13.922, All: Our improved People and Organizations mini-site
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Apr 3 15:20:59 UTC 2002
LINGUIST List: Vol-13-922. Wed Apr 3 2002. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 13.922, All: Our improved People and Organizations mini-site
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
Editors (linguist at linguistlist.org):
Karen Milligan, WSU Naomi Ogasawara, EMU
James Yuells, EMU Marie Klopfenstein, WSU
Michael Appleby, EMU Heather Taylor-Loring, EMU
Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U. Richard John Harvey, EMU
Dina Kapetangianni, EMU Renee Galvis, WSU
Karolina Owczarzak, EMU
Software: John Remmers, E. Michigan U. <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Gayathri Sriram, E. Michigan U. <gayatri at linguistlist.org>
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Michael Appleby <michael at linguistlist.org>
The 2002 LINGUIST List Fund Drive is now on! We really do need your
support. If you find any of our services useful please make a
donation at http://linguistlist.org/donate.html.
Date: 3 Apr 2002 14:37:19 -0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: Announcing the improved People and Organizations Site
Date: 3 Apr 2002 14:38:05 -0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: Behind the scenes: Student editor Naomi
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: 3 Apr 2002 14:37:19 -0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: Announcing the improved People and Organizations Site
Dear Linguists,
By now many of you may have explored the new area of the LINGUIST site
called "People & Organizations" and found that it not only facilitates
collegial interchange of many sorts, but also offers you a wealth of
information about your colleagues and their professional endeavors.
Whether you want to find housing in Sheffield (NoticeBoard:
http://linguistlist.org/~notice/msg00010.html), the address of the
Argentine Linguistics Society, or projects devoted to sign language,
the "People and Organizations" index page
(http://saussure.linguistlist.org/people/) is the place to start. In
addition to NoticeBoard, Ask-A-Linguist, and of course the LINGUIST
Cookbook, it organizes links to 120 linguistics associations and 175
research sites, professional information on over 5000 linguists, and
the email addresses of 15,500 linguists, in 103 countries of the
However, what we are most proud of - and what we hope you will find
most useful - is the fact that all the information in "People &
qOrganizations" is INTEGRATED, both with other information on our site
(such as publications information) and with information on languages
and linguistic subfields.
So, for example, if you go to our Directory of Linguists
(http://linguistlist.org/personal/) and click first on 'C' then on
"Carnie, Andrew," you'll see that our fellow moderator (who will be
surprised to encounter himself in this example) happens to work on
Celtic. Celtic is clickable on Andrew's directory page; selecting it
will take you to a tree showing the Celtic language family with each
of the branches clickable as well. And if you click all the way to
the ends of the branches you will access - thanks to the generosity of
the Ethnologue, who gave us their database - descriptions of all the
languages in the Celtic group, from Gammon to Irish Traveler's Cant.
Now, if you return to Andrew's page in the LINGUIST directory, you
will find that it is linked to all the books he has announced on
LINGUIST, all the academic papers he has put into our database, the
reviews he has written, and even the abstract of his dissertation,
since it is one of the 571 dissertation abstracts now in our
collection. So one type of integration LINGUIST offers is integration
of information about linguists, their publications, and their language
interests - all available from the relevant LINGUIST Directory pages.
There is another kind of integration, however, which allows you to
retrieve information about people, organizations, projects, and
publications via a language or subfield search. If you want to find
ALL the linguists that work on Celtic languages (or Maori, for that
matter, or Itza, or Kannada, or Japanese ...) all you need to do is
return to the Personal Directory index page and select "Browse by
Subject Language." If you want to find all the books and journals and
dissertation abstracts on Maori, go to the Publications index page
(http://saussure.linguistlist.org/pubs/), scroll to the bottom, and
search by subject language. (We've announced 2 books on Maori, and if
you go to these book announcements, you will find that they in turn
are linked to their reviews and the linguists who reviewed them.)
