13.1081, All: LINGUIST List: Essential to your work
linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Apr 19 06:47:35 UTC 2002
LINGUIST List: Vol-13-1081. Fri Apr 19 2002. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 13.1081, All: LINGUIST List: Essential to your work
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
Consulting Editor:
Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Editors (linguist at linguistlist.org):
Karen Milligan, WSU Naomi Ogasawara, EMU
James Yuells, EMU Marie Klopfenstein, WSU
Michael Appleby, EMU Heather Taylor-Loring, EMU
Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U. Richard John Harvey, EMU
Dina Kapetangianni, EMU Renee Galvis, WSU
Karolina Owczarzak, EMU
Software: John Remmers, E. Michigan U. <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Gayathri Sriram, E. Michigan U. <gayatri at linguistlist.org>
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Michael Appleby <michael at linguistlist.org>
The 2002 LINGUIST List Fund Drive is now on! We really do need your
support. If you find any of our services useful please make a
donation at http://linguistlist.org/donate.html.
Date: 19 Apr 2002 04:08:22 -0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: A message from Suzette Haden Elgin
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: 19 Apr 2002 04:08:22 -0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: A message from Suzette Haden Elgin
- Suzette Haden Elgin works freelance as a linguist. Read how
LINGUIST List is essential to her work.
Dear Linguists,
It's easy for people reading Linguist List to get the impression that
all linguists are located in the linguistics departments of fine
universities, with abundant access to linguistics journals, the latest
linguistics books, and a wide variety of linguistics conferences and
institutes. Many linguists do have that sort of luxurious professional
environment, thank heavens -- but then there are the rest of us, for
whom Linguist List is the only access we have to the linguistics
community and its resources.
When I'm functioning as a Talking Linguist, my audience isn't a group
of students over whom I hold the power of the grade, or of one day
serving on their thesis committee. Nor is my audience a group of other
linguists, over whom I hold the power of peer review, or of
meticulously excluding them from all my bibliographies, or of simply
making their lives miserable day by day as a colleague. My audience is
ordinarily several hundred emergency medicine physicians, or surgeons,
or psychiatrists, over whom I have no power whatsoever. Their
consensus reality includes without exception the conviction that all
MDs outrank all PH.D's; I begin every presentation knowing that most
of those present have every intention of walking out at the end of the
first ten minutes when what I have to say turns out to be what they
expect -- a waste of their valuable time. And I also know that I'm
going to face one or more of the following challenges, every single
"But I read Pinker's book, and _he_ says...."
"But I read Tannen's book, and _she_ says...."
"But I read Lakoff's article, and _he_ says....
"But I read an article about Chomsky, and _he_ says...."
When I'm functioning as a Writing Linguist, my audience not only isn't
linguistics students or other linguists, it isn't professionals of any
kind, except by coincidence. It's ordinary people from every walk of
life, who -- because of our educational system -- either have no
information whatsoever about linguistics and languages, or are
passionately devoted to the worst kind of myths and distortions about
linguistics and languages. They are prepared in advance to find what
I write either incomprehensible or utterly wrong. They write to me in
large numbers, and in their letters I get not only the challenges
already mentioned, but an assortment of other ones along these lines:
"But my _pastor_ says....."
"But my _English_ teacher always said..."
"But any decent moral human being knows....."
"But all decent patriotic Americans know....."
When I'm functioning as a Work-Seeking Linguist, I face two kinds of
audiences: the editors and publishers I send my book proposals to, and
the administrators of hospitals and clinics and HMOs and medical
schools and medical organizations that I send my seminar proposals
to. They not only know nothing about linguistics, they don't _care_
anything about linguistics. (If I'm lucky, they aren't part of the
sizable population convinced that all linguists are mad radicals
determined to destroy Western civilization; often I'm not that lucky.)
