13.400, Calls: Social Communication, Field Ling Tools

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Feb 13 17:23:25 UTC 2002

LINGUIST List:  Vol-13-400. Wed Feb 13 2002. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 13.400, Calls: Social Communication, Field Ling Tools

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
	Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

Editors (linguist at linguistlist.org):
	Karen Milligan, WSU 		Naomi Ogasawara, EMU
	James Yuells, EMU		Marie Klopfenstein, WSU
	Michael Appleby, EMU		Heather Taylor-Loring, EMU
	Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U.	Richard John Harvey, EMU
	Dina Kapetangianni, EMU		Renee Galvis, WSU
	Karolina Owczarzak, EMU

Software: John Remmers, E. Michigan U. <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
          Gayathri Sriram, E. Michigan U. <gayatri at linguistlist.org>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Renee Galvis <renee at linguistlist.org>

As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.


Date:  Tue, 12 Feb 2002 07:46:43 -0500
From:  "Leonel Ruiz Miyares (Centro Ling. Aplicada)"       <leonel at lingapli.ciges.inf.cu>
Subject:  Symposium in Santiago de Cuba, 2003

Date:  Tue, 12 Feb 2002 10:42:57 -0500
From:  "Helen Aristar Dry" <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Subject:  Call for Papers

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 12 Feb 2002 07:46:43 -0500
From:  "Leonel Ruiz Miyares (Centro Ling. Aplicada)"       <leonel at lingapli.ciges.inf.cu>
Subject:  Symposium in Santiago de Cuba, 2003



JANUARY 20-24, 2003

The Center of Applied Linguistics of the Santiago de Cuba's branch of
the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment, is pleased to
announce the Eight International Symposium on Social
Communication. The event will be held in Santiago de Cuba January 20th
through the 24th, 2003. This interdisciplinary event will focus on
social communication processes from the points of view of Linguistics,
Computational Linguistics, Medicine, Voice Processing, Mass Media, and
Ethnology and Folklore.

The Symposium will be also sponsored by:

.. University of Oriente, Cuba

.. Higher Institute for Medical Sciences Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

.. Pedagogical University "Frank Pais Garcia" Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

.. Information for Development Agency Havana, Cuba

.. African Cultural Center "Fernando Ortiz" Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

.. University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands

.. National Council of Scientific Research, Italy

.. University of Malaga, Spain

. University of Alcala, Spain

.. University of Goias, Brazil

.. University of Los Lagos, Chile

.. Institute of Theoretical and Computational Linguistics, Lisbon,

Authors will be allowed to present only one paper pertaining to the
following disciplines:

1. Linguistics:

- Spanish and foreign language teaching

- Spanish as a second language

- Phonetics and Phonology

- Lexicology and Lexicography

- Morphology and Syntax

- Anthropology Linguistics

- Textual Linguistics and Pragmalinguistics

- Terminology

- Translations

2. Computational Linguistics:

- Software related to linguistic research

- Automated grammatical tagging of texts

- Electronic dictionaries

- Software related to the teaching of mother tongues and foreign

- Related issues

3. Voice Processing:

- Applications of analysis, synthesis and voice-recognition

- Artificial intelligence and voice processing

4. Medical specialties related to speech and voice and with Social
Communication in general:

- Logopedy and Phoniatry

- Neurology

- Otorhinolaringology

- Stomatology

5. Mass Media:

- Linguistic research related to the speech of journalists, actors and
radio and television announcers

- Textual Analysis of radio and television programs, and of print and
electronic media articles

6. Ethnology and Folklore:

- Research related to Social Communication

Activities that will take place within the event are:

- Pre-Symposium seminars

- Discussion of papers in commissions

- Master conferences

- Round Table


The Symposium will be preceded by two seminars that will be taught by
prestigious specialists to be announced. The seminars will take place
Monday, January 20th of 2003 and will focus on the following subjects:

- Corpus Linguistics: current studies

- Construction of Electronics Dictionaries

Participants should say in advance what pre-symposium seminars they
want to take part in. An additional fee of 20.00 USD will be charged
for each seminar.  Participation certificates will be available.


A round table entitled Current Researches in Applied Linguistics will
be held on the occasion of the VIII International Symposium on Social


During the Symposium three master lectures will be delivered by
prestigious specialists to be announced.