Similar searches can be performed for linguistic associations and
research sites: are you aware of the project websites devoted to
Maasai, Ladin, and Dutch Sign Language? Or the societies devoted to
Catalan, Pampangan, Motu Hiri, and Western Farsi? Our new site
integration makes it easy to find any project or institution devoted
to a language; in this way, we hope to facilitate your
language-oriented research.
We also hope to facilitate your keeping up with the projects,
societies, people, and publications related to your linguistic
subfield. For example, if you want to find the publications we list on
forensic linguistics (9 books and 1 review), this information is
available via the subfield search on the publications index page. If
you want to find linguists specializing in forensic linguistics, you
can search for these from the Personal Directory index page.
At present there are only 3 forensic linguists listed (as opposed to
about 300 syntacticians); but new entries are currently being added to
our Directory at the rate of about 10 a day. If you have not yet
added your own professional information, please do so by going to the
People & Organizations index page and clicking on "log in." We ask
you to establish a log-in so that you can update your own information
securely. And, as has been the case since LINGUIST's inception,
access to everything on our site is completely free.
However, collecting this amount of professional information, and
organizing it optimally for linguists, can't be done for nothing: it
requires funding. And almost all of our funding comes from the
voluntary donations of subscribers like you. So far we have received
$22,597 of our $48,000 target, and we are extremely grateful to all
our contributors, listed below. However, we are still some way off
the amount we need to continue improving our services. So if you have
done so yet, please support us by going to
http://linguistlist.org/donate.html to send us your pledge. From
there you have the choice of donating straight away by credit card
using our secure form, or you can send us a check later. If you do
send a check, please make it payable in US dollars; we get charged
about $50 a time to convert currency (no such problems with a credit
Alternatively, you can hit "Reply" to this message and send us your
pledge right now by email, prior to sending your check. Then we will
be able to list you immediately as one of our donors; and we may be
able to reach our goal (and halt these Fund Drive messages) a bit
earlier. The address to send checks is as follows:
The LINGUIST Editorial Support Fund
c/o Helen Aristar-Dry
Dept. of English
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsilanti, MI
USA 48197
As a 501(c)3 organization, LINGUIST qualifies for corporate
donation-matching programs; and, of course, your donation is tax
Don't forget that in return for a donation of $25 or more, we would
like to send you a gift. This year, we introduced LINGUIST List tote
bags, which are proving popular thanks to their style, space and
sturdy construction. If you don't have anything to put in them, why
not get a LINGUIST List T-shirt too? Please visit
http://linguistlist.org/premiums.html to see everything we have to
offer. Do let us know in your pledge what you would like. Remember
to include your postal address and what size and style you need.
We at LINGUIST really do appreciate your support. We could not
continue without you.
With our sincere thanks,
Anthony, Helen, Andrew, Karen, Naomi, Heather, James, Michael,
Zhen-Wei, Richard, Karolina, Dina, Renee, Steve, Marie, Gayathri,
John, Ljuba, Terry, Simin, Tomoko.
