12.2080, Confs: CICLing-2002
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Aug 22 19:10:21 UTC 2001
LINGUIST List: Vol-12-2080. Wed Aug 22 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 12.2080, Confs: CICLing-2002
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 23:39:14 -0600
From: "Alexander Gelbukh" <gelbukh at cic.ipn.mx>
Subject: CICLing-2002
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 23:39:14 -0600
From: "Alexander Gelbukh" <gelbukh at cic.ipn.mx>
Subject: CICLing-2002
Second International Conference
on Intelligent Text Processing
and Computational Linguistics
February 17 - 23, 2001
Mexico City, Mexico
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: October 10, short papers: November 5
INVITED SPEAKERS: (all to be confirmed):
Nicoletta Calzolari, Ruslan Mitkov, Ivan Sag,
Yorick Wilks, and Antonio Zampolli
EXCURSIONS: Ancient pyramids, Monarch butterflies,
great cave and colonial city, City Center,
and more
URL: http://www.cicling.org/2002
| If you have Internet access, we strongly recommend you to
| read this text at http://www.cicling.org/2002. One of the
| reasons is that it could have been changed since this file
| was published. The site has MUCH MORE INFO!
General Information
Areas of Interest
Poster & Demo Section
Publication and Submission Guidelines
Important Dates
Invited Speakers
Hotel Info
Local Transportation Guide
Tentative Schedule
Cultural Program
Conference Committees
You can see many photos of the excursions of the past
CICLing-2000 and CICLing-2001 at
http://www.cicling.org/2000/Photos/Frames.htm and
All those photos were made by the participants of
CICLing, http://www.cicling.org
CICLing-2002 will be held on February 17 to 23, 2002 in
Mexico City, Mexico. The deadline for paper submission
is October 10, 2001 (short papers: November 5).
This conference is the third CICLing event. The past CICLing
conferences were very successful, according to the comments
of the participants. One of the messages we have received
after the 2000 event was the following: "Everything was
just great! Super-hyper-ultra-well done!" wrote Igor Mel'cuk,
a world-recognized linguist, the author of the Meaning-Text
We consider the following factors to define our identity:
General interest. The conference covers nearly all
topics related to computational linguistics. This
makes it attractive for people from different areas,
and leads to vivid and interesting discussions and
exchange of opinions.
Informal atmosphere. It is intended for a small
group of serious specialists, not more than 50
thoroughly selected participants. This allows for
informal and friendly atmosphere, more resembling
a party of friends than an official procedure. Of
course, serious preparation stands behind this ease.
Excellent excursions. Mexico is a wonderful country
rich with culture, history, and nature. The conference
is intended for young and active people - young in
their soul, not necessarily age, - explorers in their
nature, both in science and in life. Our cultural
program brings the participants to unique marvels of
history and nature hidden from the usual tourists.
Relief of frosts. In the middle of February frosts,
the participants from Europe and North America can
enjoy bright warm sun under the shadow of palms.
The conference is held at the Center for Computer Research
(CIC) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Mexico.
The IPN is one of the largest universities in the world
with over 120,000 students. The CIC is a relatively new
school devoted to the cutting edge research in all areas
of science related to computers, both in software and
hardware. The conference is organized by the Natural
Language Processing laboratory of CIC.
| Areas of interest
In general, we are interested in whatever helps, or will help
eventually, or might help, computers meaningfully process
language data.
The conference is intended to the exchange of opinions
between the scientists working in different areas of the
growing field of computational linguistics and intelligent
text processing. Our idea is to get a bird's-eye view of
the state of art in computational linguistics and its
Areas of interest include, but are not limited by, the
following topics, as long as the topic is presented in
computer-related or formal description aspects:
Computational linguistics research:
Computational linguistic theories and formalisms
Representation of linguistic knowledge
Discourse models
Text generation
Statistical methods in computational linguistics
Corpus linguistics
Dictionaries for text processing and generation
Intelligent text processing and applications:
Document classification and search
Information retrieval
Text mining and Information extraction
Automatic summarization
Thematic segmentation of text
Spell checking
Natural language interfaces
In particular, papers on the following narrower themes
are especially welcome:
Meaning-Text theory
Ambiguity resolution
Anaphora resolution
Naturally, we welcome the works on processing any language,
not necessarily English, though usually major languages are
of more general interest. Note: when describing phenomena
of languages other than English, please be sure to make
your discussion understandable for people not familiar
with this particular language.
