13.1000, Calls: Formal Grammar, Hybrid Logic
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Fri Apr 12 02:02:26 UTC 2002
LINGUIST List: Vol-13-1000. Thu Apr 11 2002. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 13.1000, Calls: Formal Grammar, Hybrid Logic
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 15:28:15 +0300 (IDT)
From: Shuly Wintner <shuly at cs.haifa.ac.il>
Subject: Call for Papers: Formal Grammar
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 19:34:34 +0200
From: Methods for Modalities <m4m at science.uva.nl>
Subject: Final Call for Papers HyLo at LICS
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 15:28:15 +0300 (IDT)
From: Shuly Wintner <shuly at cs.haifa.ac.il>
Subject: Call for Papers: Formal Grammar
to be held
jointly with the
"Combining logical and data-oriented approaches in NLP"
August 3-4, 2002, Trento, Italy
FGTrento is the 7th conference on Formal Grammar held in conjunction
with the European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information,
which takes place in 2002 in Trento. Previous meetings were held in
Barcelona (1995), Prague (1996), Aix-en-Provence (1997), Saarbruecken
(1998), Utrecht (1999) and Helsinki (2001).
FGTrento provides a forum for the presentation of new and original
research on formal grammar, with particular regard to the application
of formal methods to natural language analysis.
Themes of interest include, but are not limited to:
* formal and computational syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and phonology;
* model-theoretic and proof-theoretic methods in linguistics;
* constraint-based and resource-sensitive approaches to grammar;
* foundational, methodological and architectural issues in grammar.
Previous conferences in this series have welcomed papers from
a wide variety of frameworks.
Special Session: Formal Grammar and Finite-State Methods
This year's conference will feature a special session on finite-state
methods as they pertain to formal grammar. Potential topics include
areas in which finite-state methods have traditionally played a larger
role, such as computational morphology and text analysis, as well as:
* finite-state models of other levels of linguistic structure,
* (extended) finite-state models for processing with formal
linguistic frameworks,
* finite-state approximation methods for more expressive formal
devices, and
* finite-state methods for integrating multiple levels of linguistic
structure or heterogeneous formal frameworks in applications.
Round-table Panel: Formal Grammar and the Curriculum
The conference will feature a panel on "Formal Grammar and the
Curriculum". Courses focussing on Formal Grammar (introductory /
advanced) are being offered at several universities and appropriate
educational material has been developed over the last few years. The
aim of this panel is to stimulate discussion and exchange of ideas on
the following topics (among others):
* software and tools for teaching FG;
* web resources related to FG;
* innovative assignments and projects in teaching FG
The panel should create the basis for the development of an archive of
educational material related to FG such as course notes, assignments,
software and demos.
We solicit poster presentations which will create the basis for the
panel discussion. Submissions should be 1 page long and do not have to
be anonymous. Accepted abstracts will be included in a special section
of the Proceedings.
CologNet-ELSNET Symposium
The 2002 Formal Grammar conference will also host a Symposium Session,
co-sponsored by the Networks of Excellence in Computational Logic
(CologNet) and Human Language Technologies (ELSNET).
This is the first of three symposia devoted to the exploration
of the common ground between the Logic and NLP Area of CologNet
and the ELSNET agenda. The theme of the first installment is
"Combining logical and data-oriented approaches in NLP". The
symposium program will feature invited talks by leading researchers
in the area as well as a number of contributed talks.
We invite E-MAIL submissions of abstracts for 30-minute papers
(including questions, comments, and discussion).
A submission should consist of two parts:
- an information sheet (in plain text), containing:
the name of the author(s),
e-mail and postal address(es),
an indication of whether the submission is for
the main conference,
the special session on FG and finite-state methods,
the CologNet-ELSNET Symposium, or
the panel on Formal Grammar in the Curriculum.
- an *anonymous* abstract, consisting of a description of not more
than 5 pages, including figures and references (1 page for the round
table panel on Formal Grammar and the Curriculum). Abstracts should be
sent as email attachments in plain text (ASCII), PostScript or PDF.
Preparation of the manuscript in LaTeX is highly recommended.
Abstracts should be sent to shuly at cs.haifa.ac.il (Shuly Wintner).
A full version of each accepted paper will be included in the conference
proceedings, to be distributed at the conference. All papers will also
be made available electronically.
