13.2428, Calls: Comp Ling/Hungary, Comp Ling/The Netherlands

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Sep 24 18:46:53 UTC 2002

LINGUIST List:  Vol-13-2428. Tue Sep 24 2002. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 13.2428, Calls: Comp Ling/Hungary, Comp Ling/The Netherlands

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
	Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

Consulting Editor:
        Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Editors (linguist at linguistlist.org):
	Karen Milligan, WSU 		Naomi Ogasawara, EMU
	James Yuells, EMU		Marie Klopfenstein, WSU
	Michael Appleby, EMU		Heather Taylor, EMU
	Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U.	Richard John Harvey, EMU
	Dina Kapetangianni, EMU		Renee Galvis, WSU
	Karolina Owczarzak, EMU		Anita Wang, EMU
	Lakshmi Narayanan, EMU		Steve Moran, EMU
	Sarah Murray, WSU		Marisa Ferrara, EMU

Software: Gayathri Sriram, E. Michigan U. <gayatri at linguistlist.org>
          Zhenwei Chen, E. Michigan U. <zhenwei at linguistlist.org>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Marie Klopfenstein <marie at linguistlist.org>

As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.


Date:  Tue, 24 Sep 2002 11:56:42 +0200 (MEST)
From:  Steven Krauwer <steven.krauwer at let.uu.nl>
Subject:  EACL03: Last Call for Workshop Proposals

Date:  Tue, 24 Sep 2002 12:59:04 +0200 (METDST)
From:  Tanja Gaustad <tanja at let.rug.nl>
Subject:  Last CFP/Call for Participation CLIN 2002

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 24 Sep 2002 11:56:42 +0200 (MEST)
From:  Steven Krauwer <steven.krauwer at let.uu.nl>
Subject:  EACL03: Last Call for Workshop Proposals

	(European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics)

             Proposal submission deadline: October 1, 2002

           The EACL-03 Organizing Committee invites proposals
                 for workshops to be held at EACL-03.

    EACL-03 will take place in Budapest, Hungary, April 12-17, 2003
 with workshops being held on Sunday and Monday, April 13 and 14, 2003.

*  Workshop topics

 EACL-03 workshops provide organizers and participants with an
 opportunity to focus intensively on a specific topic within
 computational linguistics. Often, workshops concentrate on specific
 topics of technical interest (e.g., parsing technologies), particular
 areas of application for language processing technologies (e.g., NLP
 applied to IR), or community-wide issues that deserve attention (e.g.,
 standardization of resources and tools).

 We welcome proposals on any topic that is of interest to the EACL
 community, but we particularly encourage proposals that broaden the
 scope of our community through the consideration of new or
 interdisciplinary techniques or applications.

 We also encourage topics that are specific to the EACL community such
 as resources and tools for European or Mediterranean languages.

*  Workshop format

 Traditionally, workshops are shaped as mini-conferences, but we
 encourage proposers to consider other formats that exploit the fact
 that smaller settings allow for more interaction between participants
 (discussions, panels, working sessions). The default duration of a
 workshop is one day, but longer or shorter durations can be proposed
 (but should be justified).

 Please note that capacity limitations may cause us to request the
 organizers to shorten a workshop or to merge it with another workshop
 in a related area.

*  Financial guidelines

 The workshop organisers will benefit from the standard logistic
 facilities provided for the conference e.g., room, equipment, coffee,
 proceedings. Any additional cost should be covered by the organisers
 (especially invited speakers, PC meetings etc.).

*  Registration fees

 Participants pay a registration fee which is dependent on the duration
 of the workshop. Participants not registered for the main conference,
 pay a higher fee.

