13.471, Calls: Multi-Modal Dialog, Computational Ling
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Wed Feb 20 16:48:43 UTC 2002
LINGUIST List: Vol-13-471. Wed Feb 20 2002. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 13.471, Calls: Multi-Modal Dialog, Computational Ling
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
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Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
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Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U. Richard John Harvey, EMU
Dina Kapetangianni, EMU Renee Galvis, WSU
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Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 10:42:02 +0100
From: <Wolfgang.Minker at DaimlerChrysler.com>
Subject: Extended Deadline - Multi-Modal Dialogue in Mobile Environments (ISCA-ITRW: IDS'02)
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 17:30:04 +0100
From: Monique Slodzian <mslodz at inalco.fr>
Subject: Call for papers LREC2002
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 10:42:02 +0100
From: <Wolfgang.Minker at DaimlerChrysler.com>
Subject: Extended Deadline - Multi-Modal Dialogue in Mobile Environments (ISCA-ITRW: IDS'02)
3rd Call for Papers
ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW)
June 17 through June 21, 2002
Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in this ISCA Tutorial
ENVIRONMENTS, which will be held at the Kloster Irsee in southern
Germany from June 17 through June 21, 2002.
The workshop will cover all aspects of spoken, but also multi-modal
interaction in mobile environments and will emphasise design issues
and applications. Moreover, the workshop will focus on research and
results, give information on tools and run prototype demonstrators of
the expected future application.
After the successful ETRW on Interactive Dialogue in Multi-Modal
Systems at Kloster Irsee, Germany in June 1999, it is our belief that
it is now the time to arrange a workshop, where the latest
developments within the area of multi-modal dialogue in mobile
environments will be discussed among researchers and industrialists
active in the area.
The workshop is organised as a collaboration between the University of
Southern Denmark, DaimlerChrysler AG and the University of Augsburg.
We welcome you to the workshop.
Laila Dybkjer
Natural Interactive Systems Laboratory
University of Southern Denmark
laila at nis.sdu.dk
Paul Heisterkamp, Wolfgang Minker
Speech Understanding Systems
DaimlerChrysler AG
paul.heisterkamp at daimlerchrysler.com
wolfgang.minker at daimlerchrysler.com
Elisabeth Andre
University of Augsburg
andre at informatik.uni-augsburg.de
The workshop focuses on research issues, applications and tools
concerned with the following interdisciplinary topics which are all
part of general research and development of the main areas of
multi-modal dialogue in mobile environments.
Papers may discuss theories, applications, evaluation, limitations,
general tools and techniques. Discussion papers that critically
evaluate approaches or processing strategies and prototype
demonstrations are especially welcome.
The scope of interest includes but is not limited to:
1.) Speech Recognition for Multi-Modal Dialogue in Mobile Environments
* robust algorithms for automatic speech recognition and
* spontaneous, conversational and disfluent speech
* speech and language modelling
* microphone and processing devices
* spoken dialogue processing
2.) Advanced Multi-Modal Systems
* role of multi-modality in mobile environments
* dialog centric vs. visual centric approaches
* transition from monomodal dialogue systems towards
fully multi-modal systems
* gesture and gaze tracking/recognition
* integration of different in- and output-modes (alternative,
complementary, redundant)
* adapted use of modalities in the systems response
* context- and location dependency of modalities
* multimodality and safety considerations
3.) Design Issues for Mobile Environments
* dialogue control
* context handling
* situation awareness
* pro-activeness
* geo-position awareness
* spatial reference (input and output)
* attention raising
4.) User Interface Issues
* ergonomics and usability of multi-modal applications
* cognitive aspects of multi-modal human-machine communication
* user adaptation and profiling
* role of usability tests
* role of industry
5.) Applications for Mobile Environments
* types of applications
* coordination of multiple applications
* conflict description and solving
* industrial applications and commercialized products
6.) Systems Architecture
* technical integration management
* integration of local and server-based dialogue
* distributed/embedded/network architecture
* use of markup languages to design and develop
* multi-modal applications
* standards: voiceXML and HTML
* reusability of individual system components
7.) Evaluation of Multi-Modal Dialogue Strategies and Systems
* strategies and paradigms for evaluating multi-modal
dialogues systems in mobile environments
* field trials
* role of corpora
The format of the workshop will be a non-overlapping mixture of oral
and poster sessions. A number of tutorial lectures will be given by
internationally recognised experts from the area of multi-modal
dialogue systems.