The terms of the contracts these individuals give me will depend on
how well I'm able to convince them (a) that linguistics is important
for the general reader and the medical professional, and (b) that I
know as much about linguistics as some other linguist (usually Pinker
or Tannen) whose books sell in huge numbers and appear on the _New
York Times_ best seller list, and whom they've seen on CNN or the
Today Show.
This means that although nobody is going to turn me down for promotion
or tenure or the post of department chair, I have to be thoroughly
familiar with what's going on in linguistics. I have to know what
concept or event or individual in linguistics is getting media buzz --
and I have to know how the media has misunderstood and distorted that
information, so that I can explain. I can't rely on a set of lecture
notes that I worked up in 1965; I really do have to stay current.
I live at the end of a goat trail in the wilds of northwest
Arkansas. I have no idea how far it is to the nearest adequate
linguistics library; certainly it's at least several hours away. I
can't get to linguistics conferences and institutes; even if I could
afford them, I couldn't fit them into my schedule and still pay my
bills. For me -- and for every freelance linguist like me, as well as
for linguists who have academic positions but are located in parts of
the world where linguistics resources are sparse or nonexistent -- the
survival of Linguist List is literally critical to our own survival.
I do everything I can to support Linguist List. I spread the word. I
talk about it in my seminars and lectures; I write about it in my
books and in my newsletters; I take every possible opportunity to tell
people about it: I do my utmost to persuade people to help me support
it, and to send money.
I urge you to donate to Linguist List too. It is such an important
resource for linguists everywhere; please help ensure its survival.
Everything I could possibly need in linguistics is either on Linguist
List, or at its website, or on a link from its website. I am deeply
and truly grateful.
Suzette Haden Elgin
We would to thank everyone - every individual, department and
institution - who has contributed to this year's fund drive.
Together, you have donated over $39,000. However, this still leaves
us short of our $48,000 target, the amount we need to support all of
our student editors next year.
So if you have not donated yet, please go to
http://linguistlist.org/donate.html to send us your pledge. From
there you have the choice of donating straight away by credit card
using our secure form, or you can send us a cheque later. If you do
send a cheque, please make it payable in US dollars; we get charged
about $50 a time (sic!) to convert currency (no such problems with a
credit card).
Alternatively, you can hit "Reply" to this message and send us your
pledge right now by email, prior to sending your cheque. Then we will
be able to list you immediately as one of our donors; and we may be
able to reach our goal (and halt these Fund Drive messages) a bit
earlier. The address to send cheques is as follows:
The LINGUIST Editorial Support Fund
c/o Helen Aristar-Dry
Dept. of English
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsilanti, MI
USA 48197
As a 501(c)3 organization, LINGUIST qualifies for corporate
donation-matching programs; and, of course, your donation is tax
Don't forget that in return for a donation of $25 or more, we would
like to send you a gift. If you're going to a conference soon, why
not get a brand new LINGUIST List T-shirt to wear for it? You have
short-sleeved or long-sleeved to choose from, so whatever the
temperature will be there, you can be appropriately (as well as
sharply) dressed. Take a look at our premiums page to see what we
have to offer: http://linguistlist.org/premiums.html. Do let us know
in your pledge what you would like and remember to include your
mailing address.
We at LINGUIST really do appreciate your support. We could not
continue without you.
With our sincere thanks,
Anthony, Helen, Andrew, Karen, Naomi, Heather, James, Michael,
Zhen-Wei, Richard, Karolina, Dina, Renee, Steve, Marie, Gayathri,
John, Ljuba, Terry, Simin, Tomoko.