LINGUIST Contributors
ANGELS ($1000 and over)
Blackwell Publishers
W.V.U. Research Corporation
Linguistic Society of America
Richard Sproat and Chilin Shih
John Benjamins
MAINSTAYS ($100 to $1000)
Monica Macaulay and Joe Salmons
Anthea Fraser Gupta
David D. McDonald
Dr Catherine Walter
Elizabeth D. Liddy
Kevin R. Gregg
Margaret Winters and Geoff Nathan
Ronnie B. Wilbur
Keren Rice
Shirley Silver
Carolyn Green Hartnett
Adam Werle, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Barbara H. Partee
Bruce Fraser
Cathy Wissink
Donna Christian
Ernest McCarus
Interdisciplinary Committee on Linguistics/Arizona State University
James J. Jenkins
Julie Auger
Kathy Jolowicz
Language Learning Center at Michigan State University
Larisa Zlatic
Linda Rashidi
Margaret Winters and Geoff Nathan
Margit Waas
Marianna Pool
Masahide Ishihara
Ms Catherine Fields
Ms Denise Boyd
Paul Chapin
Rebecca Larche Moreton
Robb Watt
Sharon Obeidallah
Suzanne Boyce
Theo Vennemann
E. Wayles Browne, Cornell University
Frances Trix
Mary Bucholtz
Michael Swan
Shanley Allen
- Plus 6 anonymous donors
SUPPORTERS ($50 to $100)
Robert Englebretson
Andy Kehler
Antonella Sorace, University of Edinburgh
Dan Slobin
Wi-vun Taiffalo Chiung
Lachlan Mackenzie
Linda L. Thornburg, Klaus-Uwe Panther
Mary Grenham
Anna-Maria De Cesare
Anne Bezuidenhout
Baden Hughes
Barbara Olson Herrarte
Betty J. Birner
Caroline Heycock
Carolyn Sobel
Catherine Rudin
Christopher Johnson
Dorothy Disterheft
Gerardo Augusto Lorenzino
Greg Kochanski
Heather McCallum Bayliss
Ingo Thonhauser
Julia S. Falk
Kathleen Doty
Kathleen Ward
Laura J. Downing
Laurel Watkins
Laurie Bauer
Loraine K. Obler, Ph.D.
Maite Taboada
Melanie Green
Mr Baden Hughes
Mr Laurent Proulx
Paul Boersma
Pius ten Hacken
Prof. George Aubin
Ray Hudson
Roderick A. Jacobs
Ruth Kempson
Scott McGinnis
Sherri Condon
Stefano Bertolo
Susan Fischer
Thomas L. Cornell
josefa J. Mardijono
Vicky Bergvall
Andreas Schramm
Carol W. Pfaff
Cornelia Tschichold
Dr. MJ Hardman
Francisco Dubert
Gail Stygall
Ingo Plag
Judy Fuller
Junji Kawai
Laura Callahan
Line Mikkelsen
Regina Oakeshott
Sharon Peperkamp
Stefanie Herrmann
Syracuse University
Tom Wasow
Tomoko Yasutake
U. of Nijmegen, dept. of English
Veronika Koller
- Plus 8 anonymous donors
DONORS (Up to $50)
Dr. Sherida Altehenger-Smith
Hilaire Paul Valiquette
Jenifer Larson-Hall
Job M. van Zuijlen
Joseph Eska
Madelyn J. Kissock
Albert Ortmann
Amy Isard
Anastasia Bonch-Osmolovskaja
Antonio Emiliano
Ash Asudeh
Barbara Lust
Bernd Moebius
Betty Phillips
Carol A. Klee
D. Eric Holt
Dave Schneider
Dr Anne Reboul
Earl Hofer
Feride Erku
Fernanda Ferreira
Glenn Ayres
Jeffrey T. Runner
Joana Rossell
Jose-Luis Mendivil
Josep Quer
Kenneth Konopka
Kevin Bretonnel Cohen
M.J. Schreuder
Meredith Doran
Miwa Nishimura
Nancy Niedzielski
Niladri Sekhar Dash
Prof. Lois M. Stanford
Rene J. Valdes
Robert Bayley
Stenstrom, Anna-Brita
Susan Burt
Tadashi Nomoto
Theresa Biberauer
Alana I. Thorpe, PhD
Andrew Koontz-Garboden
Anthony M. Lewis
Camilla Wide
Carol Myers Scotton
Chang S. Lee
Clare Stroud
Claus D. Pusch
Cynthia Edmiston
Dave Robertson
David Gaatone
Dirk Noel
Donald F. Reindl
Gerhardt Cornelia
James Sneddon
Joachim Grabowski
Judith M.S. Pine, George A. Pine
Lynn Santelmann
Mickey Swart
Peter Menzel
Pierre Larrivee
Reiko Hayashi
Ronald Schaefer
Sebastian Ross-Hagebaum
Stanley Dubinsky
Stuart Stewart
Suzanne K. Hilgendorf
V. J. Fedson
Will Fitzgerald
Yi Yuan
anja wanner
D.B. den Ouden
Jila Ghomeshi
Benavides, Carlos
Mayrene Bentley
Rachel Nordlinger
Tor A. Afarli
Uri Strauss
Dr John te Velde
Julie Bruch
Mary C Gruber
Nancy Wiegand
Ute Smit
Caren Brinckmann
Frank Domahs
Michael Kliffer