The deadline of submission of paper abstracts is July 1st, 2002. They
should not exceed 250 words. Notification of acceptance of a paper by
the Symposium's Scientific Committee will be sent before July 30th,


To enable the Organizing Committee to include the Proceedings as part
of the Symposium's documentation -as we did in the 5th ('97), 6th
('99) and 7th (2001) Symposiums-, accepted papers must be sent before
September 15, 2002, with the following requirements:

1. The paper will not exceed 5 pages including graphics, footnotes and

2. It should be written using Word 6.0 or Word 7.0 for Windows and
sent to the Symposium's Executive Secretary either via e-mail
(attachment) or by mailing a 3-inch diskette.

3. Each page must be written in an A4 (mail type) format with left,
right, top, and bottom margin of 2.5 cm.

4. The paper must be written in one of the event's official
languages: Spanish, English, French or Portuguese.

Instructions for paper submission:

1. Write down the authors' names, one under the other, at the left top
of the first page, all in Arial bold capital letters, 9 points (Word
6.0 or 7.0). Under the authors' names should appear in bold (only
initials capital letters) the institution, city, country and e-mail
address if available.

2. In a separate line, at the center, the title of the paper must be
written in Arial bold, Italics, 10 points size letters.

3. The text will follow -not in bold- with the same Arial letter, 9
points size and leaving one space between lines.

4. Paragraphs will have no indentation.  Spaces between paragraphs
will be of 3 points.

5. Section titles will be written in Arial bold, 9 points size and
sub-sections titles will be written in Arial Italic, 8 points size.

6. Footnotes will appear at the end of each page in Arial 8 points
size letters.

Presentation time will be 15 minutes and 5 minutes for discussion.

Authors must advise in advance if they will need a tape recorder,
video set, computer or other kind of equipment for presentation.

All mail or inquiries should be addressed to:

Dr. Eloina Miyares Bermudez
Secretaria Ejecutiva Comite Organizador
VIII Simposio Internacional
Comunicacion Social
Centro de Linguistica Aplicada
Apartado Postal 4067, Vista Alegre
Santiago de Cuba 4, Cuba 90400
Telephone: (53-226) 642760
E-mail: leonel at lingapli.ciges.inf.cu

OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: Spanish, English, French and Portuguese


Speakers  and  Delegates
160.00 USD

80.00 USD

Payment must be in cash during registration and it covers a copy of
the Proceedings where your paper is printed, all other documentation
related to the event, speaker's certificate, welcome cocktail and
other cultural activities. Companions will have access to all of the
above, except copies of the Proceedings.


The Organizing Committee guarantees accommodation in 3, 4, and 5 star
hotels with preferential prices for participants in the event.


- Abstract Submission deadline:
July 1st, 2002

- Notification on paper's approval by Scientific Committee:
by July 30, 2002

- Delivery of papers either by e-mail or by mail using 3-inch
diskette: September 15, 2002

- Pre-Symposium seminars: January 20th, 2003

- 8th International Symposium on Social Communication: January 21st
through 24th, 2003


Santiago de Cuba, located at some 900 kms from Havana, is Cuba's
second largest city. Its economic, cultural and social importance in
Cuban history is unquestionable.  Santiago is also the capital of the
province with the same name.  Surrounded by the green mountains of the
Sierra Maestra range and the Caribbean Sea, Santiago is unique in its
geography and beautiful landscape. Its surroundings make the city one
of the most important tourist attractions on the entire island. The
Organizing Committee, in coordination with the city's tourist agencies
will offer visiting delegates a host of options allowing participants
to enjoy the city's beauty and charm.


President of Honor:
Dr. Rosa Elena Simeon Negrin
Minister of Science, Technology
and the Environment
Republic of Cuba

Aida Almaguer Furnaguera
Representative of the Ministry of
Science, Technology and the Environment
Santiago de Cuba

Gerardo Garcia Cabrera
President of Information
for Development Agency
Ministry of Science, Technology
and the Environment

Eloina Miyares Bermudez
Executive Secretary
Eight International Symposium
on Social Communication
Center of Applied Linguistics
Santiago de Cuba

Vitelio Ruiz Hernandez
Academic of the Academy
of Science of Cuba
Center of Applied Linguistics
Santiago de Cuba

