12.659, Qs: Entity Reference, Online Phonetic Transparency

The LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Sun Mar 11 17:12:07 UTC 2001

LINGUIST List:  Vol-12-659. Sun Mar 11 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 12.659, Qs: Entity Reference, Online Phonetic Transparency

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From:  Gregory Ward <ward at pg-13.ling.nwu.edu>
Subject:  Entity reference/nominal expressions

Date:  Sat, 10 Mar 2001 11:50:46 -0800
From:  Chris Wen-Chao Li <wenchao at sfsu.edu>
Subject:  online phonetic transparency

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

From:  Gregory Ward <ward at pg-13.ling.nwu.edu>
Subject:  Entity reference/nominal expressions


I am looking for examples from any language of nominal (or nominal-like)
referring expressions (e.g. definite descriptions, demonstratives,
pronouns, proper names) that mark reference to specific fictional or
mythical entities differently than reference to "real world" entities. I
am only interested in entity reference (vs. event reference) and in
nominal expressions (vs. modals/verbs/predicates). Thanks!

I will be happy to post (what I expect will be) a (very short) summary.


Gregory Ward
Professor and Chair

Department of Linguistics
Northwestern University
2016 Sheridan Road
Evanston IL  60208-4090

e-mail: gw at northwestern.edu
tel: 847-491-8055
fax: 847-491-3770
www: http://www.ling.northwestern.edu/~ward

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Sat, 10 Mar 2001 11:50:46 -0800
From:  Chris Wen-Chao Li <wenchao at sfsu.edu>
Subject:  online phonetic transparency

I am looking for literature documenting or explaining the tendency for
online writing (email, chat, instant messaging) to be phonetically more
transparent, e.g., to favor phonetically-transparent non-standard forms
over standard conventions, and to record pragmatic hedges and non-word
vocalizations where they would normally be left out in traditional writing.
This appears to be a tendency that holds across languages, regardless of
the nature of the writing system. I would appreciate any references to
published material on this topic, preferably within the last 3 years.

Thank you,

Chris Wen-Chao Li
San Francisco State University
wenchao at sfsu.edu

LINGUIST List: Vol-12-659

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