13.1585, Calls: Theoretical Ling, Prosody
linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Jun 4 12:26:29 UTC 2002
LINGUIST List: Vol-13-1585. Tue Jun 4 2002. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 13.1585, Calls: Theoretical Ling, Prosody
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
Consulting Editor:
Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Editors (linguist at linguistlist.org):
Karen Milligan, WSU Naomi Ogasawara, EMU
James Yuells, EMU Marie Klopfenstein, WSU
Michael Appleby, EMU Heather Taylor, EMU
Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U. Richard John Harvey, EMU
Dina Kapetangianni, EMU Renee Galvis, WSU
Karolina Owczarzak, EMU
Software: John Remmers, E. Michigan U. <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Gayathri Sriram, E. Michigan U. <gayatri at linguistlist.org>
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Renee Galvis <renee at linguistlist.org>
As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 16:51:04 -0400
From: Marketa Ceplova <ceplova at MIT.EDU>
Subject: NELS 33 - Second Call for Papers
Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 10:00:03 +0200
From: Amina Mettouchi <amina.mettouchi at free.fr>
Subject: Prosody: Call for papers
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 16:51:04 -0400
From: Marketa Ceplova <ceplova at MIT.EDU>
Subject: NELS 33 - Second Call for Papers
Conference of the North East Linguistic Society
November 8-10, 2002
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Arnim von Stechow (Tübingen)
Donca Steriade (MIT)
The conference will also include an invited SPECIAL SESSION on
non-configurationality in memory of Ken Hale with the following
Judith Aissen (UC Santa Cruz)
Mark Baker (Rutgers)
Mamoru Saito (Nanzan University)
Abstracts are invited for 20-minute presentations (plus 10 minutes of
discussion) on any aspects of theoretical linguistics. Abstracts are
also invited for a poster session (please specify if you want your
abstract to be considered for either the poster session or talk
only). No abstracts will be accepted for the special
session. Submissions are limited to one individual and one joint
abstract per author.
All abstracts should be submitted electronically online at
http://linguistics-philosophy.mit.edu/nels/submit.php or sent by
e-mail as attachments to nels-cfp at mit.edu, specifying 'Abstract' in
the subject line, and including the following information in the body
of the message:
- author's name(s)
- title of abstract
- area of linguistics (syntax, phonology, etc.)
- affiliation
- e-mail address and contact during the summer (if different)
- whether the abstract is to be considered for the poster session/talk
(If, for any reason, you are unable to submit the abstract online or
electronically, please contact the organizers.)
Abstracts should be anonymous and be either in .txt (preferable) or
.pdf formats. For help with converting documents to .pdf formats,
please consult the submissions website. The organizers cannot be held
responsible for problems arising from clashes of hardware and
software; please embed fonts in any files you send and/or avoid the
use of non-standard fonts. Abstracts should be limited to one page
(using 1" margins on all sides and 11pt font size) with an optional
additional page containing examples and references. The deadline for
submission of abstracts is July 1, 2002.
Electronic submissions should be sent to: nels-cfp at mit.edu
For more information, please visit
or contact the organizers at nels33 at mit.edu
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 10:00:03 +0200
From: Amina Mettouchi <amina.mettouchi at free.fr>
Subject: Prosody: Call for papers
Colloque International de l'AAI
International AAI Workshop
"Interfaces prosodiques"
"Prosodic Interfaces"
NANTES (France)
27-28-29 Mars / March 2003
o Presentation / Presentation
Comme les annees precedentes, l'equipe AAI de l'Universite de Nantes
organise un colloque international. Vous avez ete nombreux a
participer a ces manifestations, et nous esperons que vous serez tout
aussi nombreux a nous rendre visite en mars 2003.
Nous vous proposons cette annee de nous interesser au champ de la
prosodie, qui a acquis un caractere central et incontournable dans
nombre de domaines. C'est le sens du terme "interfaces", qui voudrait
insister sur l'articulation entre la prosodie et d'autres terrains de
recherche. Comment se relient par exemple la prosodie et la syntaxe,
la pragmatique, la gestualite? Quelles grilles d'analyses, phonetiques
ou phonologiques, peut-on appliquer aux phenomenes prosodiques ? Que
nous apprennent sur le langage la pathologie et l'acquisition de la
prosodie ? Quelle est l'amplitude de la variation prosodique entre les
langues du monde, ou a l'interieur de ces langues, et peut-on faire
une typologie de la prosodie ? Que nous apprennent du role de la
prosodie le bilinguisme, ou l'apprentissage d'une langue etrangere ?
Toutes ces questions, et bien d'autres encore, seront nous l'esperons
abordees en mars 2003 a Nantes.