LINGUIST Contributors
ANGELS ($1000 and over)
Blackwell Publishers
Linguistic Society of America
Richard Sproat and Chilin Shih
W.V.U. Research Corporation
John Benjamins
MAINSTAYS ($100 to $1000)
Adam Werle, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Amy Weinberg and Norbert Hornstein
Annie Zaenen
Arendse Bernth
Arnold M. Zwicky
Barbara H. Partee
Bert Cornillie, Nicole Delbecque (K.U. Leuven)
Bruce Fraser
Carolyn Green Hartnett
Cathy Wissink
Danny R. Moates
David D. McDonald
Dipika Molly Mukherjee
Donna Christian
Dr Catherine Walter
E. Wayles Browne, Cornell University
Elaine & Alex Francis
Elizabeth D. Liddy
Elly van Gelderen
Ernest McCarus
Frances Trix
Hilda Koopman
In memoriam Florian Fricke
Interdisciplinary Committee on Linguistics/Arizona State University
Irmengard Rauch & Gerald F. Carr
James J. Jenkins
John Kingston
John Lawler
Julie Auger
Karl Heinz Wagner
Kathy Jolowicz
Keren Rice
Kevin R. Gregg
Lance Eccles
Language Learning Center at Michigan State University
Larisa Zlatic
Linda Rashidi
Linguistic Association of Great Britain
Marc Hamann
Margaret Lubbers-Quesada
Margaret Winters and Geoff Nathan
Margit Waas
Marianna Pool
Mark L. Louden
Mary Bucholtz
Masahide Ishihara
Merrill Garrett
Michael Hess
Michael Swan
Monica Macaulay and Joe Salmons
Ms Catherine Fields
Ms Denise Boyd
Ms. Linda K. Coleman
Nobuko Koyama
Paul Chapin
Paula Fikkert
Price Caldwell
Rebecca Larche Moreton
Robb Watt
Robin Thelwall
Ronnie B. Wilbur
Satoshio Oku
School of Language and Linguistics
Shanley Allen
Sharon Obeidallah
Shirley Silver
Suzanne Boyce
Theo Vennemann
Tomoyuki Yoshida
- Plus 8 anonymous donors
SUPPORTERS ($50 to $100)
Akira Ishikawa
Andreas Schramm
Andrew Carnie
Andrew Ira Nevins
Andy Barfield, Chuo University, Japan
Andy Kehler
Anna Szabolcsi
Anna-Maria De Cesare
Anne Bezuidenhout
Antonella Sorace, University of Edinburgh
Arthur Chung Bond
Baden Hughes
Barbara Olson Herrarte
Belinda Bicknell
Betty J. Birner
Billy Clark
Brent de Chene
Carleton College Linguistics Program
Carol W. Pfaff
Caroline Heycock
Carolyn Sobel
Catherine Rudin
Chao-Yang Lee
Charles T. Scott
Christopher Johnson
Claudia Soria
Cornelia Tschichold
Daisy Dinwoodie
Dan Slobin
David Beck
David D. Robertson
Diane Massam, Yves Roberge
Dick Hudson
Donald S. Cooper
Dorothy Disterheft
Douglas L. Dee
Dr. Barbara Frank-Job
Dr. MJ Hardman
Elena Maslova
Elizabeth Cowper
Ellen Broselow
Eric J. Breck
Fabienne H Baider
Francisco Dubert
Gail Stygall
Gerardo Augusto Lorenzino
Greg Kochanski
Heather McCallum Bayliss
Helge Lodrup
Ingo Plag
Ingo Thonhauser
Jennifer S. Cole
Jerry McMenamin
Joao Andrade Peres
josefa J. Mardijono
Judy Fuller
Julia S. Falk
Junji Kawai
Karen Davis
Kate Remlinger
Kathleen Doty
Kathleen Ward
Katy Carlson
Kleanthes K. Grohmann
Lachlan Mackenzie
Laura Callahan
Laura J. Downing
Laurel Watkins
Laurie Bauer
Linda L. Thornburg, Klaus-Uwe Panther
Line Mikkelsen
Loraine K. Obler, Ph.D.
