12.78, Calls: Dialogue Systems, Discourse/Cognitive Ling

The LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Jan 16 03:03:44 UTC 2001

LINGUIST List:  Vol-12-78. Mon Jan 15 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 12.78, Calls: Dialogue Systems, Discourse/Cognitive Ling

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Terence Langendoen: U. of Arizona <terry at linguistlist.org>
	 Simin Karimi: U. of Arizona <simin at linguistlist.org>

Editors: Karen Milligan, Wayne State U. <karen at linguistlist.org>
         Michael Appleby, E. Michigan U. <michael at linguistlist.org>
         Lydia Grebenyova, E. Michigan U. <lydia at linguistlist.org>
         Jody Huellmantel, Wayne State U. <jody at linguistlist.org>
         Marie Klopfenstein, Wayne State U. <marie at linguistlist.org>
	 Naomi Ogasawara, E. Michigan U. <naomi at linguistlist.org>
	 James Yuells, Wayne State U. <james at linguistlist.org>
         Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U. <ljuba at linguistlist.org>

Software: John Remmers, E. Michigan U. <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
          Gayathri Sriram, E. Michigan U. <gayatri at linguistlist.org>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
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Editor for this issue: Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>

As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.


Date:  Sat, 13 Jan 2001 13:38:26 +0100
From:  kristiina.jokinen at sail.com
Subject:  Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems

Date:  Tue, 16 Jan 2001 10:58:58 +0900
From:  Park Jeong-Woon <parkjw at maincc.hufs.ac.kr>
Subject:  First Seoul International Conference on Discourse and Cognitive Ling

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Sat, 13 Jan 2001 13:38:26 +0100
From:  kristiina.jokinen at sail.com
Subject:  Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems

                   Call for Submissions

        	       The 2nd Workshop on


                     IJCAI-01 Workshop TASK-4
       International Joint Congress on Artificial Intelligence

                       Endorsed by SIGDIAL

The first workshop "Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems"
was organised at the IJCAI-99 in Stockholm in 1999. The workshop was a
success and the selected contributions are in the process of coming out
as a special issue in the ETAI series (Electronic Transactions on AI,
editor-in-chief: Eric Sandevall and Elisabet Andre).

The second workshop will continue along the same lines. The topic of
dialogue systems and the type and management of their knowledge is
becoming increasingly important not only for applications utilizing
spoken natural language interaction but also for applications that allow
interaction with several modalities and especially in real environments
where several other information sources must be coordinated.

The workshop will especially concentrate on multimodal interfaces, which
in the past five or ten years have seen a growing interest. Providing
systems with multimodal behaviour is seen as a way of allowing for more
natural human-machine communication, but it also has applications in
new areas like robotics, text mining, and interaction for disabled and
mobile communication.

We primarily seek contributions which discuss one or more of the
following issues:

- standards and generic methodologies for modality integration.
  Such methodologies should enable systems to make the most of the
  redundancy introduced by multimodality and make multimodal systems
  more easily scalable and portable across domains.

- robust recognition and coordination of input from various modalities,
  including text, speech, and graphics, and also from such "new"
  devices as data gloves, touch screens and eye-gaze trackers.

- interpretation of multimodal input in relation to a dialogue model
  and the user model and the task at hand. Especially this includes
  parsing and coordination of various types of feedback.

- studies on modelling the attentional and focus structure

- natural and coherent generation of multimodal output: the choice
  between single and multiple modalities. How to best present
  different information pieces and how to coordinate and time various
  modalities so as to form a coherent response.

- new techniques developed for the coordination and control of
  multimodal inputs. Especially, various supervised and unsupervised
  learning algorithms have already successfully been applied in AI,
  e.g. in robotic motor-control problems, and the application of these
  techniques in multimodal environment has just started.

- how to combine modalities to facilitate efficient interaction,
  especially empirical investigations on such interaction.


The workshop will be kept small, with a maximum of 40 participants.
Preference will be given to active participants selected on the basis
of their submitted papers.

According to IJCAI rules, all workshop attendees must register for
the main conference.

Workshop format

The workshop will consist of invited talks, presentations, and open
group discussions. Ample time is allowed for discussion to encourage
contributions of a critical or comparative nature that provide fuel
for discussion, and stimulate new ideas and insights to take form
via the collaboration of experts with diverse backgrounds. The
workshop is intended to be a genuinely interactive event and a forum
where exchange of ideas goes beyond ordinary conference style

Demonstration of software could be organised as part of the main
IJCAI conference.


