12.1479, Sum: Negation & Focus
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LINGUIST List: Vol-12-1479. Sun Jun 3 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 12.1479, Sum: Negation & Focus
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Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 00:05:02 +0530
From: "sharbani" <sharbe at vsnl.net>
Subject: Negation & Focus
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 00:05:02 +0530
From: "sharbani" <sharbe at vsnl.net>
Subject: Negation & Focus
A Few days back I had posted the following query to the LINGUIST.
Q1) I am looking for some work on Negation & Focus.
Q2) I have tried downloading Paul Hagstrom's paper on 'Negation Focus &
do-suppport in Korean', but it doesn't work.
I am really overwhelmed by the response. Thank you all very much.
Now, let me handle the answer to Q2) first:
A) Paul Hagstrom wrote back and he gave me the following address of his
B) The following is the address of the web page for for a seminar on
focus that he taught about a year ago.
it has some references on focus.
C) This is the address of the 'Glot International'
One can look at issue 1(7) [it's free for now, though one has to
register to get access] which has an overview article by de
Swart and de
Hoop on focus.
D) He also suggested Jackendoff's 1972 book.
Paul Hagstrom's email address is the following ( I got it wrong at
hagstrom at bu.edu
Tamara Nicole nicol at cogsci.jhu.edu
too gave me the following addresses of Paul Hagstrom.
Paul Hagstrom - Linguistics Papers and Publications
Negation, Focus, and do-Support in Korean
Thanx for clearing the confusion.
Answers to Q1):
A) Wouden A. van der <A.van.der.Wouden at let.rug.nl>
suggested that I should take a look at
Herburger, Helena (2000) What Counts: Focus and
Quantification. (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs # 36.)
The MIT Press. Paperback, xiv + 184 pp.
which was reviewed on Linguist recently. I really really wish I can get
a copy of this book.
B) Dr. Pierre Larriv=E9e
School of Languages and European Studies, Aston University
Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET, United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0)121 359 3621 ext. 5454, Fax +44 (0)121 359 6153
Web http://www.les.aston.ac.uk/staff/pl.html
has suggested the article in English from his following book, which
is in French however.
Pierre Larriv=E9e. 2001. L'interpr=E9tation des phrases
n=E9gatives: port=E9e et foyer des n=E9gations en fran=E7ais.
Collection Champs linguistiques. Paris: Duculot. 242
Some elements of the book are presented in the following English
Pierre Larriv=E9e. 2000. Linguistic Meaning, Knowledge,
and Utterance Interpretation. Bert Peeters (dir.). The
lexicon-encyclopedia interface. Collection Current
Research in the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface.
Oxford: Elsevier. 145-167.
He has been already posted the English article to me.
Thank you very very much.
C)Eitan Grossman <eitan_g_il at yahoo.com> wrote,
I would recommend a paper found in Gideon Goldenberg's
Studies in Semitic Linguistics (Magnes Press). It has
several articles dealing with negation and focus, and
though it brings examples from Semitic languages, it
was written with a general-linguistics audience in
mind. I would especially recommend the article "On
Verb Structure and the Hebrew Verb," and "The
Tautological Infinitive." In addition, I would
investigate the Egyptological writings of HJ Polotsky,
most notably "Etudes du Syntaxe Copte" which has a
great deal on focus and was probably the pioneering
work in any language on the Cleft Sentence .
D) Haihua Pan, Ph.D. <cthpan at cityu.edu.hk>
sent me the following paper:
" Chinese Negation Marker Bu and its association with Focus"
Peppina LEE Po-lun and PAN Haihua
City University of Hongkong
E) And Marc Picard <picard at vax2.concordia.ca>
sent this HUGE MLA database
Record 1 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: Negation and Focus in Hungarian: An Optimality Theory Account
AU: Payne,-John; Chisarik,-Erika
SO: Transactions-of-the-Philological-Society, Cambridge, England (TPS).
2000, 98:1, 185-230
IS: 0079-1636
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 2000
DE: Hungarian-language; syntax-; negation-; and word-order; relationship
to focus-; application of optimality-theory
SQ: 2000-3-5315
UD: 200007
AN: 2000077397
SP$ISSN: 0079-1636
Record 2 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: (Non-)Occurrence of Sentential no in Spanish Negative Sentences
AU: Martin-Gonzalez,-Javier
SO: Transactions-of-the-Philological-Society, Cambridge, England (TPS).
