12.2065, Confs: AMLaP Psycholinguistics Conference
linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon Aug 20 16:19:41 UTC 2001
LINGUIST List: Vol-12-2065. Mon Aug 20 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 12.2065, Confs: AMLaP Psycholinguistics Conference
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 16:53:12 +0200
From: Matthew Crocker <crocker at CoLi.Uni-SB.DE>
Subject: AMLaP Psycholinguistics Conference
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 16:53:12 +0200
From: Matthew Crocker <crocker at CoLi.Uni-SB.DE>
Subject: AMLaP Psycholinguistics Conference
* * * PLEASE POST * * *
AMLaP-2001 Call for Participation AMLaP-2001
SAARBRUECKEN GERMANY 20-22 September 2001
- AMLaP-2001
The 7th annual conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language
Processing (AMLaP-2001), will be held in Saarbruecken, Germany from
September 20-22, 2001.
The aim of the conference is to bring together psychological,
computational, and theoretical perspectives on the cognitive
mechanisms which underlie any aspect of human language
processing. Integration of experimental psycholinguistic
investigations with formal or computational models of psychological
processes is especially encouraged.
This years conference will also include a special session on the theme:
"Experience-based Models of Language Processing"
Dan Jurafsky, University of Colorado, Boulder
Jeff Elman, University of California, San Diego
Michael Tomasello, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
AMLaP will be held in the Saarbruecken Castle (Schloss) located in
central Saarbruecken, overlooking the Saar river and the city. The
Schloss is a modernly renovated castle providing both a stimulating
setting and excellent conference facilities. Saarbruecken is located
in south-western Germany on the French border and about 100km from
The registration fees for the the conference include the following:
* Attendance of the conference
* All coffee breaks
* Buffet lunch on all 3 days
* The conference dinner
Fees in EURO | Early On-Site
Student | Euro 100 Euro 120
Regular | Euro 160 Euro 200
(Approximate EURO conversions: EURO 1 = DM 2, EURO 1 = USD 0.85)
Block reservations have been made at two central hotels, at a reduced
conference rate. We cannot, however, guarantee that these rooms will
be held beyond the end of August. Please make your reservation soon,
mentioning the AMLaP conference:
1.Domocil Leidinger Tel.: +49 (0) 681 38011
Mainzer Str. 10 Fax: +49 (0) 681 38013
66111 Saarbrücken E-mail: domicilsb at aol.com
Rate: 139,- DM for the single room and 170,- DM for a double room
2.Hotel Madeleine Tel.: +49 (0) 681 3 22 28
Cecilienstr. 5 Fax: +49 (0) 681 37 47 04
66111 Saarbrücken
Rate: 91,- DM for the single room and 125,- DM for a double room
Semantic evaluation of syntactic structure
Lyn Frazier, Anne Cook, Maria Nella Carminati and Keith Rayner
The asymmetric effect of local context on word duration:
Consequences for models of production
William D. Raymond, Michelle Gregory, Daniel Jurafsky, and Alan Bell
The influence of extraposition on the acceptability of German
SC/RC- and RC/SC- doubly embedded sentences
Lars Konieczny and Tobias Bormann
Do eye movements reflect the spread of semantic activation during spoken
word recognition?
Eiling Yee and Julie Sedivy
When two cats are better than none: Children's interpretation
of relative clauses (revisited)
Anna Weighall and Gerry Altmann
Why syntactic ambiguity is costly after all: Reading time and ERP
Stefan Frisch, Matthias Schlesewsky, Douglas Saddy and Annegret
Overt prosody and ambiguity resolution in silent reading
Nenad Lovric, Dianne Bradley and Janet Dean Fodor
Bottleneck influences on the processing stages of word production
Victor Ferreira and Harold Pashler
The princess and the PP: lexical influences on syntactic repetition
in dialogue
Martin J. Pickering, Janet F. McLean, Holly P. Branigan, and
Liesbeth Timmermans
Looking for objects of verbs: Visual representations help only
post-linguistic operations in sentence comprehension
Roberto G. de Almeida, Caroline van de Velde
The Application of Universal Hierarchies during Sentence Processing:
Evidence for Incremental, Interactive Thematic Processing
Ina Bornkessel, Matthias Schlesewsky and Angela D. Friederici
Nipping spoken garden-paths in the bud: Lexical priming of argument
structure during auditory language comprehension
Jared Novick and John C. Trueswell
Metrical encoding for words with regular and irregular stress
Niels O. Schiller
Priming of noun phrase structure
Alexandra Cleland
Filler-gap dependencies in non-canonical word orders in Japanese
Edson T. Miyamoto and Shoichi Takahashi
Do listeners use discourse-level information to predict upcoming words
in an unfolding sentence? An ERP study
Jos J.A. van Berkum, Colin M. Brown, Pienie Zwitserlood, Valesca
Kooijman and Peter Hagoort
Lexicalisation of novel vocabulary items: Effects of exposure level
and time
Gareth Gaskell and Nicolas Dumay
Resolving Baker's paradox using Simplicity
Luca Onnis and Nick Chater
Effects of statistical analogy in reading Dutch verb forms
Mirjam Ernestus and Pim Mak
Stress Assignment in Dutch: Memory-Based, Rule-Based, or Both?
Gert Durieux, Steven Frisson, Helena Taelman, Evelyn Martens, Walter
Daelemans, Steven Gillis, and Dominiek Sandra
Unsupervised grammar learning from large corpora by neural networks.
Fermin Moscoso del Prado Martin and R. Harald Baayen
Experience-based acquisition of minority defaults: learning the
German -s plural
Heike Behrens
From single words to productive morphosyntax: Modeling the
acquisition of grammatical constructions
Nancy Chang
A distributional account of agreement production
Robert Thornton, Todd R. Haskell, and Maryellen C. MacDonald
Unsupervised Learning of Verb Classes from Lexical Statistics
Paola Merlo and Suzanne Stevenson
The complete conference programme, including schedule of talks, and the
list of posters is available at the conference web site.
Full conference and registration details, including registration
forms can be found at: http://www.amlap.org/2001/
Queries should be directed to: amlap2001 at amlap.org
Conference Chairs:
Matthew W Crocker
Frank Keller
Christoph Scheepers
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message.]
LINGUIST List: Vol-12-2065
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