14.572, Calls: Student Research/Direct Compositionality
linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Feb 27 17:19:33 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-572. Thu Feb 27 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.572, Calls: Student Research/Direct Compositionality
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
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Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 11:52:07 +0000
From: kuebler at sfs.uni-tuebingen.de
Subject: Student Research Workshop
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 18:16:22 +0000
From: pauline_jacobson at brown.edu
Subject: Direct Compositionality
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 11:52:07 +0000
From: kuebler at sfs.uni-tuebingen.de
Subject: Student Research Workshop
Student Research Workshop
Short Title: ACL 2003 Student Workshop
Location: Sapporo, Japan
Date: 07-JUL-03 - 12-JUL-00
Call Deadline: 15-Mar-2020
Web Site: http://tangra.si.umich.edu/clair/acl03-student
Contact Person: Jahna Otterbacher
Meeting Email: acl03-student at umich.edu
Linguistic Subfield(s): Computational Linguistics
This is a session of the following conference:
41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Meeting Description:
***** EXTENDED DEADLINE: Papers due March 15th *************
Student Research Workshop at ACL2003
The 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics (ACL03)
Sapporo Convention Center, SAPPORO, JAPAN
************************** NEW **********************************
Paper submission deadline: March 15, 2003
Email contact of the Student Workshop Co-chairs: acl03-student at umich.edu
Note: The exact dates of the Workshop have not been firmly established
yet. Tentatively, the Workshop may take place anytime between the 7th
and 12th of July, 2003. The exact dates will be posted once confirmed
by the Main ACL 2003 Conference Program Committee.
1. General Invitation for Submissions
The Student Session is an established tradition at ACL
conferences. This year it will take the form of a Student
Workshop. The main purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for
student researchers who are investigating various areas related to
Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. We would
like to invite student researchers to submit their work to the
workshop. Seeing that the main mission of the student workshop is to
provide the participants with a wide audience and useful feedback, the
emphasis of the workshop will be on work in progress. For the Student
Workshop, original, and unpublished research is invited on all aspects
of computational linguistics, including, but not limited to these
topic areas:
syntax and the lexicon
phonetics and phonology
linguistic, mathematical and psychological models of language
language-oriented information retrieval and information extraction
corpus-based language modeling
machine translation and translation aids
natural language interfaces
dialogue systems
approaches to coordinating the linguistic with other modalities in
multi-media systems
message and narrative understanding systems
speech recognition and synthesis
The conference will also feature tutorials, workshops, and demos. See
the Main ACL 2003 page (http://www.ec-inc.co.jp/ACL2003) for
2. Submission Requirements
Papers should describe original work in progress. The main purpose of
presenting at the workshop is to exchange ideas with other researchers
and to receive helpful feedback for further development of the work.
Papers should clearly indicate directions for future research wherever
appropriate. The papers can have more than one author; however, all
authors MUST be students. A paper accepted for presentation at the
Student Workshop cannot be presented or have been presented at any
other meeting with publicly available published proceedings. Papers
that are being submitted to other conferences must indicate this
immediately after the title material on the first page. In addition,
a student who has already presented at an ACL/EACL/NAACL student
session will not be allowed to present again at the student session at
any of these conferences, but instead, are encouraged to submit to the
main conference.
3. Submission Procedure
Paper Submission:
Submissions for this year's session will take place online. A
submission is available from the student session web pages. If you
are unable to use the on-line form for paper submission or experience
problems using it, please, send email to acl03-student at umich.edu.
Paper Length:
Authors should submit their papers for review in the two-column format
of the ACL proceedings and should not exceed 6 pages. We strongly
recommend the use of ACL latex style or Microsoft Word Style files
available from the main session's web pages
(http://www.ec-inc.co.jp/ACL2003) These will also soon be available
from the student workshop web pages
Separate items to be submitted:
1) Identification page:
Paper ID code (generated at paper registration)
Author(s) name(s) affiliation and e-mail addresses
Topic Area: (one or two general topic areas)
Keywords: Up to 5 keywords specifying the subject area
Word Count: excluding title page and references
Under Consideration for Other Conferences: (if yes, specify)
Abstract: short summary (up to 5 lines)
2) Title page
Paper ID code: (generated at paper registration)
Topic Area: (one or two general topic areas)
Keywords: Up to 5 keywords specifying the subject area
Word Count: excluding title page and references
Under Consideration for Other Conferences: (if yes, specify)
Abstract: short summary (up to 5 lines)
A CV or letter from your advisor indicating that you meet the
submission requirements specified in Section 2.
