12.2432, Calls: Baltic Lang, Arabic Processing
linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Oct 2 19:51:53 UTC 2001
LINGUIST List: Vol-12-2432. Tue Oct 2 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 12.2432, Calls: Baltic Lang, Arabic Processing
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
Editors (linguist at linguistlist.org):
Karen Milligan, WSU Naomi Ogasawara, EMU
Jody Huellmantel, WSU James Yuells, WSU
Michael Appleby, EMU Marie Klopfenstein, WSU
Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U. Heather Taylor-Loring, EMU
Dina Kapetangianni, EMU Richard Harvey, EMU
Karolina Owczarzak, EMU Renee Galvis, WSU
Software: John Remmers, E. Michigan U. <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
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Editor for this issue: Renee Galvis <renee at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 10:27:42 -0400
From: Steven Young <young at umbc.edu>
Subject: 18th Conference on Baltic Studies
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 22:52:18 +0000
From: brahem <brahem at irsit.rnrt.tn>
Subject: The Processing Of Arabic
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 10:27:42 -0400
From: Steven Young <young at umbc.edu>
Subject: 18th Conference on Baltic Studies
Call for Papers: 18th Conference on Baltic Studies--LINGUISTICS DIVISION,
Johns Hopkins University (Homewood campus), Baltimore, MD, June 6-8, 2002.
We invite proposals for papers dealing with any linguistic aspect of the
languages spoken in the Baltic region. Papers have traditionally dealt
with historical linguistic issues in Lithuanian/Latvian/Old Prussian and
Balto-Slavic; and Estonian and Finnish. Please send proposals by December
14th, 2001 to: Steven Young, Dept. of Modern Languages, University of
Maryland Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250. For
more information, contact Steven Young <young at umbc.edu>, 410-455-2117
(voice mail).
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 22:52:18 +0000
From: brahem <brahem at irsit.rnrt.tn>
Subject: The Processing Of Arabic
First Call for Papers
17-20 April 2002
Organized by Faculty of letters, La Manouba.
Department of Arabic, University of Manouba 2001,
The conference aims at (i) presenting the state of the art in the Arabic
language processing and strengthing relations between the two
communities of researchers in linguistics and NLP at large, (ii)
sharing information and expertise in order to develop a common view on
Arabic language processing, (iii) identifying problems of common
interest between the two communities and exam the possibilities of
setting up joint projects.
The scientific program will include several invited lectures as well as
submitted paper presentations. Submitted papers will be published in a
volume of proceedings.
- Treatment of morphology, syntax, semantics... etc
- Electronic Arabic corpora for lexicography
- Methods and tools for Arabic corpus processing
- Acquisition and reusability of lexicography resources
- Annotation of Arabic resources
- Recognition of lexical units in text
- Monolingual and multilingual lexicography
- Arabic language teaching (applications...)
We invite submissions of anonymous abstracts of maximum 2-page length,
accompanied by a separate sheet indicating name, address and affiliation
of the author(s) together with the title of the abstract.
Abstracts may be submitted either by post or preferably by e-mail .
The Scientific Committee will referee all abstracts.
All submissions should begin with the following information:
Title: title of paper
Author(s): names of author(s)
Affiliation: of author(s)
Contact address: full postal address
E-mail: electronic mail address of main author (for contact),
followed by other authors (if any)
Fax number: of main author
Phone number: of main author
Electronic submissions should be sent to:
brahem at irsit.rnrt.tn
with the subject line "Manouba 2002"
Submissions by post should be addressed to:
Faculté des Lettres la Manouba
Departement d'arabe (Colloque 2002)
2010 LA Manouba
Submission of abstracts: November 30, 2001
Notification of acceptance: December 20, 2001
Final text: January 20, 2002
The official languages of the colloque will be Arabic, French and
The full registration fee : 100 Tunisian Dinars (80 US Dollars)
The conference will be held at the FLM (faculté des Lettres , La
located on the Tunis district, 20 km from the capital center.
Abdelkader Mhiri (FLM - University of Manouba, Tunisia)
Abelmajid Ben Hamadou (FSEG - Sfax - University of the South, Tunisia)
André Jaccarini (Univ. d'Aix - France)
Chafia Mankai (ISG - University of Tunis, Tunisia)
Jean- Pierre Desclé (CNRS / Univ. Paris-Sorbonne, France)
Josef Dichy (Univ. Lyon 2 - France)
Lamia Labed (ISG - University of Tunis, Tunisia)
Mohammad Hassoun (ENSSIB, France)
Mustafa Yassine (- FIT - University of Amman, Jordan)
Nadia Hegazy (ERI, Egypt)
Nour Eddine Ellouz (ENIT - University of Carthage, Tunisia)
Salem Ghazali (ISL - University of Carthage, Tunisia)
Slah Eddine Chrif (FLM - University of Manouba, Tunisia)
Abdelfattah Braham (FLM - University of Manouba, Tunisia)
LINGUIST List: Vol-12-2432
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