*  Proposals

 Workshop proposals should provide sufficient information to evaluate
 the quality and importance of the topic, and the size of the
 interested community. Proposals should be 2-4 pages and contain the
 following information:
   * A title and brief description of the workshop topic.
   * The target audience and projected number of participants along
     with support for the projected count. Supporting evidence could
     include a list of potential submitters, a list of conferences that
     contained papers on the proposed topic, the number of new
     companies focused on this topic, or recent funding initiatives
     that address this topic.
   * Resource needs such as room size and number of days. Include any
     special requirements for technical support (computer
     infrastructure, etc.).
   * The name, postal address, phone number, e-mail address, and
     webpage of each chair. In addition, indicate the chairs'
     background in the workshop area.
   * A preliminary programme committee

 Proposals should be submitted by electronic mail, in plain ASCII text,
 as soon as possible but no later than OCTOBER 1, 2002.

 The subject line should be: "EACL-03 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL".
 Please e-mail proposals and any inquiries to the Workshop Chair,
 Steven Krauwer (steven.krauwer at let.uu.nl)

*  Timetable of Important Dates:

 Workshop proposals due: Oct. 1, 2002
 Notification of acceptance: Oct. 7, 2002
 Deadline for receipt of workshop Call for Papers and other publicity
 material: Oct. 21, 2002
 Send out Call for Papers: Nov. 1, 2002
 Suggested deadline for workshop paper submissions: Jan. 1, 2003
 Suggested deadline for notification of workshop paper acceptance: Jan.
 21, 2003
 Suggested deadline for camera-ready workshop papers: Feb. 13, 2003
 Workshop Dates: Apr. 13-14, 2003

*  Workshop Committee:

 Steven Krauwer (ELSNET / Utrecht University), Chair
 Jean-Pierre Chanod (Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble)
 Ernst Buchberger (ÖFAI, Vienna)

*  Additional Information:

 Conference website: http://www.conferences.hu/EACL03
 Workshop website: http://www.elsnet.org/workshops-eacl2003.html

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 24 Sep 2002 12:59:04 +0200 (METDST)
From:  Tanja Gaustad <tanja at let.rug.nl>
Subject:  Last CFP/Call for Participation CLIN 2002


* CLIN 2002					  *
* Thirteenth CLIN Meeting 			  *
* (Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands)  *
* Friday, 29 November, 2002 			  *
* University of Groningen			  *

We are happy to announce the thirteenth CLIN meeting which will be hosted
by the department of Humanities Computing at the University of
Groningen. The languages of the conference are Dutch and English. The
guest speaker of CLIN 2002 is

    Hugo Brandt Corstius

author of numerous books and columns on computational linguistics, as well
as on Dutch language and literature. The topic of his talk will be
announced later.

Researchers are invited to present papers on all aspects of computational
linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics,
pragmatics, machine translation, computational lexicography, formal
languages, grammar formalisms, information retrieval, information
extraction, text mining, knowledge representation, parsing and generation,
dialogue management, embodied conversational agents, corpus-oriented
methods, etc.).

Authors should submit an abstract in English or Dutch (preferably by
e-mail, in flat ASCII). The abstract should contain:

- a title
- your name, address, affiliation, and e-mail address
- a short outline of the paper (10-20 lines)

You can send your abstract to: clin at let.rug.nl

or, if email is not possible, to:

CLIN 2002
Tanja Gaustad
University of Groningen
P.O. Box 716
9700 AS Groningen
The Netherlands

Deadline for submission:	27 September 2002.
Notification of acceptance: 	11 October 2002.
CLIN 2002:  			29 November 2002.

The local organiser of this year's meeting is Tanja Gaustad.

A volume with proceedings of the twelfth CLIN meeting (held 30 November
2001, in Enschede) will be available at this year's meeting. We intend to
produce a volume of the proceedings of CLIN 2002 before CLIN 2003. Papers
for these proceedings will have to be written in English; they will be
reviewed by a committee to be appointed in due time.

Participants are kindly asked to register online on the CLIN 2002 home
page. The participation fee is EUR 35,- which includes a copy of the
proceedings of last year's meeting, as well as lunch and drinks. CLIN 2002
is organized in cooperation with SIKS, and sponsored by NWO, BCN and

This and future information about CLIN 2002 will be made available via the
CLIN 2002 home page: http://www.let.rug.nl/clin2002/

LINGUIST List: Vol-13-2428

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