Leonel Ruiz Miyares
Director of Center of
Applied Linguistics
Santiago de Cuba

Marcos Cortina Vega
Rector University of Oriente
Ministry of Higher Education
Santiago de Cuba

Nayra Pujals Victoria
Rector Higher Institute for
Medical Sciences
Ministry of Public Health
Santiago de Cuba

Ena Elsa Velazquez Cobiella
Rector Pedagogical University "Frank Pais"
Ministry of Education
Santiago de Cuba

Anton Nijholt
Professor and Researcher
Twente University
Enschede, Holland

Daniela Ratti
National Council of
Scientific Research
Genoa, Italy

Lucia Marconi
National Council of
Scientific Research
Genoa, Italy

Claudia Rolando
National Council of
Scientific Research
Genoa, Italy

Gloria Corpas Pastor
Professor and Researcher
University of Malaga

Luis Beltran
Vice-Rector of International
University of Alcala
Alcala de Henares

Deise Nanci de Castro Mesquita
Professor and Researcher
University of Goias
Goias, Brazil

Minerva Rosas Villarroel
Professor and Researcher
University of Los Lagos, Chile
Margarita Correia
Professor and Researcher
Institute of Theoretical
and Computational Linguistics
Lisbon, Portugal

Nancy Alamo Suarez
Center of Applied Linguistics
Santiago de Cuba

Celia Maria Perez Marques
Center of Applied Linguistics
Santiago de Cuba

Celia Esther Alvarez Moreno
Center of Applied Linguistics
Santiago de Cuba

Mercedes Cathcart Roca
Professor and Researcher
Faculty of Humanities
University of Oriente
Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

Ercilia Estrada Estrada
Scientific Council
Center of Applied Linguistics
Santiago de Cuba

Miladys Diodene Adame
Ministry of Education
Santiago de Cuba

Martha Cordies Jackson
African Cultural Center "Fernando Ortiz"
Santiago de Cuba, Cuba



Mr./Ms. ___________________________

Organization: ________________________

Title: _________________________________________

Business address: __________________________________

City: ______________ Telefax: ____________

Phone: _______________


Home address: _________________________

City: ___________ Telephone: __________

I wish to participate in Pre-Symposium seminars (optional)

___Corpus Linguistics: current studies

___Construction of Electronics Dictionaries

Paper title: __________________________

Date: ________________

Signature: ___________

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 12 Feb 2002 10:42:57 -0500
From:  "Helen Aristar Dry" <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Subject:  Call for Papers

Announcement and Call for Papers
- ---------------------------------

International Workshop on Resources and Tools in Field Linguistics


Deadline for Abstract Submissions: 15 February 2002
Notification of Acceptance: 15 March 2002
Submission of Final Workshop Papers: 12 April 2002

Workshop: 26-27 May 2002
Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain

There is general recognition that many of the world's languages are
rapidly losing speakers. This constitutes loss of a rich cultural
heritage, a loss which future generations will deeply regret.
Considerable efforts have been made to halt this decline and
revitalize these languages; but the decline of these languages is now
so far advanced that a majority of presently existing languages will
become extinct within this century. If this heritage is to be
preserved in any sense, then there must be a serious effort towards
documenting and archiving linguistic data on these languages, so that
reconstruction of the essentials of such languages is possible in
posterity, along with the living cultural environment in which they
presently function.

The urgency of this task has changed the direction of field
linguistics, and imposed on it completely new requirements.  The
highest priority can no longer be placed upon the simple publication
of field-work, even when based on careful, in-depth analysis of
linguistic phenomena. To preserve as much as possible of the cultural
heritage of these languages, we need instead multimedia recordings,
which are accompanied by carefully designed linguistic
annotations. And we must utilize for this purpose technologies which
guarantee long-term access to all the many facets of the material.  In
addition, the advent of the World-Wide-Web requires that the archived
resources be available in new ways, and in conformance with the most
widely adopted emergent standards. If this effort is to be successful,
it must also include good relations with the members of the indigenous
communities which provide the data, and a close cooperation between
linguists and the engineers who provide the technology.

A number of important new initiatives, for example AILLA, DOBES,
E-MELD, LACITO, and ASEDA, have begun work along these lines. There
also exist other institutions, such as the Max Plank Institute for
Psycholinguistics, which began still earlier the task of storing
valuable recordings, and their accompanying added linguistic value.