Potential participants are invited to submit extended abstracts on
the topics outlined above. Submissions should be no longer than 6
(six) pages exclusive of references, single spaced, and be in line
with the IJCAI-style.

Electronic submissions (in postscript format) should be sent to Jan
Alexandersson at:
	jan.alexandersson at dfki.de
Alternatively, three hardcopies can be mailed to the corresponding
address below.

	Jan Alexandersson
	German Research Institute of Computer Science, DFKI GmbH
	Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
	66 123 Saarbrücken

The accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings
which will be distributed to each participant. Further publication
channels will be explored and decided at the workshop.

Important dates

Second call for papers: 			   15 January, 2001
Deadline for submission of papers:		    2 March, 2001
Notification of acceptance:			   16 March, 2001
Camera-ready paper for the workshop notes:   11 April, 2001
Workshop:					          5 August, 2001

Programme committee

Anton Nijholt, Univeristy of Twente, The Netherlands
Laila Dybkjaer, Odense University, Denmark
David Novick, University of Texas at El Paso, US
Paul Heisterkamp, Daimler-Chrysler Research Center Ulm, Germany
Yasuhiro Katagiri, ATR, Japan
Diane Litman, ATT Labs Research, US
Sharon Oviatt, Oregon Graduate Institute, US
Staffan Larsson, Göteborg University, Sweden
Marc Swerts, IPO, The Netherlands
Nils Dahlbäck, Linköping University, Sweden
Ingrid Zukerman, Monash University, Australia

Organizing Committee

Lars Ahrenberg (Co-chair)
 Department of Computer and Information Science
 Linköping University
 S-581 83 Linköping, Sweden
 tel: +46 13 282422
 fax: +46 13 142231
 email: lah at ida.liu.se

Jan Alexandersson (Co-chair)
 German Research Institute of Computer Science
 Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
 66 123 Saarbrücken
 tel: +49-681-3025347
 fax: +49-681-3025341
 email: jan.alexandersson at dfki.de

Kristiina Jokinen (Chair)
 Media Lab
 University of Art and Design Helsinki
 Hämeentie 135 C
 FIN-00560 Helsinki
 tel: +358 (0)9 7563 0269
 fax: +358 (0)9 7563 0555
 email: kristiina.jokinen at uiah.fi

Arne Jönsson (Co-chair)
 Department of Computer and Information Science
 Linköping University
 S-581 83 Linköping, Sweden
 tel: +46 13 281717
 fax: +46 13 142231
 email: arnjo at ida.liu.se

Further information

Should you have any questions or need additional information
on the workshop, please contact any of the organizing committee
members by e-mail or at the addresses above.

Further information on the IJCAI-01 conference, including
updated information on hotel and travel information, can be
obtained from the IJCAI home page at


Updated information on this workshop and the final papers will
be made available via the workshop home page


-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 16 Jan 2001 10:58:58 +0900
From:  Park Jeong-Woon <parkjw at maincc.hufs.ac.kr>
Subject:  First Seoul International Conference on Discourse and Cognitive Ling

Call for Papers
The First Seoul International Conference on Discourse and Cognitive
Linguistics: Perspectives for the 21st Century

The Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics Society of Korea is pleased to
announce the First Seoul International Conference on Discourse and
Cognitive Linguistics: Perspectives for the 21st Century to be held in
Seoul, Korea, June 9 through 10, 2001.

Invited speakers

Sachiko Ide (Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
Suzanne Kemmer (Rice University)
Keedong Lee (Yonsei University)
Doris Payne (University of Oregon, Eugene)
Teun A. van Dijk (University of Amsterdam)

1. Call for Papers
A. Areas: We solicit competitive papers focusing on any subject in
discourse and cognitive linguistics and associated fields. The topics
of the contributions that we especially welcome include, but are not
limited to: discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, pragmatics,
functional grammar, and grammaticalization.

B. Abstract guidelines: The abstracts should be maximum 500 words,
exclusive of data and references, which may not exceed one additional
page. The abstracts are accepted only by e-mail in Microsoft Word or
HWP format. The abstracts must accompany a separate page indicating:

(a) paper title
(b) name(s) of author(s)
(c) affiliation
(d) e-mail address
(e) area (discourse  analysis, cognitive  linguistics, pragmatics,
functional grammar,  grammaticalization, others)
(f) language for delivery (English, Korean, English/Korean), and
(g) any equipment needs.

Allotted time for delivery is 25 minutes followed by 5 minutes for
discussion.  Send your abstract to discog at hufs.ac.kr. The deadline for
abstract submission is March 15, 2001.  The program committee will
notify acceptance by e-mail by early April.

