14.3492, Calls: General Ling/Portugal; Computational Ling/China

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Dec 16 21:01:21 UTC 2003

LINGUIST List:  Vol-14-3492. Tue Dec 16 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 14.3492, Calls: General Ling/Portugal; Computational Ling/China

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
	Sheila Collberg, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Andrea Berez <andrea at linguistlist.org>
As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.

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Date:  Tue, 16 Dec 2003 09:56:09 -0500 (EST)
From:  Antonio.Branco at di.fc.ul.pt
Subject:  5th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium

Date:  Fri, 5 Dec 2003 22:33:16 +0900
From:  wi-iat at maebashi-it.org <wi-iat at maebashi-it.org>
Subject:  International Conference on Web Intelligence 2004

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 16 Dec 2003 09:56:09 -0500 (EST)
From:  Antonio.Branco at di.fc.ul.pt
Subject:  5th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium

5th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium

Date: 23-Sep-2004 - 24-Sep-2004
Location: S. Miguel, Azores, Portugal
Contact: António Branco
Contact Email: daarc2004 at di.fc.ul.pt
Meeting URL: http://daarc2004.di.fc.ul.pt

Linguistic Sub-field: General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Mar-2004

Meeting Description:

              The 5th International Conference on
           Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution

               hosted by the University of Azores
                   September 23 - 24, 2004

Following the success of the previous international colloquia on
Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution at Lancaster in 1996, 1998
and 2000, and Lisbon in 2002, the next colloquium in the series will
take place in S. Miguel, Portugal, in 2004.

DAARC2004 aims to continue the trend set by the previous DAARC events,
which brought together a wide variety of research on discourse
anaphora and anaphor resolution. Our goal will be to review this
diverse field and consider the results obtained in recent years.

The DAARC2004 colloquium will be held on the 23-24th September 2004 in
Azores. The working sessions will take place at Terra Nostra Garden
Hotel, located near to a superb botanical garden, in the small village
of Furnas, in the Furnas valley, a crater of an extinct
volcano. Furnas is known for its geysers, many of them right in the
center of the village. This village is located in São Miguel Island,
the largest island of Azores archipelago, known for the untouched
beauty of its ever green landscape, with several lagoons in extinct

We would like to invite anyone currently researching in the areas of
discourse, anaphora and anaphor resolution, from any methodological
perspective or framework, to submit a paper for DAARC2004. The closing
date for submission is 15/3/04. Notification of acceptance will be
sent by 3/5/04. Selected papers are expected by 31/5/02 to be included
in the proceedings.

Please send an anonymous abstract of no more than 2 pages, together
with a separate identification page with Name(s) and Affiliation(s) of
the author(s) and with the phone number and email address of the
contact person, to the DAARC2004 organisers at the following email
address: daarc2004 at di.fc.ul.pt

Organizing committee:

António Branco (Univ Lisbon)
Tony McEnery (Lancaster Univ)
Ruslan Mitkov (Univ Wolverhampton)
with Luís Gomes (Univ Azores)

Program committee:

Amit Bagga, Avaya Inc.
Peter Bosch, Univ Osnabrueck
António Branco, Univ Lisbon
Donna Byron, Ohio State Univ
Francis Cornish, Univ Toulouse-Le Mirail
Dan Cristea, Univ Iasi
Richard Evans, Univ Wolverhampton
Martin Everaert, OTS
Claire Gardent, LORIA
Jeanette Gundel, Univ Minnesota
Sanda Harabagiu, Univ Texas at Dallas
Graeme Hirst, Univ Toronto
Yan Huang, Univ Reading
Andrew Kehler, Univ California, San Diego
Rodger Kibble, Univ London
Andrej Kibrik, Russian Academy of Sciences
Emiel Krahmer, Tilburg Univ
Shalom Lappin, King's College
Tony McEnery, Lancaster Univ
Ruslan Mitkov, Univ Wolverhampton
Maria Mercedes Pinango, Yale Univ
Massimo Poesio, Univ Essex
Georgiana Puscasu, Univ Wolverhampton
Eric Reuland, OTS
Marco Rocha, Univ Federal de Santa Catarina
Antonio Fernandez Rodriguez, Univ Alacant
Tony Sanford, Glasgow Univ,
Roland Stuckardt, Univ Frankfurt am Main
Renata Vieira, Unisinos

