12.1984, Books: Sociolinguistics

The LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Aug 8 17:35:38 UTC 2001

LINGUIST List:  Vol-12-1984. Wed Aug 8 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 12.1984, Books: Sociolinguistics

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
	Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

Editors (linguist at linguistlist.org):
	Karen Milligan, WSU 		Naomi Ogasawara, EMU
	Lydia Grebenyova, EMU		Jody Huellmantel, WSU
	James Yuells, WSU		Michael Appleby, EMU
	Marie Klopfenstein, WSU		Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U.
	Heather Taylor-Loring, EMU	Dina Kapetangianni, EMU

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          Gayathri Sriram, E. Michigan U. <gayatri at linguistlist.org>

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The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
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Editor for this issue: Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>

Links to the websites of all LINGUIST's supporting publishers are
available at the end of this issue.


Date:  06 Aug 2001 10:57:07 +0800
From:  Joyce Reid <jreid at qmny.cup.org>
Subject:  Language and the Internet

Date:  06 Aug 2001 11:09:49 +0800
From:  Joyce Reid <jreid at qmny.cup.org>
Subject:  Class, Language, and American Film Comedy

Date:  07 Aug 2001 16:04:58 +0800
From:  Joyce Reid <jreid at qmny.cup.org>
Subject:  Message #14: New Book: Sociolinguistics

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  06 Aug 2001 10:57:07 +0800
From:  Joyce Reid <jreid at qmny.cup.org>
Subject:  Language and the Internet

Language and the Internet
David Crystal

"This book provides an important look at how the Internet has affected our
use of language. To my knowledge, there are no other comparable books
available on this subject. Issues of language are certainly treated in
many other books about the Internet, but this one features linguistics as
its main topic. The book will be an important contribution."-Patricia
Wallace, Ph.D., Director, Information Services and Instructional
Technologies Center for Talented Youth, The John Hopkins University,
Author, The Psychology and the Internet

According to popular mythology, the Internet will be bad for the
future of language--technospeak will rule, standards will be lost, and
creativity diminished as globalization imposes sameness. David
Crystal, one of the foremost authorities on language, argues the
reverse in his new book: that the Internet is enabling a dramatic
expansion of the range and variety of language and is providing
unprecedented opportunities for personal creativity. In order to grow
and be maintained as a linguistic medium, the principles and standards
of the Internet must evolve--and they will be very different from
other mediums.

Is the Internet a revolution? Is it a linguistic revolution? Beyond
the visual panache of the presentation on a screen, the Internet's

character is immediately obvious to anyone online. As the Internet has
become incorporated into our lives, it is becoming clearer how it is
being shaped  by and is adapting language and languages. Language and
the Internet is the  first book by a language expert on the
linguistic aspects of the Internet.  Opening up linguistic issues for
a general readership, Crystal argues that  "netspeak" is a radically
new linguistic medium that we cannot ignore.

David Crystal is one of the foremost authorities on language, and as
editor of the Cambridge Encyclopedia he has used the Internet for
research purposes from its earliest manifestations. His work for the
technology company Classification Data Limited has involved him in the
development of an information classification system with several
Internet applications, and he has extensive professional experience of
Web issues.

    Crystal is author of several books with Cambridge, including the
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (1997), Cambridge Encyclopedia of
the English Language (1995), English as a Global Language (1997), and
Langugage Death ( 2000) and Words on Words (University of Chicago,
2000) . An internationally renowned writer, journal editor, lecturer
and broadcaster, he received an OBE in 1995 for his services to the
English language. His edited books include The Cambridge Encyclopedia
(Fourth Edition, 2000) The Cambridge Paperback Encyclopedia (Third
Edition, 1999), The Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia (Second
Edition, 1997) and The Cambridge Factfinder ( Fourth Edition, 2000).

Preface; 1. A linguistic perspective;
2. The medium of Netspeak;
3. Finding an identity;
4. The language of e-mail;
5. The language of chatgroups;
6. The language of virtual worlds;
7. The language of the Web;
8. The future of the Internet;

2001/272 pp./8 tables
0-521-80212-1/Hb/List: $19.95

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  06 Aug 2001 11:09:49 +0800
From:  Joyce Reid <jreid at qmny.cup.org>
Subject:  Class, Language, and American Film Comedy

Class, Language, and American Film Comedy
Christopher Beach

Examining the evolution of American film comedy since the beginning of the
sound era (c. 1930), Christopher Beach focuses on how language, class, and
social relationships in early sound comedies by the Marx Brothers, the
screwball comedies of the 1930s by Capra, Sturges and others, and 1950s
comedies of Frank Tashlin and Vincente Minnelli, and contemporary films by
Woody Allen, Whit Stillman, and the Coen brothers. Beach argues that sound
and narrative expanded the semiotic and ideological potential of a film,
providing moments of genuine social critique and also mass entertainment.

