12.2226, Calls: Int Circle Korean Ling/19th Scand Conf of Ling

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Sep 12 19:21:26 UTC 2001

LINGUIST List:  Vol-12-2226. Wed Sep 12 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 12.2226, Calls: Int Circle Korean Ling/19th Scand Conf of Ling

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            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

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	Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

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	Michael Appleby, EMU		Marie Klopfenstein, WSU
	Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U.	Heather Taylor-Loring, EMU
	Dina Kapetangianni, EMU		Richard Harvey, EMU
	Karolina Owczarzak, EMU		Renee Galvis, WSU

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Date:  Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:12:49 -0500
From:  "David J. Silva" <david at ling.uta.edu>
Subject:  International Circle of Korean Linguistics (ICKL)

Date:  Wed, 12 Sep 2001 18:32:46 +0200
From:  Peter Svenonius <peter.svenonius at hum.uit.no>
Subject:  19th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:12:49 -0500
From:  "David J. Silva" <david at ling.uta.edu>
Subject:  International Circle of Korean Linguistics (ICKL)

The International Circle of Korean Linguistics (ICKL) solicits abstracts for
its 13th International Conference to be held on July 8-11 in Olso, Norway.
Papers on areas of Korean linguistics are welcome.  For the complete text of
the call for papers, visit the ICKL Home Page:  http://www.ickl.net

- David J. Silva

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 12 Sep 2001 18:32:46 +0200
From:  Peter Svenonius <peter.svenonius at hum.uit.no>
Subject:  19th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics


will take place at the University of Tromsoe, Norway, on January 10-12 2002.

Abstracts are invited for 30 minute papers (plus discussion) on all
subfields of linguistics.

Keynote speakers:
*John A. Hawkins (U. Southern California) 'Symmetries and Asymmetries
across Grammars: Some Parsing Predictions'
*Kyle Johnson (UMass Amherst) 'An Etiology of Islands'
*Christer Platzack (U. Lund) 'A TP between vP and VP: Aspect, Case, and
Burzio's Generalization'
*Anders Holmberg (U. Tromsoe/Durham) 'Questions, polarity, and T-to-C
movement in Finnic and Germanic'
*Paul Kiparsky (Stanford U.) TBA
*Paula Fikkert (U. Nijmegen) TBA

Abstract Deadline: October 1, 2001

The conference will consist of a general session plus four workshops on
specific themes. Abstracts for the main session and for the workshops
should be one page in length (some extra space may be used to accommodate
references and examples) and should include the speaker's name,
affiliation, and contact address (e-mail preferred).

Abstracts for the main session should be sent to:

	SCLabstract at hum.uit.no

They should contain the expression "Abstract" in the subject line and
should be in one of the following formats: pdf, rtf, MS Word, or plain text
in the body of the e-mail. Abstracts for the workshops should be sent to
the individual addresses given below under each workshop description.

We have a limited number of stipends for students from the Nordic
countries, the Baltic countries, and Russia who present papers in the main
session or in the workshops, to offset the costs of travel and
accommodation. We may also have travel stipends for students from the
former Yugoslavia (excluding Slovenia) and from Albania, but we will not
know until December whether that money is granted.

Organized by Katrin Hiietam (University of Manchester) and Elsi Kaiser
(University of Pennsylvania)

The aims are to investigate and increase general awareness of the
structure of Finnic languages (Finnish, Estonian, Sami, Veps,
Livonian, etc.) from a synchronic and diachronic point of view, to
present new data on the topic, and to bring together scholars working
on issues on Finnic linguistics.

We welcome typological descriptive papers as well as papers from any
theoretical framework.

Address abstracts to: Finnic_workshop at hotmail.com
Abstracts should be one page, but a second page is permitted for examples
and references.
The abstracts should preferably be sent as Word attachments.

Abstracts must be received by October 1st.

Organized by Marit Richardsen Westergaard, University of Tromsø

The workshop will cover several aspects of first language acquisition.
Abstracts dealing with the acquisition of syntax, phonology, morphology,
semantics and pragmatics will be considered, as well as topics such as
bilingual acquisition, language disorders, the significance of the input,
and the role of language acquisition in language change.

Address abstracts to: L1abstract at hum.uit.no
Abstracts should otherwise follow the guidelines for the main session
Abstracts must be received by October 1st

Organized by Jens Normann Jørgensen, Københavns Universitet

The study of adolescent languge and specifically the mulitilingual behavior
of adolescents in the Nordic countries has flourished in the past decade,
under inspiration from groundbreaking publications such as Kotsinas 1994
and Boyd 1985. The UNO project under the leadership of Kotsinas has also
been productive in this field, and a host of studies has appeared in other
contexts (Türker 2000, Nistov 2001, Møller 2000 and other studies from the
Køge project).

This workshop will focus on adolescents' integration of first language,
second language, and foreign language items in their linguistic behavior.
We will primarily look at behavior in groups. Several Nordic studies will
be presented, and theories, methods, data, as well as results will be

The format of the workshop will be short presentations and comments
followed by open discussion. Participants will be able to prepare by
reading the papers in advance. Presenters must send in their papers by
October 1st, and the papers will be copied and distributed to the
registered participants in November. The working language of the workshop
will be English.

Persons wishing to submit abstracts should contact the organizer at
normann at hum.ku.dk

Organized by José Deulofeu, Dept. of French Linguistics, Université
Aix-Marseille I

The workshop welcomes papers broadly relevant to syntactic variation
in the sense explored by D. Biber.  According to this approach, it has
been shown in many cases that syntactic constructions which could be
considered mere syntactic variants (e.g. relative clauses with and
without complementizers in English) are not randomly distributed in
samples of corpora belonging to different linguistic registers
(e.g. conversation, scientific prose, news, fiction).

Also welcome are papers showing more generally how a corpus-based
approach can shed light on syntactic analysis issues by revealing new kinds of
empirical evidence.

Appropriate papers might present broad data patterns from corpora or
focus more narrowly on individual constructions.

Abstracts should be sent to jose.deulofeu at wanadoo.fr
Rtf, pdf (Acrobat readable), or PC Word files (up to Word 2000) are preferred.

Abstracts must be received by October 1st

See the conference website for updates:
The conference organizers:
Anders Holmberg, Mona Markussen, Peter Svenonius, Wilma ter Haar
19-SCL at hum.uit.no

LINGUIST List: Vol-12-2226

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