14.1021, Jobs: ESL: Instructor, American Councils

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Sun Apr 6 22:13:18 UTC 2003

LINGUIST List:  Vol-14-1021. Sun Apr 6 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 14.1021, Jobs: ESL: Instructor, American Councils

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            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

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	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

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Date:  Sun, 06 Apr 2003 04:21:28 +0000
From:  JFDP at americancouncils.org
Subject:  ESL: Instructor, American Councils, Serbia or Moldova

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Sun, 06 Apr 2003 04:21:28 +0000
From:  JFDP at americancouncils.org
Subject:  ESL: Instructor, American Councils, Serbia or Moldova

University or Organization: American Councils
Rank of Job: Instructor
Specialty Areas: ESL


Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP) ESL Instructor
Chisinau, Moldova -or- Belgrade, Serbia
Position Description

The American Language Center, a subsidiary of American Councils for
International Education in Chisinau, Moldova, along with the American
Councils office in Belgrade, Serbia seek English language instructors
for a short immersion program for university faculty from Eurasia and
the Balkans.  Instructors will teach small groups of faculty from the
Junior Faculty Development Program, content-based classes to prepare
them for a year-long program at U.S. Universities.  Instructors would
be expected to participate in an EFL methods pre-program training
course and develop course syllabi for the month-long program.  The
contract for the Chisinau Program will begin mid-June and end August
1, 2003.  The contract for the Belgrade Program will begin early June
and end late July, 2003.

This summer language program provides an intensive English language
learning opportunity, including living in a community with English
learners to create an English environment, and speaking only English
during the program's duration.  The position requires teaching three
classes per day, five days per week and with expectation that
instructors will interact with learners during weekends and
non-teaching times.  Instructors should have a high interest in
learning about other cultures, be willing to participate in an intense
English immersion environment, take initiative, and hold a high
standard of professionalism, both within and outside of the classroom.


* Participate in a 3-5-day training seminar on EFL methods and
* Teach a class in one of the following areas to three groups of
  students five days per week over a four week period (approximately
  10 students per group).: Higher Education in the U.S., U.S. Academic
  Research, US Cultural Geography, US History, Campus Life and Pop
  Culture, Academic Writing
* Design and implement the syllabus for an individual course.
* Hold regular daily office hours
* Participate in cultural events with students.
* Interact regularly with students at meals and informal gatherings
  (welcome party, city tour, etc.)
* Evaluate student's work and assist in conducting entrance and exit
  language examinations.


* Masters degree - English language acquisition, educational
administration, educational leadership, international relations,
history, American studies, or any related field

* A minimum of two years' experience teaching at the undergraduate or
  graduate level
* Experience with international students
* Willingness to teach English (as a language) through content-based

To Apply for the Chisinau Program:
Please e-mail a resume, cover letter, and list of references to
alc at accels.dnt.md with ''JFDP ESL Teacher'' in the subject line by
April 11, 2003.

To Apply for the Belgrade Program:
Please e-mail a resume, cover letter, and list of references to
acie at eunet.yu ''JFDP ESL Teacher'' in the subject line by April 11,

American Language Center in Moldova:
Junior Faculty Development Program: http://www.actr.org/jfdp
American Councils for International Education:

Address for Applications:

	Attn: JFDP
	Applications are to be sent via email to:
	alc at accels.dnt.md or acie at eunet.yu

	Applications are due by 11-Apr-2003

Contact Information:
	Email: JFDP at americancouncils.org
	Website: http://www.americancouncils.org

LINGUIST List: Vol-14-1021

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