcement to June 9 - June 11.)
Hunan Normal University and Yuelu Academy, Changsha,
Abstract Submission:
Please email your abstract to ningcy at mail.hunnu.edu.cn.
The abstract should be one page maximum, in a 12 point
font,with minimum 1'' margins around in Microsoft Word
file and rtf file attachment.
Deadline for submission: March the first, 2001.
Acceptance and Program:
Notification of acceptance will be sent out before
March 30 .
Program will be available on April 15.
Conference Proceedings:
The conference will edit and publish Proceedings to
the First International Conference on Formal Linguistics
In the International Academic Exchange Center of Hunan
Normal University.
Expenses on catering are covered by the conference.
Post-Conference Tour:
Shaoshan (the home town of Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi);Travel
expenses are covered by the conference.
ZhangJiaJie State Forest Park ("Yellow Stone" of China).
Registration and Fee:
Faculty: 80 U.S. dollars;
Students: 50 U.S. dollars;
Email registration: before April 30;
Registration on site: May 30.
Dr. Ning Chunyan or Dr Li Bing
email:ningcy at mail.hunnu.edu.cn,
regular mail:Dr. Ning Chunyan
School of Foreign Languages
Hunan Normal University
YueLu Mount, Changsha, P.R. China, 410081
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-2469
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