Maite Taboada
Margaret Speas
Martha Ratliff
Mary Grenham
Melanie Green
Merle W. Mudd
Michel DeGraff
Mike Cahill
Mr Baden Hughes
Mr Laurent Proulx
Myong-Hi Chai
N S Gisborne
Patricia Krueger
Paul Boersma
Peter Sells
Philip LeSourd
Pius ten Hacken
Prof. George Aubin
Ray Hudson
Rebecca S. Wheeler
Regina Oakeshott
Robert Englebretson
Roderick A. Jacobs
Roland Pfau
Ruth Kempson
Scott McGinnis
Scott Petersen
Seizi Iwata
Sharon Peperkamp
Sherri Condon
Stefanie Herrmann
Stefano Bertolo
Susan Fischer
Suzanne Wash
Syracuse University
Thomas L. Cornell
Thor Sigurd Nilsen
Todd M. Bailey
Tom Milligan
Tom Wasow
Tomoko Yasutake
U. of Nijmegen, dept. of English
Veronika Koller
Vicky Bergvall
Wi-vun Taiffalo Chiung
- Plus 16 anonymous donors
DONORS (Up to $50)
Abigail Konopasky
Adam Przepiorkowski
Adi Palm
Adrienne Bruyn
Alana I. Thorpe, PhD
Albert Ortmann
Alice S. Horning
Amy Isard
Anastasia Bonch-Osmolovskaja
Andrea Kenesei
Andrew Koontz-Garboden
Andrew McCrum
anja wanner
Ann Evans
Ans van Kemenade
Anthony M. Lewis
Antonietta Alonge
Antonio Emiliano
Aoju Chen
Ash Asudeh
Barbara Lust
Benavides, Carlos
Benjamin J. Miller
Bernd Moebius
Betty Phillips
Camilla Wide
Caren Brinckmann
Carl Mills
Carol A. Klee
Carol Myers Scotton
Chang S. Lee
Charles Gribble
Chung, Chin Wan
Claire Bowern
Clare Gallaway
Clare Stroud
Claudia Bubel
Claus D. Pusch
Cynthia Edmiston
D. Eric Holt
D.B. den Ouden
Dan Loehr
Dave Schneider
David Gaatone
David M. Barton
David Schlangen
David Tugwell
Deborah Anderson
Deborah D.K. Ruuskanen
Denis Liakin
Dirk Noel
Don Rubin
Donald F. Reindl
Donn Bayard
Donna Lardiere
Douglas Lightfoot
Dr Anne Reboul
Dr John te Velde
Dr. Sherida Altehenger-Smith
Earl Hofer
Eiji Nishimoto
Elaine Gold
Eleanor Olds Batchelder
Elena Bashir
Elias Friedman
Elisa Fernandez Rei
Eric Joanis
Feride Erku
Fernanda Ferreira
Francisco Ordonez
Frank Domahs
Franz Dotter
George Senf
Gerald B. Mathias
Gerhardt Cornelia
Glenn Ayres
Heather Goad
Hilaire Paul Valiquette
hirohisa kiguchi
Hortensia Curell
Ileana M. Paul
Isabelle Lemee
Istvan Kecskes
Ivano Caponigro
J. Cesar Felix-Brasdefer & Terri Greenslade-Felix
Jacques Lamarche
James L. Fidelholtz, Rosa Graciela Montes
James M. McCarthy
James Sneddon
Jan-Olof Svantesson
Jean-Marc Dewaele
Jeffrey T. Runner
Jen Hay
Jenifer Larson-Hall
Jennifer Smith
Jessica Willilams
Jette G. Hansen
Jila Ghomeshi
Jill Titterington
Joachim Grabowski
Joan Beal
Joana Rossell
Job M. van Zuijlen
John Archibald
John Dunnion
Jose camacho
Jose-Luis Mendivil
Josep Quer
Joseph Eska
Judith M.S. Pine, George A. Pine
Julia Huettner
Julie Bruch
Karl J. Reinhardt
Kat Dziwirek
Katharine P. Beals
Keigo Noda
Keira Ballantyne
Kenneth Konopka
Kent Johnson
Kevin Bretonnel Cohen
Kurt Gjevnoe
Kurt Godden
Lan-Hsin Chang
Larry LaFond
Linnea Micciulla
Louise McNally
Lynn Nichols
Lynn Santelmann
M Iwashita
M.J. Schreuder
Madelyn J. Kissock
Mami Iwashita
Maria L. de Ris
Maria Luisa Marti Martinez
Marianne Pouplier
Marissa Maley
Marjolein Groefsema
Martha McGinnis
Martin Haspelmath
Mary C Gruber
Mary Jane Hurst
Marya Teutsch-Dwyer
Matthew Bloomfield, M.A., Ohio University Linguistics/ESL
Max Wheeler
Mayrene Bentley
Meredith Doran
