14.1152, Confs: Lang Acquisition/Japan

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon Apr 21 15:53:11 UTC 2003

LINGUIST List:  Vol-14-1152. Mon Apr 21 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 14.1152, Confs: Lang Acquisition/Japan

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
	Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

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Date:  Mon, 21 Apr 2003 06:11:02 +0000
From:  ksuda at mvh.biglobe.ne.jp
Subject:  3rd Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 21 Apr 2003 06:11:02 +0000
From:  ksuda at mvh.biglobe.ne.jp
Subject:  3rd Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association

3rd Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association
Short Title: J-SLA 2003

Date: 24-MAY-03 - 25-MAY-03
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Shigenori Wakabayashi
Contact Email: waka at gpwu.ac.jp
Meeting URL: http://www.intsurf.ne.jp/~ykt/

Linguistic Sub-field: Language Acquisition

Meeting Description:

Place: Daito Bunka Meeting Center (Itabashi, Tokyo)
Tel: 03-5399-7399

Plenary Address:
''Transfer in Hand and Mind: The Role of Typology in Second Language
Gestural Behaviour''
Eric Kellerman
Professor, University of Nijmegen
The editor of IRAL (co-editor Peter Jordens)
A member of the advisory board of J-SLA

Program of J-SLA2003
The program for J-SLA is now final and has been printed in ''The
English Teacher's Magazine'' (Eigo Kyoiku).

The Japan Second Language Association, Annual Conference 2003

Dates: 24 and 25 May 2003
Place: Daito Bunka Kaikan (Itabashi, TokyoTEL 03-5399-7399
Fee: Members: 1,000 yen, Non-members 6,000 yen

* If you are not a member of J-SLA, you can be the member on the day
at the reception desk. In that case, the conference fee is 1,000
yen. An annual member fee is 5,000 yen for a general member and 3,000
yen for a student member.

24 May (Sat)
9:00 Registration
9:30-12:00 Workshops

(1)Workshop A (9:30-12:00)
Room: Meeting room No.1
Language: Japanese
Title: How to set research questions in SLA studies
Chair: Shigenori Wakabayashi (Gunma Prefectural Womens University)

(2)Workshop B (9:30-12:00)
Room: Main conference room
Title: Statistical analyses in SLA studies
Language: Japanese
Chair: Hitoshi Muranoi (Tohoku Gakuin University)

If you are interested in joining those workshops, you do not need to
register in advance. Please come to the reception desk on the day.

13:00-13:10 Opening
Room: Main conference room

13:10-13:55 Oral Presentation
Room: Main conference room (All oral presentations are held in the
Main conference room)
Chair: Takaaki Suzuki (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Language: English
Title: Acquisition of L2 onset clusters by Japanese-speaking learners
of English
Presenter: Kota Hattori (University of Hawai'i at Manoa)

14:00-14:45 Oral presentation
Chair: Takaaki Suzuki (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Language: Japanese
Title: Bogo-niokeru onso-no sonzai-ga onseichikaku-ni hatasu yakuwari
Presenters: Kiyoshi Ishikawa (Hosei University) & Takako Kawasaki
(Hosei University)

15:00-15:15P resentation of newly-published SLA books written by
Newly-published SLA books will be presented by authors and by
Room: Main conference room
Chair: Yuichi Tomita (Daito Bunka University
Languages: Japanese and English
If you have published a SLA book recently, please submit one at the
reception desk. It will be even more appreciated if you could give us
brief comments on the book.

15:15-16:00 Oral presentation
Chair: Toshihiro Shimizu (Kyushu University)
Language: Japanese
Title: Eigo-no goi-akusesu-niokeru douonigigo/ruigigo pea-no eikyou
Presenter: Shuhei Kadota (Kwansei Gakuin University)

16:05-16:50 Oral Presentation
Chair: Toshihiro Shimizu (Kyushu University)
Language: Japanese
Title: Hand in hand: A correlation of working memory capacity for
L1and L2 sentence processing
Presenters: Akira Omaki (University of Hawai'i at Manoa) & Ken Ariji
(McGill University)

16:55-17:40 Oral presentation
Chair: Toshihiro Shimizu (Kyushu University)
Language: Japanese
Title: Nihonjin-eigo-gakushuusha-niokeru imiteki/tougoteki-bun-no
Presenter: Natsuko Tatsuta (Middle Tennessee State University,
Seigaku-in University)

17:50-19:50 Banquet
Room: Main conference room
2,000 yen
Tickets can be purchased at the reception.

