12.533, Calls: Topic/Focus Workshop, Interlinguas Workshop
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Mon Feb 26 15:59:24 UTC 2001
LINGUIST List: Vol-12-533. Mon Feb 26 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 12.533, Calls: Topic/Focus Workshop, Interlinguas Workshop
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 10:53:00 -0800
From: "Matthew Gordon" <gordon at humanitas.ucsb.edu>
Subject: topic/focus workshop: 2nd call for papers
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 21:25:35 -0700 (MST)
From: Stephen Helmreich <shelmrei at crl.nmsu.edu>
Subject: Fifth Workshop on Interlinguas
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 10:53:00 -0800
From: "Matthew Gordon" <gordon at humanitas.ucsb.edu>
Subject: topic/focus workshop: 2nd call for papers
Topic and focus: a workshop on intonation and meaning
July 20-21, 2001
University of California, Santa Barbara
(in conjunction with the 2001 LSA Summer Institute)
Carlos Gussenhoven, Katholicke Universiteit, Nijmegen
Julia Hirschberg, AT+T Research Labs
Manfred Krifka, Humboldt University, Berlin
Mark Steedman, University of Edinburgh
The aim of this workshop is to explore the effects of various kinds of
topicalization and focus on intonation. It is especially hoped that
the workshop will lay the groundwork for future collaborative efforts
between linguists devoted to th= e study of meaning and linguists
engaged in the quantitative study of intonation. Bot= h descriptive
and theoretical papers on any aspects of the relationship between
intonation, on the one hand, and topic and/or focus, on the other
hand, are welcome. Talks will be 30 minutes with an additional 10
minutes for discussion. Papers may deal with intonational aspects of
topic and/or focus in all variety of languages including those which
are relatively underdocumented. Possible topics for discussion
include the following.
theoretical work on topic and focus phenomena in particular languages
experimental work on the perception and/or production of focus and topic
the appropriate representation of intonational and semantic categories,
including models of discourse
cross-linguistic assessment of the required inventory of pragmatic
the relation between semantics and pragmatics in the study of focus and
topic phenomena
the relation between the semantic categories and their prosodic
realization, and
the influence of more general prosodic principles on it
the justification of categories like focus and topic in the absence of
prosodic or morphological clues
the categorical/gradient nature of the phonetic realization of intonation
contours associated with semantic categories
Abstracts should be a single page, with an additional page for
data/references if needed. Abstracts should be submitted
electronically and should include contact information (name,
affiliation, mailing address, email address, telephone number) in the
body of the mail. The abstract should either be pasted into the email
or should be an attachment (preferred formats are as an ASCII text
file or PDF). If these formats present problems, it is also possible
to attach an MSWord document. Email submissions should be sent to
tfworkshop at humnet.ucla.edu.
Abstracts should be received by March 15, 2001. Notification of acceptance
will be
made by April 30, 2001. Further information about the workshop and the LSA
Institute is located at
www.linguistics.ucla.edu/people/buring/tfworkshop/topicfocus.html and at
the Institute website at www.summer.ucsb.edu/lsa2001.
Inquiries about the workshop may be directed to the workshop organizers:
Gordon, Daniel B=FCring, or Chungmin Lee by email at
tfworkshop at humnet.ucla.edu
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 21:25:35 -0700 (MST)
From: Stephen Helmreich <shelmrei at crl.nmsu.edu>
Subject: Fifth Workshop on Interlinguas
Fifth Workshop on Interlinguas : Call for Papers
The call for papers for the Fifth Workshop on Interlinguas is
available at http://crl.nmsu.edu/Events/FWOI/FifthWorkshop/index.html
The goal of this workshop is to bring together specialists to work out
a practical, cross-language system of semantic relations for use in
representing events and states of affairs including, but not limited
to, participant relations (e.g., agent, patient, recipient,
benefactee, instrument, etc.), spatial relations (e.g., anterior,
posterior, superior, inferior, interior, etc.) and temporal relations
(e.g., prior-to, following, concurrent, etc.).
Papers are invited on:
identifying systems of semantic relations and the linguistic devices
for expressing them,
methods for developing (or extending) such systems of relations,
inferencing techniques for exploiting such systems of relations for
particular MT tasks, such as
reference resolution,
the recovery of ellipted information,
interpeting noun-noun compounds,
metonymy and metaphor, etc.
The workshop will be held on Saturday, September 22, 2001, in
conjunction with MT Summit VIII in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Submission deadline: April 15, 2001
For further information, contact:
Steve Helmreich or David Farwell
shelmrei at crl.nmsu.edu david at crl.nmsu.edu
505.646.2141 505.646.5108
LINGUIST List: Vol-12-533
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