11.2345, Calls: Creole Phonology/Morphology, Computational Ling

The LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Sun Oct 29 23:21:47 UTC 2000

LINGUIST List:  Vol-11-2345. Sun Oct 29 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 11.2345, Calls: Creole Phonology/Morphology, Computational Ling

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Associate Editors:  Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U. <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
		    Scott Fults, E. Michigan U. <scott at linguistlist.org>
		    Jody Huellmantel, Wayne State U. <jody at linguistlist.org>
		    Karen Milligan, Wayne State U. <karen at linguistlist.org>

Assistant Editors:  Lydia Grebenyova, E. Michigan U. <lydia at linguistlist.org>
		    Naomi Ogasawara, E. Michigan U. <naomi at linguistlist.org>
		    James Yuells, Wayne State U. <james at linguistlist.org>

Software development: John Remmers, E. Michigan U. <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
                      Sudheendra Adiga, Wayne State U. <sudhi at linguistlist.org>
                      Qian Liao, E. Michigan U. <qian at linguistlist.org>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded jointly by Eastern Michigan University,
Wayne State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>

As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.


Date:  Fri, 27 Oct 2000 10:13:05 +0200
From:  "Ingo Plag" <plag at anglistik.uni-siegen.de>
Subject:  Creole Phonology and Morphology

Date:  Thu, 26 Oct 2000 21:12:29 -0400 (EDT)
From:  Lillian Lee <llee at CS.Cornell.EDU>
Subject:  Computational Linguistics - NAACL '01

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 27 Oct 2000 10:13:05 +0200
From:  "Ingo Plag" <plag at anglistik.uni-siegen.de>
Subject:  Creole Phonology and Morphology

                                    CALL FOR PAPERS

                                    International Workshop
                                             on the
                   Phonology and Morphology of Creole Languages

                                        August 22-24, 2001

                               University of Siegen, Germany

Until very recently, phonology and morphology have been neglected
areas in the study of creole languages. Available phonological studies
were largely confined to segmental aspects, and morphology was
generally held to be marginal in these languages, if not totally
absent. Some more recent studies have shown, however, that the
investigation of creole phonology and morphology is of considerable
importance for the field of creole studies, both theoretically and
empirically. The aim of this workshop our aim is to discuss issues in
creole phonology and morphology in a pleasant atmosphere.

(A more detailed call for papers mentioning more specific research
questions to be addressed at the workshop is available at the
workshop's web-site, URL given below)

Invited speakers:

Anne-Marie Brousseau (University of Toronto)
Hubert Devonish (University of the West Indies, Jamaica)
Claire Lefebvre (Université du Quebec à Montréal)
John McWhorter (University of Berkeley)
Norval Smith (Universiteit van Amsterdam)

There will be approximately 24 slots for papers. Each paper will be allotted
25 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. We are planning
a half-day excursion for Thursday, August 23, so that an informal
gathering of creolists will be possible.

The workshop is organized by Prof. Ingo Plag, Chair in English Linguistics,
University of Siegen.

Accomodation: All paper presenters will be provided free accomodation
in a centrally located hotel.

Send in three anonymous copies of your abstract (for review) and one copy
including your name, mailing address, e-mail address, fax and telephone
number via regular mail to the address given below. In addition, provide an
electronic version of your abstract, either as a disk accompanying the hard
copies, or via e-mail. Abstracts should not exceed a maximum length of one
1 page, 1.5-spaced.

The deadline for the receipt of abstracts is March 1, 2001.
Acceptance notices will be sent out no later than April 15, 2001.

Send your abstract to the following address:

                Prof. Dr. Ingo Plag
                - Creole Workshop 2001 -
                English Linguistics, Fachbereich 3
                University of Siegen
                Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
                D-57068 Siegen

                e-mail:  plag at anglistik.uni-siegen.de

Up-to date information on and around the workshop is available at


The workshop is sponsored by the University of Siegen and the Deutsche

Prof. Dr. Ingo Plag
English Linguistics
Fachbereich 3
Universitaet-Gesamthochschule Siegen
Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2
D-57068 Siegen

tel. 0271-740-2560
tel. 0271-740-2349 (secretary)
fax 0271-740-3246
e-mail: plag at anglistik.uni-siegen.de
tel.: 06422-2817 (home)

office: room AR-K 103

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 26 Oct 2000 21:12:29 -0400 (EDT)
From:  Lillian Lee <llee at CS.Cornell.EDU>
Subject:  Computational Linguistics - NAACL '01


* submission deadline EXTENDED to November 3 *

   The organizers of the Second Meeting of the North
American Chapter of the Association for Computational
Linguistics invite proposals for workshops to be held in
conjunction with the NAACL 2001 Conference at Carnegie
Mellon University. The workshops will meet on June 3-4,
2001, preceding the main conference (June 5-7) and in
parallel with EMNLP-2001.

We welcome proposals on any topic of interest to the ACL
community.  We also encourage proposals involving outreach
to areas outside the traditional foci of ACL meetings, such
as speech recognition, information retrieval, data mining,
and biological sequence analysis; and proposals involving
the integration of perspectives and techniques from
different fields.


Please see the NAACL policy on workshops (available at
http://www.naacl.org/archives.htm), which contains
information about financing, sponsorship, and so on.

Proposals for workshops should contain:
* A title and brief (< 500 word) description of the workshop
topic and goals.

* A budget proposal.

* The target audience and expected number of participants.

* Any special requirements for technical needs (computer
infrastructure, etc.)

Proposals should be submitted by electronic mail, in plain
ASCII text, by November 3. (note change)

Please e-mail proposals and any inquiries to
   wksps at cs.cornell.edu
or send mail to:
Lillian Lee
NAACL 2001 Workshops Chair
Department of Computer Science
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-7501


Submission deadline for workshop proposals: Nov 3, 2000
Notification of acceptance: November 13, 2000
Workshop descriptions due: January 5, 2001
Workshop material for reproduction due: March 9, 2001


NAACL '01 - http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ref/naacl2001.html
NAACL '01 workshop CFP -

LINGUIST List: Vol-11-2345

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