Michael Israel
Michael Kliffer
Michael Newman
Mickey Swart
Mike Maxwell
Miwa Nishimura
Nadia S. Castillo
Nancy Niedzielski
Nancy Wiegand
Neil Chalk
Niladri Sekhar Dash
Nina Sumbatova
Nina Wacholder
Ora Matushansky
Patricia Donaher
Paul D. Fallon
Peter Ackema
Peter Menzel
Pierre Larrivee
Prof. Lois M. Stanford
Rachel Nordlinger
Reiko Hayashi
Rene J. Valdes
Ricardo and Viviane Lima
Richard Page
Robert Bayley
Robert F. Kemp
Robert Yates
Ron Artstein
Ronald Schaefer
Roser Morante
S.J. Hannahs
Sebastian Ross-Hagebaum
Sergio Baauw
Sharon A. Cote
Simone Mueller,
Sonia Maruenda
Sonja Launspach
Stanley Dubinsky
Stefan Th. Gries
Stella Markantonatou
Stenstrom, Anna-Brita
Stuart Stewart
Susan Burt
Susan Fitzgerald
Suzanne K. Hilgendorf
Svetlana G McCoy
Tadashi Nomoto
Tadhg O hIfearnain
Theodossia-Soula Pavlidou
Theresa Biberauer
Thorsten Schroter
Tim Florian Jaeger
Timothy Dunnigan
Tobias Thelen
Tom Klingler
Tor A. Afarli
Tracey McHenry
Trudi A. Patterson
Ulrike Christofori
Uri Horesh
Uri Strauss
Ute Smit
V. J. Fedson
Vincent A. De Rooij
Vinet, Marie-therese
Wilhelm Geuder
Will Fitzgerald
Xose L. Regueira
Yi Yuan
- Plus 37 anonymous donors
Academic Press
Arnold Publishers
Athelstan Publications
Blackwell Publishers
Cambridge University Press
Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
Distribution Fides
Elsevier Science Ltd.
John Benjamins
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Lincom Europa
MIT Press
Mouton de Gruyter
Multilingual Matters
Oxford UP
Pearson Education
Anthropological Linguistics
CSLI Publications
Cascadilla Press
Finno-Ugrian Society
Graduate Linguistic Students' Assoc., Umass
International Pragmatics Assoc.
Kingston Press Ltd
Linguistic Assoc. of Finland
MIT Working Papers in Linguistics
Pacific Linguistics
Pacini Editore Spa
St. Jerome Publishers
Summer Institute of Linguistics
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics
Virittaja Aikakauslehti
Bowne Global Solutions
Butler Hill Group
Carleton University
Cornell University
East Carolina University
Gallaudet University
Georgetown University
Georgia State University
Hong Kong Applied Science and Tech
Indiana University
Insight Software, Inc
Linguistic Society of America
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Monash University
National University of Singapore
Providence University
Rhetorical Systems Ltd.
Salem International University
San Diego State University
SpeechWorks International
The HW Wilson Co.
Universita Degli Studi di Trento
University College London
University of Aberdeen
University of Alberta
University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
University of Cambridge
University of Canterbury
University of Chicago
University of Cyprus
University of Florida
University of Frankfurt
University of Hong Kong
University of Macau, China
University of Manchester
University of Maryland Dental School
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
University of Nijmegen
University of Oregon
University of Ottawa
University of Pittsburgh
University of Rochester
University of Zurich
LINGUIST List: Vol-13-1081
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