14.2202, Media: AP Article on Machine Translation

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Wed Aug 20 14:37:56 UTC 2003

LINGUIST List:  Vol-14-2202. Wed Aug 20 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 14.2202, Media: AP Article on Machine Translation

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Date:  Wed, 20 Aug 2003 08:30:55 +0800
From:  "Karen Chung" <karchung at ntu.edu.tw>
Subject:  AP: Machine translation

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 20 Aug 2003 08:30:55 +0800
From:  "Karen Chung" <karchung at ntu.edu.tw>
Subject:  AP: Machine translation

    There's an article from the AP, posted on the Excite.com site, on an
award-winning English-Vietnamese translation device:

Software Translates Restaurant Orders Aug 18, 10:55 AM (ET)
By Jean Ortiz

    Some sample paragraphs:

    Life is much easier for Lam, now that her 23-year-old son, Tu
Nguyen, developed the software that enables her to understand the
needs of her English-speaking customers in her native language.
    Nguyen, who enters his senior year at the University of Nebraska
at Omaha this fall, developed what he calls the Intelligent Pocket
Order Delivering System. It allows waiters to take orders on a
wireless pocket computer, then transmit them to the kitchen in a
different language.
    Not only has his invention bridged the language barrier in his
family's business, it also won him the $25,000 first prize in the
recent Imagine Cup competition sponsored by Microsoft.

    The URL:


    Visit very soon - the link will probably expire within 24 hours.

    The link and an intro to this article were posted in the August
19, 2003 issue of NewsScan Daily http://www.newsscan.com/.

    Karen Steffen Chung

LINGUIST List: Vol-14-2202

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