Abstract submission deadline: May 20, 2002
Notification of acceptance: June 20, 2002
Full papers due: July 10, 2002
Conference dates: August 3-4, 2002
Tonia Bleam (Northwestern)
Gosse Bouma (Groningen)
Miriam Butt (Konstanz)
Maarten de Rijke (Amsterdam)
Thilo Goetz (IBM)
Mark Johnson (Brown)
Ruth Kempson (London)
Andras Kornai (Northern Light)
Marcus Kracht (Berlin)
Uwe Moennich (Tuebingen)
Michael Moortgat (Utrecht)
Mark-Jan Nederhof (Groningen)
James Rogers (Earlham)
Mark Steedman (Edinburgh)
Formal Grammar organizing committee:
Gerhard Jaeger (ZAS Berlin/University of Potsdam)
Paola Monachesi (OTS Utrecht)
Gerald Penn (University of Toronto)
Shuly Wintner (University of Haifa)
COLOGNET-ELSNET symposium organizers:
Raffaella Bernardi (OTS Utrecht, bernardi at let.uu.nl)
Michael Moortgat (OTS Utrecht, moortgat at let.uu.nl)
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 19:34:34 +0200
From: Methods for Modalities <m4m at science.uva.nl>
Subject: Final Call for Papers HyLo at LICS
HyLo at LICS
LICS 2002 Affiliated Workshop
>>> JULY 25, 2002 <<<
Copenhagen, Denmark
Hybrid logic is a branch of modal logic in which it is possible to
directly refer to worlds/times/states or whatever the elements of the
(Kripke) model are meant to represent. Although they date back to the
late 1960s, and have been sporadically investigated ever since, it is
only in the 1990s that work on them really got into its stride.
It is easy to justify interest in hybrid logic on applied grounds,
with the usefulness of the additional expressive power. For example,
when reasoning about time one often wants to build up a series of
assertions about what happens at a particular instant, and standard
modal formalisms do not allow this. What is less obvious is that the
route hybrid logic takes to overcome this problem (the basic
mechanism being to add nominals --- atomic symbols true at a unique
point --- together with extra modalities to exploit them) often
actually improves the behavior of the underlying modal formalism. For
example, it becomes far simpler to formulate modal tableau and
resolution in hybrid logic, and completeness and interpolation
results can be proved of a generality that is simply not available in
modal logic. That is, hybridization --- adding nominals and related
apparatus --- seems a fairly reliable way of curing many known
weaknesses in modal logic. For more general background on hybrid
logic, and many of the key papers, see the Hybrid Logics homepage:
HyLo at LICS is likely to be relevant to a wide range of people,
including those interested in description logic, feature logic,
applied modal logics, temporal logic, and labelled deduction.
Moreover, if you have an interest in the work of the late Arthur
Prior, note that this workshop is devoted to exploring ideas he first
introduced 30 years ago --- it will be an ideal opportunity to see
how his ideas have been developed in the intervening period.
In this workshop we hope to bring together researchers from all the
different fields just mentioned (and hopefully some others) in an
attempt to explore what they all have (and do not have) in common. If
you're unsure whether your work is of relevance to the workshop,
please check out the Hybrid Logics homepage. And do not hesitate to
contact the workshop organisers for more information. We'd be
delighted to tell you more. Contact details are give below.
We are very pleased to announce that Professors Moshe Vardi and Melvin
Fitting has accepted to be invited speakers at HyLo at LICS. Program and
Titles of the talks will be released in following announcement, but we
are already looking forward to hear about their perspective on Hybrid
We invite the contribution of research papers to the workshop. Please
send electronically an extended abstract of up to 10 A4 size pages,
in PostScript format to: carlos at science.uva.nl BEFORE the 26st of
APRIL, 2002. Please note that all workshop contributors are required
by the LICS organizers to register for FLoC 2002.
Deadline for Submissions: April 26th, 2002
Notification of Acceptance: May 24th, 2002
Deadline for Final Versions: June 25th, 2002
Please visit http://www.hylo.net for further information.
Send all correspondence regarding the workshop to the organizers:
Carlos Areces
e-mail: carlos at science.uva.nl
Patrick Blackburn
e-mail: patrick at aplog.org
Maarten Marx
e-mail: marx at science.uva.nl
Ulrike Sattler
e-mail: sattler at cs.rwth-aachen.de
LINGUIST List: Vol-13-1000
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