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 5 Dec 2003 22:33:16 +0900
From:  wi-iat at maebashi-it.org <wi-iat at maebashi-it.org>
Subject:  International Conference on Web Intelligence 2004

                IEEE/WIC/ACM  WEB INTELLIGENCE 2004
                   C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'04)

                      September 20-24, 2004
            King Wing Hot Spring Hotel, Beijing, China

            Homepage: http://www.maebashi-it.org/WI04

                           Sponsored By
                      IEEE Computer Society
                 Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC)
             Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

                Co-Organized and In Cooperation With
                  Beijing University of Technology
                  China Computer Federation (CCF)
                  Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)
                  Maebashi Institute of Technology
                  Tsinghua University

                        Corporate Sponsors
                  Beijing University of Technology
           National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

 - Paper submission due: April 4, 2004
 - Submission websites: http://www.maebashi-it.org/WI04
 - Electronic submissions are required in the form of PDF or PS files

Web Intelligence (WI) has been recognized as a new direction for
scientific research and development to explore the fundamental roles
as well as practical impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) (e.g.,
knowledge representation, planning, knowledge discovery and data
mining, intelligent agents, and social network intelligence) and
advanced Information Technology (IT) (e.g., wireless networks,
ubiquitous devices, social networks, and data/knowledge grids) on the
next generation of Web-empowered products, systems, services, and
activities. It is one of the most important as well as promising IT
research fields in the era of Web and agent intelligence.

The 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence
(WI'04) will be jointly held with the 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International
Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT'04
http://www.maebashi-it.org/IAT04).  The IEEE/WIC/ACM 2004 joint
conferences are sponsored and organized by IEEE Computer Society
Technical Committee on Computational Intelligence (TCCI)
(http://www.cs.uvm.edu/~xwu/tcci/index.shtml), Web Intelligence
Consortium (WIC) (http://wi-consortium.org), and ACM-SIGART

The topics and areas include, but not limited to:

WI Topics

* World Wide Wisdom Web (W4)

  Distributed Resources Optimization
  Goal-Directed Services Support
  Information and Knowledge Markets
  Knowledge Community Formation and Support
  Meta-Knowledge Discovery and Representation
  New Social Interaction Paradigms
  Problem Solver Markup Language (PSML)
  Regularities and Laws of W4
  Search of Best Means and Ends
  Service Self-Aggregation
  Social and Psychological Contexts
  Web Inference Engine

* Social Networks and Social Intelligence

  Knowledge Community Formation and Support
  Link Topology and Site Hierarchy
  Intelligent Wireless Web
  Social Networks Mining
  Theories of Small-World Web
  Ubiquitous Computing
  Ubiquitous Learning Systems
  Virtual and Web Communities
  Web-Based Cooperative Work
  Web Site Clustering

* Knowledge Grids and Grid Intelligence

  Brokering and Scheduling
  Knowledge Resources and Services Discovery
  Middleware Architectures and Tools
  On-Demand Planning and Routing
  Semantic Grids

* Web Mining and Farming

  Context Sensitive Web Mining
  E-Mail Classification
  Data Warehousing
  Learning User Profiles
  Multimedia Data Mining
  Mining Data Streams
  Text Mining
  Web Farming and Warehousing
  Web Content Mining
  Web Information Clustering
  Web Information Indexing
  Web Log and Usage Mining
  Web Page Clustering and Mining
  Web Site Classification

* Semantics and Ontology Engineering

  Ontology-Based Information Extraction and Retrieval
  Ontology-Based Web Mining
  Web-Based Ontology Learning
  Semantic Web

* Web Agents

  Agent Networks and Topologies
  Distributed Problem Solving
  Global Information Foraging
  Macroscopic Behavior Modeling
  Mobile Agents
  Remembrance Agents
  Resource Intermediary and Coordination Mechanisms
  Self-Organization and Reproduction
  Trust Models for Web Agents

* Web Services

  Middleware-Based Ubiquitous Services
  Web Service Reconfiguration
  Web Service Workflow Composition
  Grid Services

* Web Information Filtering and Retrieval

  Automatic Cataloging and Indexing
  Clustering-Based Recommender Systems
  Collaborative Filtering
  Digital Library
  Distributed Web Search
  Hybrid Recommendation
  Information Retrieval Criteria and Evaluations
  Proxy and Cache Techniques
  Search Engines and Meta-search Engines
  Specifications for Web Information Extraction Process
  Web Crawling Systems
  Web Information Categorization and Ranking
  Web Prediction and Prefetching