2000, 98:1, 161-83
IS: 0079-1636
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 2000
DE: Spanish-language; syntax-; negation-; negative-sentence;
relationship to topic-; focus-
SQ: 2000-3-4803
UD: 200007
AN: 2000077396
SP$ISSN: 0079-1636
SP$PAGE1: 161
Record 3 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: Adverbials of Aspectual Focus and Negation in Dutch
AU: Smessaert,-Hans
SO: Belgian-Journal-of-Linguistics, Brussels, Belgium (BJL). 1998, 12,
IS: 0774-5141
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1998
DE: Dutch-language; syntax-; aspect-; and negation-; relationship to
SQ: 1999-3-6863
UD: 199910
AN: 1999095793
Record 4 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: Contrastive Focus, French N-Words and Variation
AU: Vinet,-Marie-Therese
SO: Canadian-Journal-of-Linguistics-Revue-Canadienne-de-Linguistique,
3P8, Canada (CJL). 1998 Mar, 43:1, 121-41
IS: 0008-4131
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1998
DE: French-language-Modern; French-Canadian-dialect; syntax-; negation-;
relationship to contrastive-stress; semantics-; application of
SQ: 1999-3-8447
UD: 199911
AN: 1999014168
SP$ISSN: 0008-4131
SP$PAGE1: 121
Record 5 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: Individual and Functional Readings for Focus, Wh- and Negative
Operators: Evidence from Greek
AU: Tsimpli,-Ianthi-Maria
SO: 197-227 IN Brian-Joseph-D. (ed. and introd.); Horrocks-Geoffrey-C.
(ed. and introd.); Philippaki-Warburton-Irene (ed. and introd.). Themes
in Greek Linguistics, II. Amsterdam, Netherlands : Benjamins, 1998. x,
335 pp.
6N5, Canada (CILT); 159
IS: 0304-0763
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1998
DE: Greek-language-Modern; syntax-; negation-; relationship to focus-;
SQ: 1998-3-7502
UD: 199810
AN: 1998095955
Record 6 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: Negation and Predication
AU: Stroik,-Thomas
SO: Linguistic-Analysis, Vashon, WA (LingA). 1997, 27:3-4, 245-68
IS: 0098-9053
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1997
DE: English-language-Modern; syntax-; negation-; as focus-; relationship
to predication-
SQ: 1998-3-6367
UD: 199809
AN: 1998095505
SP$ISSN: 0098-9053
SP$PAGE1: 245
Record 7 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: The Negation maasii in a Yaafi'i Dialect (Yemen); Papers from the
Ninth Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics
AU: Vanhove,-Martine
SO: 195-206 IN Eid-Mushira (ed. and introd.); Parkinson-Dilworth (ed.
and introd.). Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics, IX. Amsterdam,
Netherlands : Benjamins, 1996. vii, 249 pp.
6N5, Canada (CILT); 141
IS: 0304-0763
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1996
DE: Arabic-language-Modern; Yemen-; Yaafi'-; syntax-; negation-;
relationship to focus-; speaker-attitude; morphology-; dialectology-
SQ: 1997-3-10606
UD: 199707
AN: 1997096507
Record 8 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: The Role of Focus in the Licensing and Interpretation of Negative
Polarity Items; Selected Papers from the Colloquium "Negation: Syntax
and Semantics," Ottawa, 11-13 May 1995
AU: Rohrbaugh,-Eugene
SO: 311-21 IN Forget-Danielle (ed. and foreword); Hirschbuhler-Paul (ed.
and foreword); Martineau-France (ed. and foreword); Rivero-Maria-Luisa
(ed. and foreword). Negation and Polarity: Syntax and Semantics.
Amsterdam, Netherlands : Benjamins, 1997. viii, 365 pp.
6N5, Canada (CILT); 155
IS: 0304-0763
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1997
DE: English-language-Modern; semantics-; role of focus-; in licensing-;
of negative-polarity; treatment in Kadmon,-Nirit; and Landman,-Fred
SQ: 1997-3-6294
UD: 199705
AN: 1997095544
Record 9 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: The Great Scope Inversion Conspiracy
AU: Buring,-Daniel
SO: Linguistics-and-Philosophy:-An-International-Journal, Rochester, NY
(Ling&P). 1997 Apr, 20:2, 175-94
IS: 0165-0157
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1997
DE: German-language-New-High; syntax-; negation-; and quantifier-;
relationship to scope-; of focus-; topic-
SQ: 1997-3-7546
UD: 199702
AN: 1997094236
SP$ISSN: 0165-0157
SP$PAGE1: 175
Record 10 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: Zum Verhaltnis von Syntax und Pragmatik beim Erstspracherwerb
AU: Bruyere,-Sabine
SO: Wiener-Linguistische-Gazette, Vienna, Austria (WLG). 1989-1990,
45-46, 33-52
LA: German
PT: journal-article
PY: 1989
NT: English summary.
