12.699, Calls: Contrastive Analysis, Nigerian Sociolinguistics

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Wed Mar 14 03:24:31 UTC 2001

LINGUIST List:  Vol-12-699. Tue Mar 13 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 12.699, Calls: Contrastive Analysis, Nigerian Sociolinguistics

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
	Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

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	Karen Milligan, WSU 		Naomi Ogasawara, EMU
	Lydia Grebenyova, EMU		Jody Huellmantel, WSU
	James Yuells, WSU		Michael Appleby, EMU
	Marie Klopfenstein, WSU		Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U.

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Date:  Wed, 07 Mar 2001 14:18:49 +0100
From:  Dirk NOEL <dirk.noel at rug.ac.be>
Subject:  Contrastive Analysis and Linguistic Theory

Date:  Mon, 12 Mar 2001 09:12:06 -0800
From:  Charles Mann <Charles.Mann at surrey.ac.uk>
Subject:  Nigerian Millennium Sociolinguistics Conference

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 07 Mar 2001 14:18:49 +0100
From:  Dirk NOEL <dirk.noel at rug.ac.be>
Subject:  Contrastive Analysis and Linguistic Theory

First announcement

The 2nd International CoLLaTE Colloquium

"Contrastive Analysis and Linguistic Theory"

GHENT, Belgium
September 21 & 22, 2001

The CoLLaTE research network on contrastive linguistics is pleased to
announce the Second International Collate Colloquium, organized with the
support of the Flemish Fund for Scientific Research, with the aim of
providing a forum for discussion on the contribution of contrastive
linguistics to general linguistic theory.

Some twenty speakers have been invited to contribute papers to one of
the following half-day thematic sessions :

1. Morphology (with special attention to deverbal nominals)
2. Syntax  (with special attention to word order)
3. Semantics and lexicon (with special attention to semantic primitives
and meaning extensions)
4. Text and discourse

The following people have already accepted to participate :

- M. Erdal (Frankfurt, Germany), N. S. Kabuta (Ghent, Belgium), S.
Markantonatou (Athens, Greece), K. Paykin (Lille, France), P. Sleeman
(Amsterdam, The Netherlands) (for the morphology session);
- F. Newmeyer (Seattle, USA), K. Lambrecht (Austin, USA), A. Siewierska
(Lancaster, UK), B. Primus (Köln, Germany) (for the syntax session) ;
- C. Goddard (Armidale, Australia), J. Pustejowski (Brandeis, USA),  J.
van der Auwera (Antwerp, Belgium), B. Victorri ( Paris, France) (for the
semantics session);
- A. Chesterman (Helsinki, Finland), M. Clyne (Melbourne, Australia), J.
Delin (Stirling, UK), C. Ilie (Stockholm, Sweden), A. Jucker (Giessen,
Germany) (for the session on discourse).

Organizing Committee :

The steering committee of CoLLaTE
(http://bank.rug.ac.be/contragram/collate.html) and Contragram
(http://bank.rug.ac.be/contragram) : Bart Defrancq, Timothy Colleman,
Dirk Noel, Johan Taeldeman, Anne-Marie Vandenbergen, Dominique Willems.

For further information, visit the CoLLaTE home page :

A second circular with  program and registration details will be sent
out at the end of April.

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 12 Mar 2001 09:12:06 -0800
From:  Charles Mann <Charles.Mann at surrey.ac.uk>
Subject:  Nigerian Millennium Sociolinguistics Conference

******************************CALL FOR PAPERS**************************

The Nigerian Millennium Sociolinguistics Conference
(16-18 August, 2001; University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria.)

This conference is being organized in the spirit and framework of the
Federal University of Surrey collaboration, and as a contribution to
academic and research promotion and revival on the African continent. The
initiators of the conference are: Dr. Charles C. Mann, School of Language,
Law & International Studies, University of Surrey, Guildford, and Dr. 'Tope
Omoniyi, School of English & Modern Languages, University of Surrey,

Aim and scope of the conference
This conference aims to bring together local and international scholars in
the field of sociolinguistics. It will provide a forum for participants to
engage on current issues of disciplinary and interdisciplinary interests
that are particularly relevant to Nigeria's historical, political,
economic, socio-cultural, educational and language contexts. Any treatment
of traditional sociolinguistic issues around the set of themes/sub-themes
below will be acceptable, including work in the area of language education
and discourse and conversational analysis. Priority will be given to papers
that are data-driven and based on actual field research/survey.

