13.336, Calls: Ling & Speech-Hearing Sciences,General Ling
linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Feb 7 19:39:02 UTC 2002
LINGUIST List: Vol-13-336. Thu Feb 7 2002. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 13.336, Calls: Ling & Speech-Hearing Sciences,General Ling
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
Editors (linguist at linguistlist.org):
Karen Milligan, WSU Naomi Ogasawara, EMU
James Yuells, EMU Marie Klopfenstein, WSU
Michael Appleby, EMU Heather Taylor-Loring, EMU
Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U. Richard John Harvey, EMU
Dina Kapetangianni, EMU Renee Galvis, WSU
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The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
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Editor for this issue: Dina Kapetangianni <dina at linguistlist.org>
As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2002 15:51:02 +0800
From: "PM Dr. Rogayah Abd. Razak" <rogayah at medic.ukm.my>
Subject: Linguistics & Speech-Hearing Sciences Symposium
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2002 17:52:03 +0900
From: Jong-Bok Kim <jongbok at khu.ac.kr>
Subject: 2002 LSK: 3rd CFP
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2002 15:51:02 +0800
From: "PM Dr. Rogayah Abd. Razak" <rogayah at medic.ukm.my>
Subject: Linguistics & Speech-Hearing Sciences Symposium
We would like to announce that an international symposium of linguistics and
speech-hearing sciences which will be held on 21st -23rd October 2002 at
the Dept. of Audiology and Speech Sciences, Faculty of Allied Health, UKM,
Malaysia. It is jointly organized by the Linguistics Dept. of Lund
University, Sweden. The theme is 'Linguistics & Speech-Hearing Sciences:
Reciprocity in Relations'. The sub-topics are:
a) linguistics and speech-hearing
b) phonetics and phonological analysis & speech-hearing
c) grammatical analysis & speech-hearing
d) language acquisition & speech-hearing
e) language learning-teaching & language/communication/hearing disorders
f) language variation & speech-hearing
The objectives of the symposium are:
i) to demonstrate the reciprocity relations between the three fields.
ii) to pioneer the research of applied linguistics with clinical
orientation focusing on language, communication disorders and hearing
iii) to stimulate and promote related speech-hearing research on special
We are inviting papers and participation. Our due date for abstracts are
30th march 2002. Interested parties should e-mail: rogayah at medic.ukm.my
with the abstract of the proposed paper. Language used will be malay and
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rogayah Bt. A.Razak
Coordinator (Speech Science Program)
Department of Audiology and Speech Sciences
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz
50300 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 6 - 03 - 26914230
Fax: 6 - 03 - 26986039
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2002 17:52:03 +0900
From: Jong-Bok Kim <jongbok at khu.ac.kr>
Subject: 2002 LSK: 3rd CFP
Call for Papers (3rd)
2002 LSK International Summer Conference
The 2002 LSK International Summer Conference hosted by the Linguistic
Society of Korea invites abstracts for papers presenting research in all
areas of linguistics, including, but not limited to, morphology, syntax,
semantics, phonology, phonetics, pragmatics, discourse analysis,
typology, psycholinguistics, corpus linguistics, language acquisition,
cognitive linguistics and natural language processing. The conference
will be held at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Korea on August 5-7,
Howard Lasnik (University of Connecticut)
Jerzy Rubach (University of Warsaw & University of Iowa)
Ivan Sag (Stanford University)
Anna Wierzbicka (Australia National University)
Abstracts should be a single page, with an additional page for
data/references if needed. Abstracts should be submitted electronically
to lsk2002 at khu.ac.kr. The abstract should either be pasted into the
email or should be an attachment as an ASCII text file, Word, PS or PDF
file. Please use the subject header ``LSK 2002 Abstract: Your last name
and first name initial. Include all the author information (the title of
the paper, area, the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), and
the address, phone number and e-mail address of the primary author) in
the body of the e-mail.
Deadline for the Abstract Submission: Feb 28, 2002 (New Date)
Notification of acceptance: March 30, 2002.
For more details about the conference, the program, and submission
requirements please see the conference web site at:
Further inquires can be directed to the secretary general of the program
committee (hssh at sangmyung.ac.kr) or lsk2000 at hufs.ac.kr.
NOTE: The final day of the LSK Conference, August 7, will feature the
following two of interest to practitioners of diverse theoretical
participants: Peter Sells (Stanford University, organizer); Norbert
Horstein (Maryland University); and others
Workshop 2: PERSPECTIVES ON INVERSION. Invited Workshop participants:
Ivan Sag & Robert Levine (Stanford Univ & Ohio State University,
co-organizers); Howard Lasnik (University of Connecticut); Robert
Borsley (University of Essex)
More information on these workshops can be found either in
http://web.khu.ac.kr/~lsk2002 Also the LSK conference will be
immediately succeeded by the 9th International Conference on
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar from Aug 8-9
Chai-song Hong (Co-chair, Seoul National Univ.)
Young-hern Lee (Co-chair, Chosun Univ.)
Hyon-Sook Shin (Secretary General, Sangmyung Univ.)
Sang-Cheol Ahn (Kyung Hee Univ.)
Uiyon Cho (Dongkook Univ.)
Kiyong Choi (Kwangwoon Univ.)
Jae-Woong Choe (Korea Univ.)
Gregory Iverson (Univ. of Wisconsin)
Youngjun Jang (Choong-Ang Univ.)
Akira Ikeya (Toyo Gakuen Univ.)
Duck-soo Kang (Hankook Univ. of Foreign Studyies)
Chang-sop Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Dong-suk Kim (Taegu Univ.)
Jong-Bok Kim (Kyung Hee Univ.)
Jun-Ho Kim (Dongduk Univ.)
Yong-Beom Kim (Kwangwoon Univ.)
Yung-Suk Kim (Sogang Univ.)
Hee-San Koo (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Chungmin Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
Joo-Young Oh (Kyungsung Univ.)
Peter Sells (Stanford Univ.)
Stephen Wechsler (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
LINGUIST List: Vol-13-336
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