All poster sessions will be opened by an oral summary by the session
chair. A number of poster sessions will be succeeded by a discussion
session focussing on the subject of the session. It is our belief that
this general format will ensure a lively and valuable workshop.
The organisers would like to encourage researchers and industrialists
to take the opportunity to bring their applications as well as their
demonstrator prototypes and design tools for demonstration to the
workshop. If sufficient interest is shown, a special
demonstrator/poster session will be organised and followed by a
discussion session.
The official language of the workshop is English. At the opening of
the workshop hardcopies of the abstracts and proceedings on CD-ROM
will be available. A book edition collecting the full-paper versions
presented at the workshop is planned.
The Scientific Committee consists of the following group of
internationally recognised researchers:
Jan Alexandersson DFKI, Germany janal at dfki.de
Niels Ole Bernsen University of Southern nob at nis.sdu.dk
Denmark, Denmark
Peter Boda Nokia, Finland Peter.Boda at nokia.com
Louis Boves University of Nijmengen, boves at let.kun.nl
The Netherlands
Rolf Carlson KTH, Sweden rolf at speech.kth.se
Lin Chase SpeechWorks lin.chase at speechworks.com
International, UK
Paul Dalsgaard Center for pd at cpk.auc.dk
Morena Danieli Loquendo, Italy morena.danieli at loquendo.com
Sadaoki Furui Tokyo Institiute of furui at cs.titech.ac.jp
Technology, Japan
Ludwig Hitzenberger University of
ludwig.hitzenberger at sprachlit.uni-regensburg.de
Regensburg, Germany
Andreas Kellner Philips, Germany
Andreas.Kellner at philips.com
Chin-Hui Lee National University of chl at comp.nus.edu.sg
Singapore, Singapore
Lin-Shan Lee National Taiwan lsl at iis.sinica.edu.tw
University, Taiwan
Helmut Mangold DaimlerChrysler, Germany
helmut.mangold at daimlerchrysler.com
Joseph Mariani Ministry of Research,
joseph.mariani at technologie.gouv.fr
Renato de Mori University of Avignon,
renato.demori at lia.univ-avignon.fr
Satoshi Nakamura ATR, Japan nakamura at slt.atr.co.jp
Sharon Oviatt Oregon Health & oviatt at cse.ogi.edu
Science University,
Patrick Paroubek LIMSI-CNRS, France pap at limsi.fr
Roberto Pieraccini SpeechWorks roberto at speechworks.com
International, USA
David Sadek CNET, France
david.sadek at rd.francetelecom.fr
Gary Strong National Science gstrong at nsf.gov
Foundation, USA
Michael Wagner University of Canberra,
michael.wagner at canberra.edu.au
The fee for the workshop, including booklet of Abstracts, Proceedings
on CD-Rom, full board from Monday lunch, June 17 to Friday lunch, June
21, is as follows
Non-ISCA Member 955 Euro
ISCA or GI Member 910 Euro
Non-ISCA Member - Students 745 Euro
ISCA or GI Member - Students 730 Euro
Late registration supplement
(after May 15, 2002) 50 Euro
Attendees who are willing to share a double room can deduct 55 Euro
from the above fees.
A 2-3 page extended paper summary including figures and references can
be submitted electronically. Please refer to
http://www.sigmedia.org/ids02 for details on the submission process.
Workshop registration of the presenting author(s) is required.
-> March 4, 2002: Extended deadline for submission of summary
-> April 1, 2002: Notification of acceptance/rejection
-> May 1, 2002: Deadline for advance registration
-> May 15, 2002: Deadline for submission of accepted paper
-> June 7, 2002: Final programme available on web
-> June 17 - 21, 2002: Workshop
Comments on IDS'02 Workshop to: ids02-info at sigdial.org
Comments on webpages to: sigmedia at dfki.de
To subscribe to this list: majordomo at sigdial.org with the body text:
subscribe ids02-info
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 17:30:04 +0100
From: Monique Slodzian <mslodz at inalco.fr>
Subject: Call for papers LREC2002
Call for Papers
Acquiring, Structuring and Evaluating Terminologies (TermAcq 2002)
28th May 2002
Workshop held in conjunction with the LREC 2002 conference
Las Palmas, Canary Islands - Spain
Workshop motivation and aims
- ------------------
Among other Language Resources, terminologies play a major role since
large ranges of industrial applications in an IST context require
them. Until recently, the priority was to make terminological data
describing the main scientific and technological fields available in
sufficient quantities in machine-readable form. Hence, the
quantitative criterion used to prevail over the quality
issues. Understandably, Human Language Technologies had to experience
the complexity of collecting and building monolingual and multilingual
LR before shifting from that earlier priority. On the other hand, HLT
had to build NLP tools mature enough to be worth integrating in
language and knowledge engineering methods. Research in computational
terminology, first focused on term identification and extraction, is
now also concerned with structuring the lists of terms into
terminological networks. Experience in building LR and the
availability of terminological tools makes it possible to reconsider
the whole process of LR building. These tools have become mature
enough to be worth integrating in language and knowledge engineering
methods. Available results now call for discussion with respect to the
question of evaluating resources and for comparison with results
obtained with different approaches. This half-day session aims at
drawing an overall picture of the results and remaining issues dealing
with the whole process of terminology acquisition and its evaluation.