Electronic Submissions:
Electronic submissions as well as hard copy submissions are
acceptable. If you are submitting your paper electronically, only the
following formats will be acceptable:
PostScript (.ps)
Rich Text Format ACL style (.rtf)
Microsoft Word ACL style(.doc)
PDF (.pdf)
Specific instructions for electronic submissions are now available at
Electronic submissions are strongly preferred, and will be required
for inclusion in the final proceedings. Contact the co-chairs if you
absolutely need to submit a hardcopy at this stage.
4. Reviewing Procedure
Reviewing of papers submitted to the Student Workshop will be managed
by Student Workshop Co-Chairs, each of whom will have the assistance
of a team of reviewers. Each submission will be matched with a mixed
panel of student and senior researchers for review. The final
acceptance decision will be made based on the results of the review.
Note that reviewing of papers will be blind; therefore, please, make
sure you do not put the author(s) name(s) on the title page. (See
paper submission requirements for details). You should not have any
self-identifying references anywhere in the paper submitted for
review. For example, you can't have a reference like this ''We showed
previously (Smith, 1991), ...'' Instead, use citations such as ''Smith
previously showed (Smith, 1991)...''
5. Schedule
Submissions must be received by February 26, 2003. Late submissions
will be automatically disqualified. The student workshop committee is
not responsible for postal delays or other mailing problems. For
electronic submissions, all time zones will be taken into
account. Acknowledgement will be emailed soon after
receipt. Notification of acceptance will be sent to authors (by email)
on April 26, 2003. Detailed formatting guidelines for the preparation
of the final camera-ready copy will be provided to authors with their
acceptance notice.
6. Timetable
Important Dates for the Student Session:
Paper submission deadline: March 15, 2003
Notification of Acceptance: April 26, 2003
Camera-Ready Copy Due: May 5, 2003
Contact Information:
If you need to contact the co-chairs of the Student Workshop, please
use this address: acl03-student at umich.edu. An e-mail sent to this
address will be forwarded to all three co-chairs.
Kotaro Funakoshi, Co-chair, Asia
Department of Computer Science
Tokyo Institute of Technology
koh at cl.cs.titech.ac.jp
Sandra Kuebler, Co-chair, Europe
Department of Linguistics
University of Tuebingen
kuebler at sfs.uni-tuebingen.de
Jahna Otterbacher, Co-chair, North America
School of Information
University of Michigan
jahna at umich.edu
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 18:16:22 +0000
From: pauline_jacobson at brown.edu
Subject: Direct Compositionality
Direct Compositionality: A Worskhop
Short Title: Direct Compositionality
Location: Providence, RI, United States of America
Date: 19-Jun-2003 - 21-Jun-2003
Call Deadline: 01-Apr-2003
Contact Person: Pauline Jacobson
Meeting Email: pauline_jacobson at brown.edu
Linguistic Subfield(s): Semantics
Meeting Description:
This is an NSF-funded 3 day workshop to be held at Brown University,
Providence RI on June 19-21, 2003. The aim of the workshop is to
examine the feasibility of the hypothesis of direct compositionality.
This is the hypothesis that the syntax and semantics of natural
language work in tandem (and without use of mediating levels of
representation like LF).
There will be an NSF-funded workshop held at Brown University on June
19-21 on the topic of Direct Compositionality. The text of this
announcement is followed by a brief description of the focus of the
workshop. The conference will consist of talks by invited speakers
listed below plus up to three additional slots to be decided by
anonymously reviewed abstract. Participants whose abstracts are
chosen will be reimbursed for at least a portion of their travel
expenses and will be fully funded for housing during the conference.