1. The impact of political alignments and realignments during forty years
of independence on ethnolinguistic identities.
2. The role of indigenous languages in national life at the turn of the
3. The intellectualization of indigenous languages in Nigeria.
4. Evolving language use in social domains and specific institutional
5. The competing roles of globalization via popular culture (e.g., American
and British cultural and linguistic influences) in fashioning language use
in Nigeria.
6. Language contact and contact varieties in Nigeria: dynamics, form,
functions and status (e.g., in relation to English).
7. Marginality and ethnicity within the Nigerian political structure (e.g.,
are there endangered languages in Nigeria?). Issues of language shift and
language maintenance and the applicability of Fishman's (1991; 2000)
Reversal Model.
8. French as an official language of Nigeria.
9. The roles of the British Council, Alliance Française and Goethe Institut
in the light of paradigm of linguistic imperialism (cf. Phillipson, 1992)
and the cultural politics of the English language (cf. Pennycook, 1994).
10. The potential of stronger sub-regional ties (e.g. West African
Parliament; single currency; etc.) in redefining multilingualism and
multilingual education in Nigeria.
11. The degree of harmony, or extent of conflict, between tradition and
modernity in the discourse of gender and generation in private and public
12. Language attitudes toward ethnic languages and English in contexts of
daily sociocommunication, language education and language policy/planning.

Participation is invited from all members of the Nigerian academia,
especially members of the Nigeria English Studies Association (NESA) and
the Nigeria Linguistics Association (NLA), as well as scholars in the
international community, whose area of interest is Nigeria or sub-Saharan
Invited Plenary Speakers
· Professor Ayo Bamgbose (University of Ibadan, Nigeria)
· Professor Robert Phillipson (Roskilde University Copenhagen, Denmark)
· Professor Tove Skutnabb-Kangas (Roskilde University Copenhagen, Denmark)
· Professor Jan Blommaert (University of Ghent, Belgium)
· Professor Nkonko Kamwangamalu (University of Natal, Durban, South Africa)

Abstracts submission
Send your abstracts, registration details (and enquiries) to either:

Dr. Segun Awonusi,
Department of English,
University of Lagos,
Akoka, Lagos,
E-mail address: segunawo at unilag.edu

or to:

Dr. 'Tope Omoniyi,
School of English and Modern Languages,
University of Surrey Roehampton, UK.
Tel. 44-(0) 20-8392-3416
Fax: 44-(0) 20-8392-3146
E-mail address: T.omoniyi at roehampton.ac.uk
(Visit http://www.surrey.ac.uk/LIS/slis.htm for copy of Conference
Registration Form.)

Deadline for submission of abstracts
Friday, 15th April, 2001.
Authors of selected abstracts will be informed shortly after the deadline.
Kindly provide an e-mail address or fax number, whenever possible, to
facilitate speedy communication.

Conference Registration  & Fee
Pre-Conference registration details should be sent to the two co-ordinators
above on the Conference Registration Form. On-site registration is also

The Conference fee is: 1,000 naira (local presenters/participants); or,
                       US$30 (overseas presenters/participants).
 (Registration is free for local students, on production of valid ID.)

It is the intention of the conference co-ordinators to award a number of
scholarships (in form of a fixed sum of reimbursement) to local presenters
to cover some of their attendance costs. However, only those, whose
abstracts are selected for presentation, and whose papers (full texts) are
received by end of July, 2001, will qualify for scholarships.

It is the hope of the conference co-ordinators that a selection of papers
from the conference will be offered to an internationally prestigious
publisher (e.g., John Benjamins) for publication in book form, to appear in

LINGUIST List: Vol-12-699

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