The workshop will be held as a pre-conference workshop of the 3rd
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC),
which has expanded its scope to include field linguistics. We expect
to have special sessions at the conference dedicated to the special
needs and problems of field linguistics. LREC is unique amongst
conferences world-wide, in that it brings together experts of diverse
expertise, who both create and maintain language resources. The LREC
announcement text (www.lrec-conf.org) indicates that the conference
has an extended scope and a broad view of what constitutes language
resources. In addition, the LREC conference includes exhibitions and
training courses, which we expect participants of the proposed
workshop would find very useful indeed.

As part of the LREC conference, the primary goal of the workshop is
dedicated to structural and technological issues involved in language
documentation including its cultural background, and in ways of
accessing archived data. Deeper linguistic aspects of the
documentation endeavor and its attendant legal and ethical aspects can
only be touched briefly. We mention here a few keywords which indicate
the scope of the workshop:

Media Formats
Digitization Methods
Project Workflow Schemes
Metadata for Resource Retrieval
Long-Term Archiving Strategies
Annotation Structures and Formats
Interlinear Text Formats
Character Encoding Guidelines
Language Encoding Guidelines
Linguistic Encoding Guidelines
Dictionary Structures and Formats
Typology Databases
Geographic Information Systems
Integration of Field Notes
Data Types in language documentation
Web-based Archive Access
Tools for language documentation
User Interfaces for Native Speakers

The workshop will be organized so as to provide time for large
projects to inform interested researchers about the methods they use
and their experiences so far. It will further provide time and space
for other projects to describe how they document languages. Panel and
discussion sessions will allow interested researchers to raise
questions and comment on the methods chosen.

The goals of the workshop are:

(1) To improve our understanding of the methods to be applied when
documenting language data, with a special focus on languages which are
in danger of becoming extinct; and
(2) To discuss methods which have already been applied by different
projects and which hold promise.

Workshop Organizers
- -----------------
Peter Austin, Melbourne University
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan University
Peter Wittenburg, Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics

Important Dates
- -------------
Abstract Submissions		15 February 2002
Notification of Acceptance	15 March 2002
Final Versions			12 April 2002
Workshop			26-27 May 2002

Abstract Submission
- -----------------
Submitted abstracts should consist of about 400 words. The abstracts
should be submitted electronically as PDF, PS, RTF, or plain text
files to the following address: lrec-workshop at mpi.nl. The deadline for
submitting the abstracts is February 15th. The notification of
acceptance will be sent by March 15th 2002.

Paper Submissions and Proceedings
- -------------------------------
There is one month between the notification of acceptance and
submission of a workshop paper. Papers have to be submitted
electronically to the same address (lrec-workshop at mpi.nl) as PDF, PS,
RTF, or plain text files. There will be proceedings of this workshop
which will be made available free to all participants at the beginning
of the workshop.

Organizational Matters
- --------------------
For all questions with respect to the content of this workshop, please
send emails to lrec-workshop at mpi.nl. Since this workshop will be
embedded in the LREC conference all emails with respect to
organizational and financial questions can be addressed to the
official LREC email address as well: lrec at ilc.pi.cnr.it. Forms for
registration, accommodation reservation etc will be found on the LREC
web-site: www.lrec-conf.org.

For current information about the workshop see: www.mpi.nl/lrec.

The participation fees for this workshop will be 90 EURO for
conference participants and 140 EURO for the others. The first day of
the workshop will be supported by funds from ISLE and DOBES. The fees
cover a copy of the proceedings.

Program Committee
- ---------------
Anthony Aristar		
Peter Austin			
Steven Bird			
Bernard Comrie		
Helen Dry			
Arienne Dwyer		
Dafydd Gibbon		
Nikolaus Himmelmann	
Terry Langendoen		
Stephen Levinson		
Kazuto Matsumura		
Patrick McConvell		
Tony McEnery		
Boyd Michailovsky		
Ulrike Mosel			
Peter Muysken		
David Nash			
David Nathan			
Randy LaPolla			
Hans-Jürgen Sasse		
Gunter Senft			
Gary Simons			
Peter Wittenburg	

LINGUIST List: Vol-13-400

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