14.3359, Calls: Applied Ling/USA; Discourse Analysis/Taiwan
linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Dec 5 21:02:07 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-3359. Fri Dec 5 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.3359, Calls: Applied Ling/USA; Discourse Analysis/Taiwan
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Sheila Collberg, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Andrea Berez <andrea at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 11:16:25 -0500 (EST)
From: jbi1209 at mail.ecu.edu
Subject: TESOL/Applied Linguistics Grad Students Conference
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 01:03:33 -0500 (EST)
From: iscll9 at ntu.edu.tw
Subject: 9th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 11:16:25 -0500 (EST)
From: jbi1209 at mail.ecu.edu
Subject: TESOL/Applied Linguistics Grad Students Conference
TESOL/Applied Linguistics Grad Students Conference
Short Title: TALGS Conference
Date: 21-Feb-2004 - 21-Feb-2004
Location: Greenville, NC, United States of America
Contact: Josh Iorio
Contact Email: jbi1209 at mail.ecu.edu
Meeting URL: http://core.ecu.edu/engl/talgs
Linguistic Sub-field: Applied Linguistics
Meeting Description:
The purpose of this conference is to provide a pressure-free
environment where graduate students studying Applied Linguistics/TESOL
can have the experience of presenting their work. Many graduate
students want the chance to be initiated into the circle of conference
presenters, but don't feel ready to present at the same conference
with experienced conference participants. In addition, many of these
large conferences do not have sufficient space for graduate-student
papers. The TALGS Spring Conference provides graduate students a forum
to showcase their research and works-in-progress in a suitable
environment. This conference will also provide an opportunity to
network and make friends with your future colleagues.
TALGS Spring Conference February 21, 2004 8:00am-7:00pm
East Carolina University Greenville, NC
Carolina TESOL and the Program for TESL/Linguistics, Department of
English, East Carolina University
The purpose of this conference is to provide a pressure-free
environment where graduate students studying Applied Linguistics/TESOL
can have the experience of presenting their work. Many graduate
students want the chance to be initiated into the circle of conference
presenters, but don't feel ready to present at the same conference
with experienced conference participants. In addition, many of these
large conferences do not have sufficient space for graduate-student
papers. The TALGS Spring Conference provides graduate students a forum
to showcase their research and works-in-progress in a suitable
environment. This conference will also provide an opportunity to
network and make friends with your future colleagues.
a) To provide a stress-free environment where Applied
Linguistics/TESOL graduate students can showcase their work.
b) To establish a professional network of graduate students interested
in Applied Linguistics/TESOL
c) To create an awareness of the quality work being done by other
graduate students in the field of TESOL/Applied Linguistics
d) To provide essential conference presentation experience for
graduate students with research relevant to the study of Applied
Presentation Formats:
a) research paper presentations of 45 minutes
b) 45 minute workshops
Invited Speaker:
Dr. Jack Chambers (University of Toronto): ''Sociolinguistics and
Second-Language SpeakersâEuro
Topics for presentation can span the wide range of interests that fall
under the umbrella of Applied Linguistics/TESOL. Accepted proposals
will show evidence of theoretically based research projects that
provide some insight into a specific aspect of Applied
Linguistics/TESOL. Presentation of works in progress will also be
considered. Presentations requiring computer facilities can be
accommodated. Multiple proposals will be accepted. Proposals must be
submitted electronically and must be received no later than January
20th, 2004.
Please visit
http://core.ecu.edu/engl/talgs/conference/conference.htm#prop to
submit a proposal.
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 01:03:33 -0500 (EST)
From: iscll9 at ntu.edu.tw
Subject: 9th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics
9th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics
Short Title: IsCLL-9
Date: 18-Nov-2004 - 20-Nov-2004
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Contact: Shuanfan Huang
Contact Email: iscll9 at ntu.edu.tw
Linguistic Sub-field: Discourse Analysis
Call Deadline: 15-Apr-2004
Meeting Description:
The Ninth International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics
Taipei, Taiwan November 18-20, 2004
The Ninth International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics
(IsCLL-9) will be held in Taipei on the campus of National Taiwan
University from 18th to 20th of November 2004. The Symposium is
organized by the Graduate Institute of Linguistics of National Taiwan
University in conjunction with the Institute of Linguistics of
Academia Sinica and the Linguistic Society of Taiwan.
The 2004 symposium is the ninth of the Chinese Languages and
Linguistics Symposium series, which is designed to provide a forum
where linguists meet to discuss and share their ideas about theories
of language and the structure of Chinese languages. The special
conference theme of IsCLL-9 is DISCOURSE and COGNITION.
The IsCLL-9 invite3s submissions for 20-minute presentations (plus 10
minutes for discussion) on any theoretical or descriptive linguistic
work on languages spoken in Taiwan and China, though we will give
priority to work relating to the Conference Theme, especially
submissions on the interaction between discourse and grammar or on
cognitive linguistics in its many forms.
Invited speakers of the Symposium include
Gilles Fauconnier (UCSD)
Malcolm Ross (ANU)
Sandy Thompson (UCSB)
Jim Tai (NCCU)
Submissions should be written in English or Chinese, anonymous, one
page in length, optionally with an additional page for data and
references. On a separate sheet, give the title, authorâEuro(tm)s
name, subject area, affiliation, and address (including phone and fax
numbers, and mailing and email addresses). Abstracts should be written
on A4 paper with a font size no smaller than 12 point. The work
described should be original and not published anywhere else. Each
author may submit only one abstract, with an additional co-authored
abstract allowed. Five copies of abstracts must be submitted to
facilitate the reviewing process.
Electronic submissions must be followed by submissions in
hardcopy. The abstracts should be sent to
iscll9 at ntu.edu.tw
or to
Organizing Committee
Graduate Institute of Linguistics
National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan 10617
Please note the following deadlines:
Deadline for abstracts: April 15, 2004
Date for notification of acceptance: June 1, 2004
Deadline for full papers: September 20, 2004
Organizing Committee
Graduate Institute of Linguistics
National Taiwan University
Telephone: 886-2-23661381 ext. 309 (Prof. Iwen Su)
ext. 301 (Ms. M.L. Liu)
Fax: 886-2-23635358
Email: iscll9 at ntu.edu.tw
Submissions should be written in English or Chinese, anonymous, one
page in length, optionally with an additional page for data and
references. On a separate sheet, give the title, authorâEuro(tm)s
name, subject area, affiliation, and address (including phone and fax
numbers, and mailing and email addresses). Abstracts should be written
on A4 paper with a font size no smaller than 12 point. The work
described should be original and not published anywhere else. Each
author may submit only one abstract, with an additional co-authored
abstract allowed. Five copies of abstracts must be submitted to
facilitate the reviewing process.
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-3359
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