* Intelligent Human-Web Interaction

  Adaptive Web Interfaces
  Context-Aware Computing
  Learning User Profiles
  Multimedia Representation
  Personalized Interfaces
  Personalized Web Sites
  Social and Psychological Issues
  Visualization of Information and Knowledge

* Web Support Systems

  Information Retrieval Support Systems
  Web Site Navigation Support Systems
  Recommender Support Systems
  Soft Computing (including neural networks, fuzzy logic,
       evolutionary computation, rough sets, and granular
       computing) and Uncertainty Management for WI
  Web-Based Decision Support Systems

* Intelligent E-Technology
  Collaborative Filtering and Recommendation
  Business Intelligence
  Decentralized Community Communication Techniques
  E-Business and E-Commerce
  Intelligent Enterprise Portals
  Web-Based Direct Marketing and CRM
  Web-Based EDI
  Web Security, Integrity, Privacy and Trust

Important Dates
      Electronic submission of full papers:  April 4, 2004
          Notification of paper acceptance:  June 10, 2004
 Workshop and tutorial proposal submission:  June 10, 2004
           Camera-ready of accepted papers:  July  5, 2004
                       Workshops/Tutorials:  September 20, 2004
                                Conference:  September 21-24, 2004

On-Line Submissions and Publication
High-quality papers in all WI related areas are solicited. Papers
exploring new directions or areas will receive a careful and
supportive review.  All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis
of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity.  Note that
WI'04 will accept ONLY on-line submissions, containing PDF (PostScript
or MS-Word) versions.

The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer
Society Press.

WI'04 also welcomes Industry/Demo-Track submissions, Workshop and
Tutorial proposals.

More detailed instructions and the On-Line Submission Form can be
found from the WI'04 homepage: http://www.maebashi-it.org/WI04.

A selected number of WI'04 accepted papers will be expanded and
revised for inclusion in Web Intelligence and Agent Systems:
An International Journal (http://wi-consortium.org/journal.html)
and in Annual Review of Intelligent Informatics

The best paper awards will be conferred on the authors of
the best papers at the conference.

Conference Organization
***** Conference Committee *****

Conference Chairs:
  Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK
  Nick Cercone, University of Dalhousie, Canada

Program Chair:
  Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan

Program Co-chairs:

  Henry Tirri, University of Helsinki, Finland
  Yiyu Yao, University of Regina, Canada
  Lizhu Zhou, Tsinghua University, China

  Jeffrey Bradshaw, UWF/Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, USA
  Sankar K. Pal, Indian Statistical Institute, Inida
  Domenico Talia, University of Calabria, Italy

Industry/Demo-Track Chairs:
  Qiang Yang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK
  Wei-Ying Ma, Microsoft Research Asia, China

Workshop Chair:
  Pawan Lingras, Saint Mary's University, Canada

Tutorial Chair:
  Gerd Wagner, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Publicity Chair:
  Yuefeng Li, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Organizing Chairs:
  Tieyoung Zuo, Beijing University of Technology, China
  Chunnian Liu, Beijing University of Technology, China

Local Arrangement Chair:
  Baocai Yin, Beijing University of Technology, China

  Xindong Wu                      USA

WIC Co-Chairs/Directors
  Ning Zhong                    Japan
  Jiming Liu                       HK

  Maria Gini                      USA

WIC Advisory Board
  Edward A. Feigenbaum            USA
  Setsuo Ohsuga                 Japan
  Benjamin Wah                    USA
  Philip Yu                       USA
  L.A. Zadeh                      USA

WIC Technical Committee & WI/IAT Steering Committee
  Nick Cercone                 Canada
  Dieter Fensel               Austria
  Georg Gottlob               Austria
  Lakhmi Jain               Australia
  W. Lewis Johnson                USA
  Jianchang Mao                   USA
  Hiroshi Motoda                Japan
  Toyoaki Nishida               Japan
  Xindong Wu                      USA
  Yiyu Yao                     Canada

***** WI'04 Program Committee *****

(to be announced)

*** Contact Information ***

WI'04 and IAT'04 Conference Secretariat
wi-iat at maebashi-it.org

LINGUIST List: Vol-14-3492

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