25 May (Sun)
9:00 Registration

9:30-10:15 Oral Presentation
Chair: Makiko Hirakawa (Tokyo International University)
Language: English
Title: Lexical semantic and developmental variations in the
acquisition of English unaccusatives by native speakers of Japanese
Presenters: Ayako Deguchi (Ohio University) & Hiroyuki Oshita (Ohio

10:20-11:05 Oral Presentation
Chair: Makiko Hirakawa (Tokyo International University)
Language: English
Title: The L2 acquisition of English locative alternations by Korean
Presenter: Gerald Bullock (University of Hawai'i at Manoa)

11:10-11:40 Annual General Meeting
Room: Main conference room

11:40-12:20 Poster presentation
Room: Meeting room No.1

Titles and Presenters
Title: Nohonjin-eigo-gakushusha-niyoru suuryoushi-ichi-no shuutoku
Presenter: Kaori Arai (Gunma Prefectural Womens University)

Title: Identification and micro-genesis of interactional competence
Presenter: Eric Hauser (University of Hawai'i at Manoa, The University
of Electro-Communications)

Title: Kankeisetsu-no hannka to gengo-tekisei
Presenter: Tomohito Ishikawa (Soka High School, Aoyama Gakuin

Title: Nihonjin-niyoru sokubakuhenkou-tosite-no eigo-daimeishi-no
shuutoku to shiyou
Presenters: Miyoko Ito (Tsuda College, Daito Bunka University),
Shigenori Wakabayashi (Gunma Prefectural Women's University) & Makiko
Kuwabara (Onishi Junior High School)

Title: Does age affect second language acquisition?: A study on
Japanese children and adults learning English /l/ and /r/
Presenter: Chise Kasai (Miyazaki International College)

Title: Jiyuukaiwa-niokeru jyouhouteikyou-wo shimesu 'kedo' no shiyou:
Thai-jin nihonngo-gakushusha to nihinjin-bogowasha-no hikaku
Presenter: Sena Khwanchira (Tohoku University)

Title: Subjects in Japanese EFL interlanguage as structurally-enforced
Presenters: Chieko Kuribara (Kansai University) & Miki Shibata
(University of the Ryukyus)

Title: Rhetoric in native English and ESL Chinese and Japanese
writing: A contrastive study
Presenter: Miranda Y. P. Lee (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Title: Nihonjin-eigo-gakushusha-niyoru shousetu-no kaishaku-ni
mirareru ayamari to sono genin
Presenter: Emi Ota (Kuroiso Minami High School)

Title: Self-motivation research in Japanese English learning context:
Interaction between L2 motivation orientation types and
self-motivation strategies
Presenter: Akihisa Otokawa (Hokusei Gakuen University)

Title: Sentence processing strategy of learners of Japanese
Presenter: Koichi Sawasaki (University of Shizuoka)

Title: Variability in the use of the English article system by
Japanese learners of English
Presenter: Neal Snape (University of Essex)

Title: Hi-nihongo-waha-no nihongohyoushutu-ni mirareru kanouhyougen-ni
kansuru kousatsu
Presenter: Harry Solvang (ATR Institute International)

13:20-14:45 Plenary
Room: Main conference room
Chair: Robert J. Fouser (Kyoto University)
Introduction: Tomohiko Shirahata (Shizuoka University)
Title: Transfer in hand and mind: The role of typology in second
language gestural behaviour
Speaker: Eric Kellerman (University of Nijmegen)

14:50-15:35 Oral Presentation
Chair: Hiromasa Ohba (Joetsu University. of Education)
Language: English
Title: Acquisition of interactive listener responses in Japanese as a
foreign language
Presenter: Ritsuko Narita (University of Hawai'i at Manoa)

15:40-16:25 Oral presentation
Chair: Hiromasa Ohba (Joetsu University of Education)
Language: Japanese
Title: Nihonjin-EFL-gakushusha-niyotu eigo-ni-okeru Multiple Headed
Structure oyobi Multiple WH-phrase Interrogative-no sonzai-nituite
Presenter: Sayaka Suzuki (Osaka University)

16:25-16:30 Closing
Room: Main conference room

If you have any questions, please contact Shigenori Wakabayashi at
waka at gpwu.ac.jp.

J-SLA Secretary
Shigenori Wakabayashi

LINGUIST List: Vol-14-1152

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