Discussions will be favored among the participants. This workshop will
provide an opportunity to meet and discuss with various other
"players" in the field.
Topics of interest
- ---------
Technical and theoretical issues to be discussed at the workshop
include, but are not limited to:
* Methods and tools designed to assist terminological work;
* Terminology structuring;
* Monolingual vs. multilingual terminology;
* Corpus-driven multilingual terminology;
* Methodological aspects of evaluation in computational terminology;
* Evaluation of terminological tools results;
* Evaluation of terminological tools as part of a co-operative process;
Important dates
- --------
Deadline for workshop abstract submission
15th of February 2002
Notification of acceptance
8th of March 2002
Final version of paper for workshop proceedings
5th of April 2002
28th of May 2002
- ------
Papers should be research or position papers connected to the topics
of the workshop. Accepted submissions will give rise to oral
presentation at the workshop. So as to favor the discussion, each
speaker will be asked to answer a set of a few but challenging
Each submission should show:
and contact author's e-mail address, postal address, telephone and fax
Abstracts (maximum 1,000 words, plain-text format) should be
sent to:
Name: Adeline Nazarenko
Email: nazarenko at lipn.univ-paris13.fr
Those who wish to attend without offering a paper are asked to briefly
motivate their interest and may send a brief position paper to
contribute to the discussions. These contributions will be appended to
the workshop proceedings. The final version of the accepted papers
should not be longer than 4,000 words or 10 A4 pages. Instructions for
formatting and presentation of the final version will be sent to
authors upon notification of acceptance.
Organising committee
- ------------
Tony Bryant University of Leeds,United Kingdom A.Bryant at lmu.ac.uk
Adeline Nazarenko LIPN, Universite de Paris-Nord & CNRS, France
nazarenko at lipn.univ-paris13.fr
Monique Slodzian CRIM, INaLCO, France Monique.Slodzian at inalco.fr
Program committee
- -----------
Roberto Basili (Univ. Roma, Tor Vergata, Italy)
Olivier Bodenreider (National Library of Medicine,Bethesda, MAryland, USA)
Didier Bourigault (ERSS, CNRS, France)
Tony Bryant (Univ. of Leeds, United Kingdom)
Theresa Cabre (IULA-UPF, Barcelona, Spain)
Farid Cerbah (Dassault, France)
Beatrice Daille (IRIN, Univ. Nantes, France)
Anne Condamines (ERSS, CNRS, France)
Natalia Grabar (AP-HP & INaLCO, France)
Thierry Hamon (LIPN, Univ. Paris-Nord, France)
John Humbley (Univ. Paris 7, France)
Kyo Kageura (NII, Japan)
Marie-Claude L'Homme (Univ. Montreal, Canada)
Adeline Nazarenko (LIPN, Univ. Paris-Nord, France)
Jennifer Pearson (UNESCO, Paris, France)
Monique Slodzian (CRIM, INALCO, Paris)
Pierre Zweigenbaum (AP-HP, Univ. Paris 6, France)
Workshop registration
- ------------
The registration fee for the workshop is:
If you are not attending LREC: 70 EURO
If you are attending LREC: 45 EURO
The fees cover the following services: a copy of the proceedings of
the attended workshop, coffee-breaks and refreshments.
Adeline NAZARENKO Tel. 33 - 01 49 40 40 89
LIPN - CNRS UMR 7030 Fax. 33 - 01 48 26 07 12
Universite de Paris-Nord Email nazarenko at lipn.univ-paris13.fr
93430 Villetaneuse France http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~nazarenko/
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