11.2328, Qs: Partial Reduplication, Comp Ling Experiment
The LINGUIST Network
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Sat Oct 28 02:51:45 UTC 2000
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-2328. Fri Oct 27 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 11.2328, Qs: Partial Reduplication, Comp Ling Experiment
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Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 21:55:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: Bert Vaux <vaux at fas.harvard.edu>
Subject: partial reduplication with fixed segmentism
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 16:04:58 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Annette Preissner <noemi at dfki.de>
Subject: summarizer for HTML/comp ling/survey
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 21:55:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: Bert Vaux <vaux at fas.harvard.edu>
Subject: partial reduplication with fixed segmentism
I am currently collecting cases where a language has productive partial
reduplication with fixed segmentism, and would be grateful for any data
or references that readers of this list could send me.
Some examples of this type of reduplication:
- English shm-reduplication: lunch-shmunch, table-shmable, ugly-shmugly
- Turkish m-reduplication: kitab-mitab 'books and such', para-mara, etc.
- Dravidian gi-reduplication: pali-giri, etc.
This phenomenon has been discussed in a number of recent articles by John
McCarthy and his students, but I am interested in compiling a more
complete picture of how this phenomenon works, which involves addressing
the following questions:
- What languages have productive reduplication of this sort?
- What sort of areal distribution does each subtype have? (e.g.
m-reduplication is found throughout the Balkans, Middle East, and
- What segments and sequences are chosen as the fixed material?
- What do speakers do when the base word begins with the same sequence as
the fixed segment(s)? (e.g. many speakers avoid shmo -> *shmo shmo, etc.)
- WHat other sorts of constraints hold over this type of formation? (e.g.
can other words or clauses intervene between the base and the
- What is the semantic range of this sort of reduplication?
The process I'm interested is also sometimes called echo
reduplication, but is *not* the same as what was called echo reduplication
in an earlier posting on the Linguist List, which involved non-productive
cases like willy-nilly, hobson-jobson, etc. I am (for present purposes)
only interested in *productive* partial reduplication with fixed melodic
Thanks for your help,
- ----------------------------
Bert Vaux
Associate Professor of Linguistics
Harvard University
313 Boylston Hall
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 496-4516
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 16:04:58 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Annette Preissner <noemi at dfki.de>
Subject: summarizer for HTML/comp ling/survey
Dear list members,
for the evaluation of my diploma thesis (a summarizer for HTML
documents, computational linguistics) I am desparately looking for
native speakers of English willing to participate in an online
experiment which can be found at the following URL:
Each single experiment takes five minutes AT MOST, and each person can
participate up to ten times - which does not mean that participations in
only one experiment would not be welcome, though!
and this is why I would very much appreciate if you could forward this
email to as many native speakers as possible (and take part yourself if you
happen to be a native)!
!!! The experiment expires on NOVEMBER 10, 2000. !!!
Thank you VERY MUCH,
Annette Noemi Preissner
<noemi at dfki.de>
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-2328
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