13.3211, Jobs: Semantics: Visiting AsstProf, U/CA Santa Cruz

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Dec 6 16:39:50 UTC 2002

LINGUIST List:  Vol-13-3211. Fri Dec 6 2002. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 13.3211, Jobs: Semantics: Visiting AsstProf, U/CA Santa Cruz

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

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	Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

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        Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

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	James Yuells, EMU		Marie Klopfenstein, WSU
	Michael Appleby, EMU		Heather Taylor, EMU
	Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U.	Richard John Harvey, EMU
	Dina Kapetangianni, EMU		Renee Galvis, WSU
	Karolina Owczarzak, EMU		Anita Huang, EMU
	Tomoko Okuno, EMU		Steve Moran, EMU
	Lakshmi Narayanan, EMU		Sarah Murray, WSU
	Marisa Ferrara, EMU

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Date:  Fri, 06 Dec 2002 11:19:04 +0000
From:  tbhonig at cats.ucsc.edu
Subject:  Jobs: Semantics: Visiting AsstProf, Univ of California, Santa Cruz USA

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 06 Dec 2002 11:19:04 +0000
From:  tbhonig at cats.ucsc.edu
Subject:  Jobs: Semantics: Visiting AsstProf, Univ of California, Santa Cruz USA

University or Organization: University of California, Santa Cruz
Department: Linguistics
Rank of Job: Visiting Assistant Professor
Specialty Areas: Semantics, Syntax


Visiting Assistant Professor

The Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Santa
Cruz, announces the opening of a one-year visiting position in
semantics for 2003-04 (subject to administrative approval of
funding). Depending on curricular needs and administrative approval,
there is a possibility that the position might be renewed for a second
year. The campus is especially interested in candidates who can
contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community
through their research, teaching and service.

Applicants should have a Ph.D degree in Linguistics and a research and
teaching specialization in formal semantics. A secondary
specialization in syntax will be viewed favorably. The incumbent will
be expected to contribute breadth to our undergraduate curriculum and
will also contribute to the graduate curriculum.  Applicants should
provide evidence of excellence in teaching.

The department has Ph.D. and M.A. programs in theoretical linguistics
focused on syntax, semantics, and phonology and undergraduate majors
in Linguistics and Language Studies. The teaching load for this
position will be four courses divided among three quarters on a (mid)
September through June calendar. Further information about the program
and the research interests of its faculty is available on the internet
at http://ling.ucsc.edu

Salary: $46,300 - $51,700, commensurate with qualifications and experience

Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D in Linguistics in hand by June 2003, as
well as, research and teaching specialization in semantics.

Position Available: 2003-2004 academic year. Possibility of renewal
for 2004-2005

Apply To: Applicants should send a letter of application, curriculum
vitae, copies of not more than three research papers, evidence of
teaching experience, and names and contact information for three
recommenders to

Semantics Search Committee
Department of Linguistics
1156 High Street
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Please refer to position T03-15 in your reply.

University's equal employment opportunity policies may be directed to:
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Office at, University
of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064; (831) 459-2686.

If you need assistance due to a disability please contact the Academic
Human Resources Office at 350 McHenry Library (831) OB459-4300. This
position description is available in alternate formats, which may be
requested from Academic Human Resources at (831) 459-4300.  VISIT THE
AHR WEB SITE AT http://www2.ucsc.edu/ahr/employment/

Address for Applications:

	Attn: Semantics Search Committee
	Department of Linguistics, 1156 High Street
	University of California
	Santa Cruz, CA 95064
	United States of America
	Applications are due by 10-Mar-2003

Contact Information:
	Tanya Honig.
	Email: tbhonig at cats.ucsc.edu
	Website: http://ling.ucsc.edu

LINGUIST List: Vol-13-3211

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