DE: German-language-New-High; syntax-; word-order; and negation-;
relationship to topic-; focus-; syntactic-development
SQ: 1997-3-7570
UD: 199703
AN: 1997090884
Record 11 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: The Acquisition of Scope in L2 German
AU: Becker,-Angelika; Dietrich,-Rainer
SO: LiLi:-Zeitschrift-fur-Literaturwissenschaft-und-Linguistik, Siegen,
Germany (LiLi). 1996 Dec, 26:104, 115-40
IS: 0049-8653
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1996
DE: German-language-New-High; syntax-; negation-; of particle-; of
focus-; relationship to German-language-learning
SQ: 1997-3-7545
UD: 199705
AN: 1997010304
SP$ISSN: 0049-8653
SP$PAGE1: 115
Record 12 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: Topic-Focus Articulation - a Matter of Langue or Parole? The Case of
Negation; Papers in Honour of Hans-Heinrich Lieb on Occasion of His 60th
AU: Hajicova,-Eva
SO: 167-75 IN Sackmann-Robin (ed.); Budde-Monika (asst. ed.);
Lieb-Doczy-Agnes (biog.). Theoretical Linguistics and Grammatical
Description. Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1996. x, 375 pp.
rent-Issues-in-Linguistic-Theory, Amsterdam, Netherlands (CILT); 138
IS: 0304-0763
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1996
DE: language-; syntax-; negation-; relationship to scope-; of focus-;
SQ: 1996-3-3512
UD: 199601
AN: 1996095309
Record 13 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Polarity Items
AU: Krifka,-Manfred
SO: Linguistic-Analysis, Seattle, WA (LingA). 1995, 25:3-4, 209-57
IS: 0098-9053
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1995
DE: English-language-Modern; syntax-; negation-; negative-polarity;
relationship to focus-; pragmatics-
SQ: 1995-3-5612
UD: 199501
AN: 1995076641
SP$ISSN: 0098-9053
SP$PAGE1: 209
Record 14 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: Negation, Focus and Tense: The Arabic Maa and Laa
AU: Ouhalla,-Jamal
SO: Rivista-di-Linguistica, Turin, Italy (RdLing). 1993, 5:2, 275-300
IS: 1120-2726
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1993
DE: Arabic-language-Modern; syntax-; negation-; relationship to focus-;
SQ: 1995-3-8963
UD: 199501
AN: 1995016181
SP$ISSN: 1120-2726
SP$PAGE1: 275
Record 15 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: Focus, Metalinguistic Negation and Contrastive Negation
AU: Yeh,-Ling-hsia
SO: Journal-of-Chinese-Linguistics, Berkeley, CA (JChinL). 1995 June,
23:2, 42-75
IS: 0091-3723
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1995
DE: Mandarin-language; syntax-; negation-
SQ: 1995-3-8223
UD: 199501
AN: 1995011980
SP$ISSN: 0091-3723
SP$PAGE1: 42
Record 16 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: Focus in Quechua
AU: Muysken,-Pieter
SO: 375-93 IN Kiss-Katalin-E. (ed.). Discourse Configurational
Languages. New York : Oxford UP, 1995. 393 pp.
SE: Oxford-Studies-in-Comparative-Syntax
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1995
DE: Quechua-language; syntax-; focus-; evidentiality-; relationship to
question-; negation-
SQ: 1995-3-9122
UD: 199501
AN: 1995011629
Record 17 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: No . . . pas in Catalan and the Structure of NegP
AU: Espanol-Echevarria,-Manuel
SO: Romance-Linguistics-and-Literature-Review, Los Angeles, CA (RL&LR).
1993 Fall, 6, 1-16
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1993
DE: Catalan-language; syntax-; negation-; relationship to focus-
SQ: 1994-3-8094
UD: 199401
AN: 1994015110
Record 18 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: Les Lectures de ne . . . pas: Elements d'une explication modulaire
AU: Nolke,-Henning
SO: LINX 1994, Supp., 223-34
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1994
NT: Eng. sum., 382-83.
DE: French-language-Modern; syntax-; negation-; relationship to focus-;
scope-; study example metalinguistic-negation
SQ: 1994-3-7959
UD: 199401
AN: 1994012470
Record 19 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: Some Pragmatic Aspects of Negation and Focus in Discourse
AU: Takahara,-Paul-O.