On the other hand, we are not interested in the topics not
related to computers processing language. For example, we
are not interested in the following types of submissions,
which would find much more appreciative audience at some
another conf or in an appropriate journal:
No: Purely linguistic, dialectological, historic,
etc. discussions of particular languages, without
relation to their computer processing, e.g.:
Evolution of personal names in classic Latin.
No: Purely computer topics not related to meaningful
language processing, e.g.: Unicode character table
for Mayan glyphs, or: Pentium-V processors with
512 MB cache make syntactic analyzers work faster.
No: Application of tools traditionally developed
within computational linguistics, to
non-linguistic-related tasks, e.g.: Generating of
hardware test sequences with stochastic grammars.
If you are not sure whether your particular topic is of
interest, please do not hesitate to ask at
gelbukh at cicling.org. You can also have a look at the
past CICLing-2001 or CICLing-2000 program to get an idea
of our interests. (see www.CICLing.org/2002)
| Short papers. Poster & Demo section
Short papers
The papers can be submitted either as full papers or as
short papers (also to be published in the Proceedings).
The authors of short papers will present their works as
posters or demos. Whenever possible, a short paper should
give references to Internet sites where more detailed info
on the work can be found.
The authors of some of the rejected full papers will be
recommended by the Committee to re-submit their works as
short papers. They will be given 5 days to convert their
rejected full paper into a short paper. Short papers are
also subject to reviewing process.
Publication format: All accepted short papers will be
published in the Proceedings by Springer-Verlag and thus
must be prepared in the required format. In particular,
they must look as any normal paper looks (having the title,
abstract, and references); however, we recommend that the
abstract be short, and it is not necessary
(though not prohibited) to divide the text into sections.
In all other respects short papers must follow Springer
requirements. Short papers are limited by 3 pages.
Poster/demo format: Authors of the short papers will present
them as posters and/or demos. They will be given
approximately 2 square meters of vertical space to attach
your material. If you have some special requirements,
please let us know.
Presentation: The Poster/Demo presentations will be organized
during short breaks and after the end of the regular talks,
i.e., each day from 18 to 20 pm. On the first working day of
the conf, the Poster/Demo session from 18 to 20 pm will be
combined with the Welcome party.
Registration: There are no special rules for registration of
poster presenters. The local students presenting a poster
will, according to the general rule, have free access to
the conf, while will not be given a copy of the Proceedings
unless they pay the registration fee. All other poster
presenters will have to register accordingly.
During the same poster/demo sessions, all participants
will be able to demonstrate the material related to their
talks or posters.
Demo platforms provided by the organizers: PC with
Windows 95/98, CD and floppy drives; no significant
space on the disk is guaranteed. Those who need
Windows NT on PC, Solaris on Sun, Linux on PC, Mac, etc.,
should contact the Committee in advance. The same
about significant disk space, Internet access, or
any special hardware or software requirements.
Even if you do not have any special requirements, we
encourage you to let us know for how much hours you
will probably need a demo computer.
| Submission guidelines
All accepted papers and short papers will be published
in CICLing-2002 Proceedings volume edited by Springer-Verlag
in its Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series.
The full papers should not exceed 10 pages, though we encourage
you to keep it shorter (as short as possible, but not shorter!).
If you really need more pages, please let us know:
gelbukh at cicling.org
Short papers should not exceed 3 pages and should, if
possible, contain references to Internet sites where more
detail on the work can be found. Otherwise the format of
the short papers is identical to that of full papers.
Please strictly follow the format guidelines of Springer
LNAI series. We cannot guarantee publication of any paper
that does not follow these guidelines. Please do not
hesitate to ask any questions at gelbukh at cicling.org
Please consult our website (www.CICLing.org/2002) for more
details, or write at gelbukh at cicling.org and we will send you
that info in Word or ASCII.
We accept only electronic submissions. To submit a paper, send
both or any one of the following at submission at cicling.org:
PostScript or PDF file. PostScript usually better
works with non-English characters.
Source file in RTF or DOC. Or, file in LaTeX together
with a PostScript or PDF files.
When sending us the camera-ready paper, please send all
of the following:
Source file in LaTeX or RTF (not in DOC). If you use
LaTeX, then also all necessary source files, such as
EPS pictures and all style files different from
llncs.cls (note that the use of custom style files
is strongly discouraged).
PostScript and PDF file, if you are unable to produce
a PDF file. If you use LaTeX, then also DVI file.
Copyright form by fax at +1 (520) 441-1817.
If you are not sure whether some special symbols are printed
correctly at our side, we encourage you to send us scanned
images or fax the pages in question, clearly indicating what
symbols are to be checked; e.g., you can draw a circle around
the symbol we should check.
