12.1904, Qs: Recording Voice Files, Double "be" Construction

The LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Jul 26 02:38:48 UTC 2001

LINGUIST List:  Vol-12-1904. Wed Jul 25 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 12.1904, Qs: Recording Voice Files, Double "be" Construction

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            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Date:  Wed, 25 Jul 2001 15:12:01 -0500
Subject:  rerecording files

Date:  Wed, 25 Jul 2001 23:51:25 +0200
From:  Joseph Hilferty <hilferty at fil.ub.es>
Subject:  Query: Double "BE" construction

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 25 Jul 2001 15:12:01 -0500
Subject:  rerecording files

Dear Colleagues,

I am trying to re-record analogue voice files to digital files and transfer
them via the Internet.  Do you have any suggestions?


-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 25 Jul 2001 23:51:25 +0200
From:  Joseph Hilferty <hilferty at fil.ub.es>
Subject:  Query: Double "BE" construction

Dear LINGUIST Listers,

I am currently working on the double-BE construction, i.e.,
structures that have a redundant copula such as in the following

 - The thing is, is that we need more money.

This construction was discussed some ten years ago here on the


but, unfortunately, there are certain points that remain less than

I therefore would be very grateful if any "native double-BE speakers"
could give me their grammaticality/acceptability judgments on the data
in the questionnaire below.

Please, respond to:

hilferty at fil.ub.es
I'll certainly be willing to share the results with anyone who is


Joe Hilferty
	             Questionnaire for Native Double-BE Speakers
	Please mark the following sentences as:
	  - GOOD (= not odd at all)
	  - ?    (=slightly odd)
	  - ??   (= odd)
	  - ?*   (= tending towards ungrammatical or unacceptable)
	  - *    (= ungrammatical or unacceptable)
	Feel free to make any comments that you think are relevant.
	(1) a. The fact of the matter is, was that he didn't tell the truth.
	    b. What amazed me is, was that she didn't like our friends.
	    c. What happened is, was that he lost all his money gambling.
	(2) a. The fact of the matter was, is that he didn't tell the truth.
	    b. What amazed me was, is that she didn't like our friends.
	    c. What happened was, is that he lost all his money gambling.
	(3) a. The fact of the matter is, is that he didn't tell the truth.
	    b. The fact of the matter was, was that he didn't tell the truth.
	(4)  a. What amazed me is, is that she didn't like our friends.
	     b. What amazed me was, was that she didn't like our friends.
	(5)  a. What happened is, is that he lost all his money gambling.
	     b. What happened was, was that he lost all his money gambling.
	Thank-you for your cooperation.

LINGUIST List: Vol-12-1904

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