SO: III: 261-64 IN Crochetiere-Andre (ed.); Boulanger-Jean-Claude (ed.);
Ouellon-Conrad (ed.); Auger-Pierre (opening & conclusion);
Gervais-Michel (opening); Robins-Robert-W. (opening & conclusion);
Fromkin-Victoria (conclusion); Hewson-John (conclusion). Actes du XVe
Congres International des Linguistes, Quebec, Universite Laval, 9-14
aout 1992: Les Langues menacees/Endangered Languages: Proceedings of the
XVth International Congress of Linguists, Quebec, Universite Laval, 9-14
August 1992. Sainte-Foy : PU Laval, 1993. xxxiv, 424 + x, 406 + xiii,
542 + xii, 498 pp.
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1993
DE: English-language-Modern; and Japanese-language; syntax-; negation-;
relationship to focus-
SQ: 1993-3-6961
UD: 199301
AN: 1993013917
Record 20 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: Focus and Presupposition in Dynamic Interpretation
AU: Krifka,-Manfred
SO: =
Study-of-the-Semantics-of-Natural-Language, Oxford, England (JoS). 1993,
10:4, 269-300
IS: 0167-5133
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1993
NT: Cont. from "A Compositional Semantics for Multiple Focus
Constructions." Linguistische Berichte. 1992; Supp. 4.
DE: English-language-Modern; semantics-; focus-; relationship to
negation-; presupposition-; anaphora-; dynamic-approach
SQ: 1993-3-6481
UD: 199301
AN: 1993012780
SP$ISSN: 0167-5133
SP$PAGE1: 269
Record 21 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: Scope of Negation and Focus in Gullah
AU: Mufwene,-Salikoko-S.
SO: 95-116 IN Byrne-Francis (ed.); Winford-Donald (ed.). Focus and
Grammatical Relations in Creole Languages. Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1993.
xvi, 329 pp.
SE: Creole-Language-Library, Amsterdam, Netherlands (CLL); 12
IS: 0920-9026
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1993
DE: English-language-Modern; Gullah-English-Creole-language; syntax-;
negation-; and focus-; relationship to morphology-
SQ: 1993-3-6959
UD: 199301
AN: 1993012298
Record 22 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1991-2001/03
TI: On the Focus of the Sentence Using 'NODA'
AU: Horikawa,-Tomoya
SO: Language-and-Culture, Sapporo, Japan (Lang&C). 1990, 19, 91-107
IS: 0286-3855
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1990
NT: In Jap.; Eng. sum.
DE: Japanese-language; syntax-; negation-; relationship to
nominalization-; focus-; scope-
SQ: 1991-3-9853
UD: 199101
AN: 1991094223
Record 23 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1990
TI: Scope of Negation and Focus of Negation Revisited
AU: Xu,-Shenghuan
SO: Waiguoyu, Beijing, China (Waiguoyu). 1990 Oct., 5:69, 17-27
IS: 1004-5139
LA: Chinese
PT: journal-article
PY: 1990
NT: In Chin.
DE: English-language-Modern; syntax-; negation-
SQ: 1990-3-7063
UD: 199001
AN: 1990075583
SP$PAGE1: 17
Record 24 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1990
TI: Amn't I, or the Hole in the Pattern
AU: Francis,-W.-Nelson
SO: 141-152 IN Viereck-Wolfgang (ed. & introd.). Focus on England and
Wales. Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1985. 304 pp.
SE: Varieties-of-English-Around-the-World, Amsterdam, Netherlands
(VEAW); G4
IS: 0172-7362
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1985
DE: English-language-Modern; British-English-dialect; morphology-;
negation-; in first-person-singular
SQ: 1985-3-5181
UD: 198501
AN: 1985014795
Record 25 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1990
TI: Focus and Negation
AU: Hajicova,-Eva
SO: 83-115 IN Zampolli-Antonio (ed.). Linguistic Structures Processing.
Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1977. xii, 585 pp.
SE: Fundamental-Studies-in-Computer-Science; 5
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1977
DE: language-; semantics-; focus-; negation-; theories of
SQ: 1981-3-3277
UD: 198101
AN: 1981004239
Record 26 of 26 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1990
TI: Modifiers in Co-Operation: Negation, Aspect, Focus and Modality in
AU: Gebauer,-Margaret-S.-C.-See
SO: Cornell-Working-Papers-in-Linguistics, Ithaca, NY 1980, 1, 175-95
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1980
DE: Chinese-languages; Mandarin-language
SQ: 1980-3-12601
UD: 198001
AN: 1980312601
Once again, you have all been extremely helpful. I can't ask for more.
sharbe at vsnl.net
(Contact address)
D-84, 'Matri Mandir', Sector-IX,
New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad--201,009,
U.P. India.
C/o Centre for Applied Linguistics & Translation Studies
University Of Hyderabad
Hyderabad-500,046. A.P.
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