Email: gelbukh at cicling.org
Fax: +1 (520) 441-1817 (in the USA)
Street address:
(Please avoid as much as possible sending us hard copies.
We cannot guarantee that we will receive them on time!)
Prof. Alexander Gelbukh,
Laboratorio de Lenguaje Natural,
CIC - Centro de Investigacion en Computacion,
IPN - Instituto Politecnico Nacional,
Av. Juan Dios Batiz s/n esq. Av. M. Othon Mendizabal,
Unidad Profesional "Adolfo Lopez Mateos",
Col. Zacatenco, C.P. 07738, Mexico D.F.
| Registration
Authors of accepted papers: By submitting a paper, at
least one author thereby promises, in case of acceptance
of the paper, to attend the conf in person to present
their paper and to pay the corresponding early registration
fee. Unless the current policy changes, the authors of
accepted papers will be allowed to register on-site at
the early registration rates. Note: We reserve the
right to change this information before November 20;
please check our website.
Public: Please contact registration at cicling.org before
November 20 for early registration information.
Registration fee:
Before November 20:
Specialists US$ 280
Students US$ 140
On site:
Specialists US$ 320
Students US$ 180
Local students enter free (no printed material)
A limited number of reduced registrations will be
available. To apply, please contact the organizing
committee at gelbukh at cicling.org and justify your
application. The reduced registration can be provided,
among others, to the following categories (not in
all cases!):
People whose fee will not be paid by their
institution and whose family income does not
allow to afford paying the full fee,
Those people from underdeveloped countries
whose institutions have real difficulties
paying the full fee (included: Latin America,
Eastern Europe; not included: North America,
Western Europe).
| Important dates
Full paper
Submission deadline: October 10
Notification of acceptance: November 1
Camera-ready deadline: November 15
Short paper
Submission deadline: November 5
Notification of acceptance: November 15
Camera-ready deadline: November 20
Conf: February 17-23
| Invited speakers
As to date, all information about invited speakers
is preliminary; please return to the web page later.
We also plan to post there abstracts of their talks.
Nicoletta Calzolari (Institute for Computational
Linguistics, Pisa, Italy). A talk on linguistic resources.
Ruslan Mitkov (U. of Wolverhampton, UK). A talk on
anaphora resolution.
Ivan Sag (Stanford U., USA). A talk on HPSG grammar
Yorick Wilks (Sheffield U., UK). A talk on dictionaries.
Antonio Zampolli (Institute for Computational Linguistics,
Pisa, Italy). A talk on linguistic resources.
| Hotel info
We suggest that it is convenient for the participants to stay
in the same hotel, to facilitate informal communication. Also,
we expect to provide free transportation from the recommended
hotel to the conf place.
The hotel **** El Ejecutivo is affordable, nice, and located
in the central district. Address: Av. Viena # 8, Colonia Juarez,
Mexico DF, 06600. Tel. +52 (5) 566-6422, 566-6565, fax for
reservations +52 (5) 535-5088. At the web site you also can see
a booklet with some info and a local map.
Rates (approximately):
Single: US$40 per night,
Double: $50 (shared $25/person) per night.
Triple: $60 (shared $20/person) per night.
You do not need to reserve your room; we will do it for you.
Please see the website for more info or send
send a message at hotel at cicling.org
| Local transportation guide and useful info
Please see the website (www.CICLing.org/2002)
| Tentative schedule
The following schedule and, in particular, the list of
excursions and their exact dates are tentative.
There will be four working days and three days of
excursions (so you can arrive on Monday and leave on
Friday if you wish.)
February 17, Sunday: Excursion to Teotihuacan:
ancient Indian pyramids.
February 18, Monday: Registration. Talks. Welcome
February 19, Tuesday: Talks.
February 20, Wednesday: Excursion to Angangueo:
Monarch Butterfly wintering site and/or to
the City Center.
February 21, Thursday: Talks and workshops.
February 22, Friday: Talks and workshops. Excursion
to the Anthropological Museum.
February 23, Saturday: Excursion to Cacahuamilpa and
Taxco: great cave and colonial city.
| Cultural Program
One of the most exciting things at the conference are
excursions to the ancient Indian pyramids and visiting
a unique natural phenomenon, the Monarch Butterfly
wintering site where you can see millions of beautiful
butterflies in the trees and in the air around you. In
common opinion of the last year's participants, the
excursions were excellent; you can see their own photos
at our website.
Warning: the excursion to the Butterflies is very long
and tiresome, especially for not so young people. We
think it is worth the trouble, but you decide. We will
try to arrange for an alternative excursion to the city
center at the same time as the excursion to the Butterflies.