In addition, all participants (both invited and those chosen by
abstract) will be requested to not only present a paper but to be a
discussant on one additional paper.
Papers will typically be 35-40 minutes in length, and at least an
outline of the paper will be circulated to the other speakers a few
weeks before the conference.
Those interested in submitting an abstract should submit an anonymous
abstract of NO MORE THAN 2 PAGES (please, in a readable font with
reasonable margins!). Abstract deadline: April 1; we will aim for
notification within 3 weeks after that. Electronic submission (word or
.pdf files) is strongly encouraged; electronic files should be sent
to: pauline_jacobson at brown.edu
with the header: Workshop Abstract Submission
Include your contact information (and abstract title) in the body of
the e-mail. If electronic submission is impossible, send 5 copies to:
Pauline Jacobson
Attn: Workshop
Dept.of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences
Box 1978
Brown University,
Providence, RI 02912
Include title and contact information on a separate sheet.
The conference will be open to all registered participants
(registration fee will be announced in the second announcement), and
various housing options (including reasonably priced rooms in the
Brown dormitories) will be announced then as well.
Invited Speakers
Chris Barker, UC San Diego (confirmed)
Rajesh Bhatt, University of Texas Austin (confirmed)
Maria Bittner, Rutgers University
Daniel Buring, UCLA (confirmed)
Ivano Caponigro, UCLA (confirmed)
David Dowty, Ohio State University (confirmed)
Danny Fox, MIT (confirmed)
Daphna Heller, Rutgers University (confirmed)
Pauline Jacobson, Brown University (organizer)
Christopher Potts, UC Santa Cruz (confirmed)
Maribel Romero, University of Pennsylvania
Ken Shan, Harvard (confirmed)
Yael Sharvit, University of Connecticut (confirmed)
Yoad Winter, Technion Institute, Haifa (confirmed)
Workshop Description
This will be a 3-day workshop to be held at Brown University, June
19-21, 2003 on the feasibility of a particular view of the interaction
of natural language syntax and semantics. This view the hypothesis of
Direct Compositionality - according to which the syntax and semantics
work in tandem . Thus the syntactic system of natural language can be
seen as a system of rules which "build" (i.e., prove the
well-formedness of) linguistic expressions while the semantics works
along with this to assign meanings to these expressions. This view
was put forth in, among others, Montague (1973) and was highly
influential in much research in formal semantics during especially the
1970s and 1980s.
But this approach has been abandoned in a good deal of more modern
research, and the debate on whether or not direct compositionality is
possible has to some extent receded into the background. It is quite
common in much current work to assume a view of the syntax/semantics
interaction according to which the syntax works first to "build:
syntactic representations which are then "sent" to the semantics for
interpretation. Furthermore, it is often assumed that what inputs the
actual semantic (model-theoretic) interpretation is not in fact the
surface representation of a sentence, but that this is mapped instead
to a more abstract level of Logical Form. Yet the direct
compositional view is arguably a much simpler conception of the
overall organization of the grammar, and the rationale underlying the
proposed workshop is the belief that its abandonment in much current
research is premature. The workshop is designed to reopen debate on
the feasibility of direct compositionality, bringing together
researchers who have studied this question and have approached it with
a variety of theoretical and technical tools.
In addition to the invited speakers, slots are reserved for a few
papers to be chosen by refereed abstracts. Abstract submissions are
encouraged from both sides of the debate. The ideal paper will focus
on one or more empirical phenomena and will discuss the implications
of this/these phenomena for the hypothesis of direct
compositionality. For example, a paper might be on a phenomena which
has typically been taken to provide a challenge to direct
compositionality and show that the relevant phenomena can indeed be
given a direct compositional analysis. On the other hand, equally
important are papers which argue that certain phenomena cannot indeed
be handled under direct compositionality. The goal of the workshop is
to stimulate serious discussion on this issue, and so each presenter
will also be a discussant on one other paper.
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-572
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