13.2528, TOC: Philologie im Netz, Issue 22 (2002)
linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Oct 4 16:03:29 UTC 2002
LINGUIST List: Vol-13-2528. Fri Oct 4 2002. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 13.2528, TOC: Philologie im Netz, Issue 22 (2002)
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
Consulting Editor:
Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Editors (linguist at linguistlist.org):
Karen Milligan, WSU Naomi Ogasawara, Arizona U.
James Yuells, EMU Marie Klopfenstein, WSU
Michael Appleby, EMU Heather Taylor, EMU
Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U. Richard John Harvey, EMU
Dina Kapetangianni, EMU Renee Galvis, WSU
Karolina Owczarzak, EMU Anita Huang, EMU
Tomoko Okuno, EMU Steve Moran, EMU
Lakshmi Narayanan, EMU Sarah Murray, WSU
Marisa Ferrara, EMU
Software: Gayathri Sriram, E. Michigan U. <gayatri at linguistlist.org>
Zhenwei Chen, E. Michigan U. <chen at linguistlist.org>
Prashant Nagaraja, E. Michigan U. <prashant at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Tomoko Okuno <tomoko at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 21:07:01 +0200 (MEST)
From: PhiN. Philologie im Netz <phin at zedat.fu-berlin.de>
Subject: Philologie im Netz, Issue 22 (2002)
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 21:07:01 +0200 (MEST)
From: PhiN. Philologie im Netz <phin at zedat.fu-berlin.de>
Subject: Philologie im Netz, Issue 22 (2002)
The latest issue of PhiN. Philologie im Netz is available at
PhiN 22/2002
Paul Gévaudan: Fondements sémiologiques du modèle de la
filiation lexicale [1-26]
Bernhard Huss: Pier Vittorio Tondellis "Rimini" und die 'Rückkehr
zum Handlungsroman' im Italien der 80er Jahre [27-55]
Alberto Zuluaga: Observaciones sobre las "enlaces frecuentes" de Maria
Moliner [56-74]
Eugenio Amato:Jacques Bompaire (2000): Lucien écrivain. Imitation
et création. Paris, Torino: Aragno ( Theatrum Sapientiae -
Essais 1). [75-77]
Brigitte Jostes:Hartmut Böhme, Peter Matussek und Lothar Müller
(2000): Orientierung Kulturwissenschaft. Was sie kann, was sie
will. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt. [78-80]
David Nelting:Werner Helmich, Helmut Meter und Astrid Poier-Bernhard
(Hgg.) (2002): Poetologische Umbrüche. Romanistische Studien zu
Ehren von Ulrich Schulz-Buschhaus. München: Fink. [81-86]
Publication: PhiN is a quarterly for laguage, literature, and cultural
studies, published on the internet ("http://www.fu-berlin.de/phin").
Viewing, downloading, or printing material from PhiN issues is
free. PhiN does only publish articles or reviews as original
ISSN 1433-7177.
Contributions: Manuscripts can be sent either through e-mail to
phin at zedat.fu-berlin.de, or on disk to PhiN. Philologie im Netz,
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, D-14195 Berlin.
Editors: Paul Gévaudan, Hiltrud Lautenbach, Peter Schneck, Dietrich
LINGUIST List: Vol-13-2528
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