Here is the tentative list of excursions:
Excursion to the Anthropological Museum
(Mexico City)
Excursion to the City Center: (Mexico City)
Excursion to Teotihuacan: ancient Indian pyramids,
1 hour drive
Excursion to Cacahuamilpa and Taxco: great cave and
colonial city, 2 hours drive
Excursion to Angangueo: Monarch Butterfly wintering
site, 4 hours drive
Note for former CICLing participants: We do understand that
repeating the same excursions is a bad idea. On the other
hand, these are the best of the best ones, and significantly
changing the list would not be fair to the new participants.
If you have any specific idea what you would like to visit,
please let me know and we will try to arrange for this.
We are open to any ideas on what excursions would be
interested. Please write your ideas to Alexander Gelbukh
at gelbukh at cicling.org
Welcome party
The reception party will be combined with the opening of
the Poster and Demo section. We will have some snack,
maybe some wine. No music, no serious food, even no
tables, sorry. You will enjoy the informal atmosphere
to speak with each other and with the presenters of the
posters and demos. You will also have a chance to show
and discuss your own programs (for this, please let us
know your software and hardware requirements).
| Conference Committees
This year, the conference features a very strong
international Program Committee. Please read the list:
if you are seriously involved in computational linguistics,
you will be surprised how many of the names you will
find very familiar.
Program Committee
1. Barbu, Catalina, UK
2. Blekhman, Michael, Canada
3. Boitet, Christian, France
4. Bolshakov, Igor, Mexico
5. Kalina Bontcheva, UK
6. Brusilovsky, Peter, USA
7. Calzolari, Nicoletta, Italy
8. Carroll, John, UK
9. Cassidy, Patrick, USA
10. Cristea, Dan, Romania
11. Gelbukh, Alexander (chair), Mexico
12. Hasida, Koiti, Japan
13. Harada, Yasunari, Japan
14. Hirst, Graeme, Canada
15. Johnson, Frances, UK
16. Kittredge, Richard, USA / Canada
17. Kharrat, Alma, USA
18. Knudsen, Line, Denmark
19. Koch, Gregers, Denmark
20. Kuebler, Sandra, Germany
21. Lappin, Shalom, UK
22. Laufer, Natalia, Russia
23. Lopez-Lopez, Aurelio, Mexico
24. Loukanova, Roussanka, USA / Bulgaria
25. Luedeling, Anke, Germany
26. Maegard, Bente, Denmark
27. Martin-Vide, Carlos, Spain
28. Mel'cuk, Igor, Canada
29. Metais, Elisabeth, France
30. Mikheev, Andrei, UK
31. Mitkov, Ruslan, UK
32. Murata, Masaki, Japan
33. Narin'yani, Alexander, Russia
34. Nevzorova, Olga, Russia
35. Nirenburg, Sergei, USA
36. Palomar, Manuel, USA / Spain
37. Pedersen, Ted, USA
38. Pineda-Cortes, Luis Alberto, Mexico
39. Piperidis, Stelios, Greece
40. Ren, Fuji, Japan
41. Sag, Ivan, USA
42. Sidorov, Grigori, Mexico
43. Sharoff, Serge, Russia
44. Sun Maosong, China
45. Tait, John, UK
46. Trujillo, Arturo, UK
47. T'sou Ka-yin, Benjamin, Hong Kong
48. Verspoor, Karin, USA / The Netherlands
49. Vilares Ferro, Manuel, Spain
50. Wilks, Yorick, UK
Organizing committee
1. Alexander Gelbukh (chair)
2. Carlos Vizcaino Sahagun
3. Carlos Ulloa
4. Soila Vargas Garcia
5. Teresa Salcedo Camarena
More info: gelbukh at cicling.org
Welcome to CICLing-2002 conf: www.CICLing.org
Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics
February 2002, Mexico City, Mexico
Prof. Dr. Alexander Gelbukh (Alexandre Guelboukh Kahn),
Professor and researcher, head of NLP Lab,
Centro de Investigacion en Computacion (CIC),
Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN).
Address: CIC, IPN, entrada por calle Venus (cerca de Metro Poli),
Col. Zacatenco, CP 07738, Mexico DF., Mexico
Office: (+52) 5729-6000 ext. 56544, 56518, 56602, home 5597-0709
Fax: +1 (520) 441-1817 (personal), (+52) 5586-2936 (shared)
gelbukh at earthling.net, gelbukh at cic.ipn.mx, www.cic.ipn.mx/~gelbukh
LINGUIST List: Vol-12-2080
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