Thorsten Schroter
Stefan Th. Gries
Adam Przepiorkowski
Adrienne Bruyn
Hortensia Curell
Jean-Marc Dewaele
Max Wheeler
Roser Morante
Simone Mueller,
Benjamin J. Miller
James Sneddon
Richard Page
Abigail Konopasky
Ans van Kemenade
Aoju Chen
Donn Bayard
Ora Matushansky
Vincent A. De Rooij
- Plus 12 anonymous donors
Academic Press
Arnold Publishers
Athelstan Publications
Blackwell Publishers
Cambridge University Press
Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
Distribution Fides
Elsevier Science Ltd.
John Benjamins
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Lincom Europa
MIT Press
Mouton de Gruyter
Multilingual Matters
Oxford UP
Pearson Education
Anthropological Linguistics
CSLI Publications
Cascadilla Press
Finno-Ugrian Society
Graduate Linguistic Students' Assoc., Umass
International Pragmatics Assoc.
Kingston Press Ltd
Linguistic Assoc. of Finland
MIT Working Papers in Linguistics
Pacific Linguistics
Pacini Editore Spa
St. Jerome Publishers
Summer Institute of Linguistics
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics
Virittaja Aikakauslehti
Bowne Global Solutions
Butler Hill Group
Carleton University
Cornell University
East Carolina University
Gallaudet University
Georgetown University
Georgia State University
Hong Kong Applied Science and Tech
Indiana University
Insight Software, Inc
Linguistic Society of America
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Monash University
National University of Singapore
Providence University
Rhetorical Systems Ltd.
Salem International University
San Diego State University
SpeechWorks International
The HW Wilson Co.
Universita Degli Studi di Trento
University of Aberdeen
University of Alberta
University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
University of Cambridge
University of Canterbury
University of Chicago
University of Cyprus
University of Florida
University of Frankfurt
University of Hong Kong
University of Macau, China
University of Manchester
University of Maryland Dental School
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
University of Nijmegen
University of Oregon
University of Ottawa
University of Pittsburgh
University of Rochester
University of Zurich
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: 3 Apr 2002 14:38:05 -0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: Behind the scenes: Student editor Naomi
Dear subscribers,
We thought you'd like to hear from some of the students your funds are
supporting. So this year each fund drive issue will include a brief
paragraph from one of our editors telling you, their sponsors, about
their work with LINGUIST.
And now, a few words from Naomi Ogasawara...
I am proud to know that we at LINGUIST List have been making a great
contribution to the linguistic community through our services. That
makes me feel that I am connected with thousands of linguists all over
the world, and that I am a part of the community.
Before working for LINGUIST List, I had never touched a computer--no
computer experience at all. Now I am involved in creating our new
websites! I still have tons of things to learn, but I am surprised
how much I have improved my computer skills. I am really grateful to
LINGUIST List for giving me the great opportunity to study linguistics
and also to learn computer skills.
Another good thing is the people. I really enjoy working with the
wonderful crew. When the day comes for me to leave LINGUIST List, I
am sure I will cry a lot.
Naomi Ogasawara
To make a donation to LINGUIST, go to:
To see and read more about Naomi, go to:
LINGUIST List: Vol-13-922
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