14.408, Confs: Terminology and Artificial Intelligence, France

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Mon Feb 10 18:12:20 UTC 2003

LINGUIST List:  Vol-14-408. Mon Feb 10 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 14.408, Confs: Terminology and Artificial Intelligence, France

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            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

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	Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

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Date:  Mon, 03 Feb 2003 14:43:09 +0100
From:  <rousselot at liia.u-strasbg.fr>
Subject:  Terminology and Artificial Intelligence, France

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 03 Feb 2003 14:43:09 +0100
From:  <rousselot at liia.u-strasbg.fr>
Subject:  Terminology and Artificial Intelligence, France

TIA2003:5th Meeting Terminology and Artificial Intelligence
             Strasbourg march 31st et april 1st 2003


organised by the french group TIA

Sponsored by
  Gracq, ATALA, CNRS

Teminological analysis
Structured terminologies and definitions
Terminologies and knowledge modeling
Terminology and Linguistics
Acquisition of multilingual terminological  resources
Classification end statistical methods
Invited Talks

Georges Kleiber (Universite Marc Bloch de Strasbourg & EA 1339 LDL- Scolia)
Semantique et terminologie : la caution de la denomination

Nicola Guarino, ( LADSEB-CNR, Padova)
Title to come

Call for demonstrations
A demonstration time is planned the march 31st between 17h and 18h30
Please download the form on the website of TIA and send it by surface mail
at the adress of TIA before march 15th or send a mail to person in charge
of demos at this email:mglt at liia.u-strasbg.fr


Monday march 31th
9h00 - Beginning of the conference
9h30 : Analyse terminologique

- Construire et accder une base de donnees d'expressions figees partir
des ressources de la toile (G. Dias, L. Carapinha, R. Trindade,
S. Mota, M.  Ribeiro, J. Dias)
- Extracting terminologically relevant contexts from chunked corpora
(U.  Heid, K. Spranger)
- Automatisation de l'activite de la validation terminologique : FLAG (Y.
Alphonse, P. Bouillon, B. Cartoni, S. Lehmann)
11h00 : Pause (30')
11h30 : Terminologies structurees et definitions
- The Role of Verbal Predications for Definitional Contexts Extraction (R.
Alarcn, G. Sierra)
- Le reseau terminologique, un element central pour la construction d'index
de document (T. At El Mekki, A. Nazarenko)
- The role of technical Terminology in Question Answering (F. Rinaldi, J.
Dowdall, M. Hess, K. Kaljurand, M. Karlsson)
13h00 : Meal (1h30)
14h30 : Invited Talk (N. Guarino)Title to come.
15h30 : Terminologie et modelisation des connaissances
- D'une methode  un guide pratique de modelisation de connaissances
partir de textes (N. Aussenac-Gilles, B. Biebow, S. Szulman)
- Modelisation des connaissances et construction d'un consensus : apport de
la socioterminologie a une plate-forme en traitement d'images (N. Baudouin,
M. Holzem, Y. Saidali, J. Labiche)
16h30 : Pause (30')
17h00 : Posters et Demonstrations

Tuesday april 1st
9h00 : Invited Talk (G. Kleiber) Semantique et terminologie : la caution de
la dnomination.
10h00 : Terminologie et linguistique I
- Vers la definition de genres interpretatifs (A. Condamines)
- Quand le terme entre en vulgarisation (V. Delavigne)
11h00 : Pause (30')
11h30 : Terminologie et linguistique II
- L'antonymie en terminologie : quelques remarques (P. Amsili)
- Reperage de termes reduits : interet et limites de l'analyse
distributionnelle (M.-P. Jacques)
12h30 : Djeuner 14h00 : Acquisition de ressources terminologiques multilingues
- Acquisition semi-automatique de terminologie bilingue en biologie
molculaire  partir des corpus comparables ( D. Tran, A. Burgun)
- Des textes parallles vers une terminologie trilingue (N. Grabar, K. Haag)
15h00 : Classification et methodes statistiques
- TermWatch: cartographie de rseaux de termes (F. Ibekwe-SanJuan, E. SanJuan)
- Discovering the meaning of an Ambiguous Word by Searching for Sense
Descriptors with Complementary Context Patterns (B. Rapp)

Scientific Committee
President : Farid Cerbah (Dassault Aviation, Paris)
Sofia Ananiadou (University of Salford, Salford)
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (IRIT, Toulouse)
Roberto Basili (University of Rome)
Didier Bourigault (ERSS, Toulouse)
Stphane Chaudiron (Ministre de la recherche, Universit de Paris 10)
Anne Condamines (ERSS, Toulouse)
Gregory Grefenstette (XRCE, Grenoble)
Ulrich Heid (Universitaet Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany)
Claude de Loupy (Sinequa, Paris)
Adeline Nazarenko (LIPN, Villetaneuse)
Jennifer Pearson (University of Dublin)
Franois Rastier (INALF, Paris)
Franois Rousselot (LIIA-ENSAIS, Strasbourg)
Jean Royaut (INIST, Nancy)
Monique Slodzian (CRIM-INALCO, Paris)
Sylvie Szulman (LIPN, Villetaneuse)
Pierre Zweigenbaum (STIM/AP-HP, Universite de Paris 6, France

Organising Committee
President : Francois Rousselot (LIIA-ENSAIS, Strasbourg)
Francois de Bertrand de Beuvron (LIIA-ENSAIS, Strasbourg)
Bernard Migault (LIIA-ENSAIS Strasbourg)
Julien Gannard (LIIA-ENSAIS Strasbourg)
Nicolas Gagean (LIIA-ENSAIS and SCOLIA-University Marc Bloch Strasbourg)
Franscica Luna Garcia (LIIA-ENSAIS and University Marc Bloch Strasbourg)
Bernier Gildas (University Marc Bloch Strasbourg)
Pierre Frath (EA 1339 LDL University Marc Bloch Strasbourg)
Georges Kleiber (EA 1339 LDL SCOLIA-University Marc Bloch Strasbourg)
Jerzy Korczak (UMR 7005, LSIIT, ULP-CNRS, Strasbourg)

Participation Fees

reception date	       before march 15st	   after march 16st
Full price               140 	                   170
reduced price AFIA/ATALA 120 	                   140
Student	                 80 	                   85
Special  student*	 35 	                   35
Reduction to AFIA or ATALA members.

The participation fees cover to the coffee breaks and meals (at none)
and the proceedings

payment: by check . Price in Euros.

March 31th in the evening a diner is organised in an typical alsatian
restaurant : the price is 15.

*Special  student = student present at TIA but not getting the proceedings.

The place of the meeting is the universitary campus of "Esplanade"
- March 31st in the  Pangloss building of University UMB
- April 1st at the ENSAIS, 24 boulevard de la Victoire, 67084

reduction on flights, on train , see more details on the website


Rgion Alsace, Communaut Urbaine de Strasbourg, Conseil Gnral du

Secretariat of the Meeting
Organisation de TIA2003
22, Rue Descartes
67084 Strasbourg-CEDEX

mail duschene at umb.u-strasbg.fr  CC to rousselot at liia.u-strasbg.fr

LINGUIST List: Vol-14-408

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