2. Full Paper Submission
Authors of accepted abstracts agree to submit full papers for
publication in Proceedings of the First Seoul International Conference
on Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics. The style sheet will be mailed
to those whose abstracts are accepted. A camera-ready version is due
May 15, 2001.

3. Registration
Preregistration and Registration fees are:
Preregistration*:  $20 (25,000 won)
On-site Registration: $30 (35,000 won) Regular;  $20 (25,000 won)
 (Preregistration is due May 15, 2001.)

4. Venue and Accommodation
The venue of the conference will be New Liberal Arts Bldg
(Shininmoonkwan) of Yonsei University in Seoul. It is about 30 minutes
away by taxi and 45 minutes away by subway from Kimpo International
Airport in Seoul. Participants who need accommodation are requested to
contact the organizing committee discog at hufs.ac.kr by May 15, 2001.

5. Conference Committee
Conference Co-Chairs
  Sung-Yun Bak (Sung Kyun Kwan Univ.)
  Hyon-Sook Shin (Sang Myung Univ.)
Organizing Committee
    Han-gyu Lee (Kyung Hee Univ.)
    Jeong-Woon Park (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
    Mihyun Baek (Chungnam National Univ.)
    Yeon Hee Choi (Ewha Womans Univ.)
    Ki-Sun Hong (Seoul National Univ.)
    Youngjun Jang (Chungang Univ.)
    In-hee Jo (Sun Moon Univ.)
    Doo-shick Kim (Kyungsang National Univ.)
    Ki-Hyuk Kim (Kyunghee Univ.)
    Kunsoo Kim (Kangwon Univ.)
    Kyoung-ae Kim (Hankyong Univ.)
    Myung-Hee Kim (Hanyang Univ.)
    Young-Wha Kim (Hallym Univ.)
    Jeong-Hwa Lee (Sogang Univ.)
    Ki-Gap Lee (Mokpo National Univ.)
    Soonpyo Moon (Jeonju Univ.)
    Seongha Rhee (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
    Kyong-Sook Song (Dong-eui Univ.)
    Kyung-Hee Suh (Hankuk Univ. of Foreing Studies)
    Seok-Hoon You (Korea Univ.)
    Sungkyu Yun (Sun Moon Univ.)

Editorial Committee
 Co-Chairs: Euiyon Cho (Dongguk Univ.)
            Ji-ryong Lim (Kyungpook National Univ.)
    Hui-Ja Chung (Pusan Univ. of Foreign Studies)
    So-Woo Chung (Sungshin Women's Univ.)
    Hung-Soo Kim (Kookmin Univ.)
    Kyu-Hyun Kim (Kyung Hee Univ.)
    Hyun Jung Koo (Sang Myung Univ.)
    Jang-song Lee (Korea Military Academy)
    Heisoon Yang (Ewha Womans Univ.)

Advisory Committee:
    Choon-Hak Cho (University of Hawaii)
    Tae-ok Kim (Sokang Univ.)
    Chungmin Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
    Keedong Lee (Yeonsei Univ.)
    Maeng-sung Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
    Ki-Shim Nam (Yonsei Univ.)

6. Further Information:
To obtain further information about the Conference please visit
http://www.discog.com  or  contact
discog at hufs.ac.kr.

The Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics Society of Korea
c/o School of English
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
270 Imun-dong Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-791, Korea
Main Office: +82 961-4721;  Fax: +82 962-5538
E-mail: discog at hufs.ac.kr

- -------------------------------------------------

The First Seoul International Conference on Discourse and Cognitive
Perspectives for the 21st Century

 Conference Registration Form

Ùp Preregistration
Ùp On-Site Registration

Name             ___________________________________
Affiliation      ___________________________________
Mailing Address  _______________________________________________
e-mail Address   ___________________________________

Preregistration Fee (before May 15, 2001)
        _______$20; _______25,000 won
On-Site Registration Fee
        _______$30; _______35,000 won  (Regular)
        _______$20; _______25,000 won  (Student)

Send form and a bank draft or a cashier's check payable to Discourse &
Cognitive Linguistics Society of
Korea or DISCOG by May 15, 2001 to:

The Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics Society of Korea
attention: Professor Jeong-Woon Park
c/o School of English
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
270 Imun-dong Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-791, Korea
Main Office: +82 961-4721;  Fax: +82 962-5538
E-mail: discog at hufs.ac.kr

LINGUIST List: Vol-12-78

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