Christopher Beach teaches at the University of California, Irvine, and has
taught at the University of Montana and Claremont Graduate University. He
is the author of three books on American poetry, including Poetic Culture
(Northwestern, 1999). This is his first book on film.

Introduction; 1; A Troubled Paradise: Utopia and Transgression in Comedies of
the Early 1930s; 2; Working Ladies and Forgotten Men: Class Divisions in
Romantic Comedy, 1934-37; 3; "The Split-Pea Soup and the Succotash": Frank
Capra's 1930s Comedies and the Subject of Class;4; Is Class Necessary?:
Preston Sturges and Howard Hawks in the Early 1940s; 5; Desperately
Seeking Status: Class, Gender, and Social Anxiety in Postwar Hollywood
Comedy; 6; Is There a Class in This Text?: Woody Allen and Postmodern
Comedy; 7; Yuppies and Other Strangers: Class Satire and Cultural Clash in
Contemporary Film Comedy

2002/c. 256 pp.
0-521-80749-2/Hb/List: $54.95*
0-521-00209-5/Pb/List: $18.95*

-------------------------------- Message 3 -------------------------------

Date:  07 Aug 2001 16:04:58 +0800
From:  Joyce Reid <jreid at qmny.cup.org>
Subject:  Message #14: New Book: Sociolinguistics

Style and Sociolinguistic Variation

Penelope Eckert, Stanford University, CA
John R. Rickford, Stanford University, CA

The volume brings together leading experts from a range of disciplines to
create a broad perspective on the study of style and variation in spoken
language. The book discusses key approaches to stylistic variation, including
such issues as attention paid to speech, audience design, identity
construction, the corpus study of register, genre, distinctiveness and the
anthropological study of style. Rigorous and engaging, this book will
become the standard work on stylistic variation. It will be welcomed by
students and academics in sociolinguistics, English language, dialectology,
anthropology and sociology.

John R. Rickford, Penelope Eckert, Judith T. Irvine, Susan Ervin-Tripp,
Richard Bauman, Ronald Macaulay, William Labov, John Baugh, Elizabeth
Closs Traugott, Allan Bell, Malcah Yaegar-Dror, Nikolas Coupland, Howard
Giles, Edward Finegan, Douglas Biber, Lesley Milroy, Dennis R. Preston.

Introduction John R. Rickford and Penelope Eckert; Part I. Anthropological
Approaches: 1. 'Style' as distinctiveness: the culture and ideology of
linguistic differentation Judith T. Irvine; 2. Variety, style-shifting,
and ideology Susan Ervin-Tripp; 3. The ethnography of genre in a Mexican
market: form, function, variation Richard Bauman; 4. The question of genre
Ronald Macaulay; Part II. Attention Paid to Speech: 5. The anatomy of
style shifting William Labov; 6. A dissection of style shifting John Baugh;
 7. Style and social meaning Penelope Eckert; 8. Zeroing in on
multifunctionality and style Elizabeth Closs Traugott; Part III. Audience
Design and Self-Identification: 9. Back in style: reworking audience
design Allan Bell; 10. Primitives of a system for 'style' and 'register'
Malcah Yaegar-Dror; 11. Language, situation and the relational self:
theorising dialect-style in sociolinguistics Nikolas Coupland; 12.
Couplandia and beyond Howard Giles; 13. Style and stylizing from the
perspective of a non-autonomous sociolinguistics John R. Rickford; Part IV.
 Functionally Motivated Situational Variation: 14. Register variation and
social dialect variation: re-examining the connection Edward Finegan and
Douglas Biber; 15. Conversation, spoken language and social identity
Lesley Milroy; 16. Style and the psycholinguistics of sociolinguistics:
the logical problem of language variation Dennis R. Preston.

2001/c. 340 pp./15 graphs/10 line diagrams/26 tables
0-521-59191-0/Hb/List: $69.95*
0-521-59789-7/Pb/List: $24.95*


 If you buy one of these books, please tell the publisher or author
 that you saw it on LINGUIST.

 The following publishers contribute to the support of The LINGUIST List:


         Academic Press

         Arnold Publishers

         Athelstan Publications

         Blackwell Publishers

         Cambridge University Press

         Cascadilla Press

         CSLI Publications

         Distribution Fides

         Elsevier Science Ltd.

         John Benjamins

         Kluwer Academic Publishers

         Lernout & Hauspie

         Lincom Europa

         MIT Press

         Mouton de Gruyter

         Multilingual Matters

         Oxford UP

         Pearson Education




         Summer Institute of Linguistics


         Anthropological Linguistics

         Bedford/St. Martin's

         Finno-Ugrian Society

         Graduate Linguistic Students' Assoc., Umass

         International Pragmatics Assoc.

         Kingston Press Ltd.

         Linguistic Assoc. of Finland

         Linguistic Society of Southern Africa (LSSA)

         Pacific Linguistics

         Pacini Editore Spa

         Virittaja Aikakauslehti
LINGUIST List: Vol-12-1984

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