14.1959, Jobs: L2 Acquisition: Researcher, CUNY Hunter College
linguist at linguistlist.org
Sat Jul 19 00:39:04 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-1959. Fri Jul 18 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.1959, Jobs: L2 Acquisition: Researcher, CUNY Hunter College
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Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 11:58:10 +0000
From: little.linguist at hunter.cuny.edu
Subject: Second Language Acquisition: Researcher, CUNY Hunter College, NY
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 11:58:10 +0000
From: little.linguist at hunter.cuny.edu
Subject: Second Language Acquisition: Researcher, CUNY Hunter College, NY
University or Organization: CUNY Hunter College
Department: Linguistics
Rank of Job: Researcher
Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition
Two part-time research assistant positions are available as of July
2003. Assistants will work on a second language acquisition project
funded by the National Science Foundation. The project investigators
are Dr Elaine Klein, Dr Gita Martohardjono, and Dr Virginia Valian.
We investigate how second language learners understand and produce
temporal markers in Standard American English (SAE). We vary second
language learners' first language (Spanish or Chinese) and the age
when learners begin acquisition (6-8 years or 20-30 years). Multiple
tasks will be used for all participants, and identical tasks will be
used with child and adult participants. We address questions about the
mechanisms underlying the comprehension and production of temporal
markers, such as whether syntactic similarity between the learner's
first and second languages affects learning of the second language.
Assistants on the project:
* Record, transcribe, and analyze learners' spontaneous speech
* Develop materials for use in production and comprehension tasks
* Perform experiments with child and adult participants
* Analyze spontaneous speech data and experimental data
* Recruit child and adult participants
* Supervise students and interns working on the projects
* Keep the laboratory running smoothly
The project involves constant contact with children, parents and other
caregivers, and adult participants; it also requires the coordination
of many different activities. Assistants' patience, courtesy, and
maturity are thus important. Assistants must work well with children
and adults; understand and accommodate the concerns and needs of
children and caregivers; be sensitive to the concerns of second
language learners; and be highly organized, reliable, and punctual.
* BA required
* Preferred major: linguistics, psychology, or cognitive science
* Preferred course background: linguistics, basic syntax, first and
second language acquisition, cognitive psychology, experimental
psychology, statistics, cognitive science, speech
* Preferred research experience: previous laboratory research in a
psycholinguistics, second language, or cognitive psychology
* Preferred computer skills: basic word-processing skills, database
management, graph and slide presentation
* Preferred statistical skills: knowledge of computer packages such as SPSS
* Preferred language background: some knowledge of Spanish and/or Mandarin
Salary: 19 hours/week at $15-$20/hour
Review of candidates will begin immediately and continue until the
positions are filled. To apply, submit by mail: a cover letter which
summarizes your qualifications; a transcript (unofficial is
acceptable); a summary list of relevant courses; a description of
previous work with children and adults; a description of computer
skills and research experience; SAT or GRE scores. Ask two faculty
members for a letter of recommendation that will address your research
skills or promise. Include those letters in sealed envelopes along
with your application. Send applications to: Dr Virginia Valian,
Department of Psychology, Hunter College, 695 Park Avenue, New York,
NY 10024
Address for Applications:
Attn: Dr. Virginia Valian
Hunter College Department of Psychology
695 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10021
United States of America
Position is open until filled.
Contact Information:
Virginia Valian.
Email: little.linguist at hunter.cuny.edu
Tel: (212)772-5557
Fax: (212)650-3247
Website: NULL
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-1959
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