The AAI team of the University of Nantes is calling for papers for its
international workshop. Many of you participated in our Workshops in
1997, 1999 and 2002. We hope that you will honour us this year too.
Our proposal this year is to investigate the field of speech prosody,
which is acquiring a central dimension in many domains. This
centrality explains our choice of the term 'interfaces', which
underlines the articulation of prosody with other research areas. How
for instance can we link prosody and syntax, pragmatics, the study of
gestures ? What kinds of analytic grids, phonetical or phonological,
can we apply to prosodic phenomena ? What can we learn from the
pathology and acquisition of prosody ? What is the amplitude of
prosodic variation between the languages of the world, or between the
dialects of a given language ? How can bilingualism and second
language acquisition help us to understand the role of prosody in
All these questions, and hopefully many others, will be addressed in
March 2003 in Nantes.
o Themes / topics
Les journees d'etudes linguistiques seront organisees autour des
themes suivants :
The linguistic studies workshop will be organized around the following
topics :
- prosodie et discours : semantique, pragmatique, enonciation (prosody
and discourse : semantics, pragmatics, enunciation)
- prosodie et syntaxe (prosody and syntax)
- prosodie et acquisition / pathologie (prosody and acquisition / pathology)
- description phonetique / analyse phonologique (phonetic description
/ phonological interpretation)
- prosodie et gestualite (prosody and gestures)
- typologie prosodique (prosodic typology)
- prosodie et bilinguisme (prosody and bilingualism)
- prosodie et Traitement Automatique des Langues (prosody and speech
- prosodie, attitudes et emotions (Prosody, attitudes and emotions)
o Organisation
Ces journees sont organisees par l'equipe AAI (Acoustique, Acquisition
et Interpretation) de l'Universite de Nantes, JE2220. This workshop is
organised by the research team AAI (Acoustics, Acquisition and
Interpretation) of the University of Nantes, JE2220.
Pour tout renseignement concernant l'organisation de ces journees,
vous pouvez contacter les deux organisatrices (if you need more
information concerning the organisation of this workshop, please
contact the organisers at the following address) :
Amina Mettouchi
Gaelle Ferre
AAI (Acoustique, Acquisition et Interpretation)
Departement de Lettres Modernes (Bureau 4044)
UFR des Lettres et Sciences Humaines
Chemin de la Censive du Tertre
B.P 81227
44312 Nantes Cedex 3
ip2003 at humana.univ-nantes.fr
o Soumission des communications / submission of communications
Une synthese de 3 pages A4 (times 12) en trois exemplaires redigee en
francais ou en anglais, accompagnee de vos coordonnees (nom,
affiliation, adresses postale et electronique) sur papier libre, doit
etre expediee a l'adresse ci-dessus par courrier postal ou courrier
electronique (format RTF). Les resumes acceptes constitueront les
textes des pre-actes qui seront envoyes aux participants avant le
Send three copies of the synthesis of your final paper (3 pages, times
12) written in English or in French, specifying your name,
affiliation, postal and e-mail addresses on a separate page, to the
organizing committee, by post or e-mail (RTF format). The accepted
syntheses will be collected and posted to you as pre-proceedings
before the beginning of the Workshop.
o Langues du colloque / working languages
Les langues officielles de ces journees seront l'anglais et le
francais. The working languages will be English and French.
o Frais d'inscription / registration fees [à discuter]
Participants : 80 euros avant le 25 fevrier / 100 euros apres
Communicants : 70 euros
Etudiants / students : 30 euros avant le 25 fevrier / 35 euros apres
Les frais d'inscription comprennent les pre-actes du colloque (envoyes
aux inscrits fin fevrier), les actes du colloque (edites sur CD-Rom et
papier, disponibles a l'ouverture du colloque) et les pauses cafe/the.
Registration fees include the Pre-proceedings of the workshop (posted
to participants at the end of February), the Proceedings of the
workshop (edited in CD-Rom and paper versions, to be distributed at
the opening of the workshop) and tea/coffee breaks.
o Dates a retenir / important dates to remember
Date limite de soumission : 1er novembre 2002
Notification des acceptations : 19 decembre 2002
Reception des articles definitifs : 15 fevrier 2003
Programme preliminaire : 1er mars 2003
Journees d'Etudes : 27-28-29 mars 2003
Submission deadline : 1st November 2002
Notification of acceptance : 19 December 2002
Reception of final papers : 15 February 2003
Preliminary programme : 1st March 2003
Workshop : 27-28-29 March 2003
Toutes nos excuses pour les envois multiples.
Apologies for multiple postings.
LINGUIST List: Vol-13-1585
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