12.248, Qs: Intensifiers/Thai, Coarticulation & Ellision

The LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Jan 30 18:18:17 UTC 2001

LINGUIST List:  Vol-12-248. Tue Jan 30 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 12.248, Qs: Intensifiers/Thai, Coarticulation & Ellision

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            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Date:  Tue, 30 Jan 2001 14:57:18 +0700
From:  "Panuwat  Klubsri-on" <klubsri-on at chaiyomail.com>
Subject:  Intensifiers in Southern Thai Dialect

Date:  Tue, 30 Jan 2001 07:35:34 -0400
From:  Alain Thériault <theriaal at MAGELLAN.UMontreal.CA>
Subject:  "Coarticualtion" with silenced vowels

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 30 Jan 2001 14:57:18 +0700
From:  "Panuwat  Klubsri-on" <klubsri-on at chaiyomail.com>
Subject:  Intensifiers in Southern Thai Dialect

Dear LINGUIST members,

I interested in intensifiers in Soutern Thai dialect and I take this
subject for my M.A.thesis. I'd like to find out the devices of these
intensifiers how they come and I'd like to know more about intensifiers
in another languages in order to compare with The Thai language. I would
be grateful if you point us to any work on this topic Please reply
directly to me at:

pattrawan_k at hotmail.com

Thank you very much

Pattrawan Klubsri-on
Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 30 Jan 2001 07:35:34 -0400
From:  Alain Thériault <theriaal at MAGELLAN.UMontreal.CA>
Subject:  "Coarticualtion" with silenced vowels

Dear fellow list members

In Quebec French, interconsonantic high vowels are not pronounced in
unstressed positions. For instance, "université" (university) is
pronunced [ynvErste] ([ynivErsite] in slow speech). There is also a
phenomenon of affrication of dental stops in front of front high
vowels. For instance, "parti" (party): [partsi], "perdu" (lost)
[pErdzy]. In the case of dental stops immediatly preceding
interconsonantic non-stressed high vowels, both phenomenons are
present, i.e. there is affrication of the dental stop and ellision of
the vowel. For instance "tituber" (having "soft" legs) [tstsbe]
([tsitsybe] in slow speech]. In this case, although there is an
absence of the vowel, the rounding corresponding to the ellided vowel
is present in the consonant.

There is also a phenomenon of retro-assimilation of voicing between
the consonants on each sides of the ellided vowel. "invité" (invited)
[e~fte] ([e~vite] in slow speech) (where ~ marks the nasal feature of
the immediatly precedind segment).

Does any of you know of any similar phenomenons in other languages?
Are there other instances of coarticulation with an absent segment?

I'll make  a resume of the responses

Alain Thériault
Ph.D. Student (Linguistics)
Université de Montréal

LINGUIST List: Vol-12-248

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