14.1982, Confs: Germanic/Syntax/UK
linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon Jul 21 19:53:32 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-1982. Mon Jul 21 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.1982, Confs: Germanic/Syntax/UK
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Date: 21 Jul 2003 18:23:33 -0000
From: s.j.hannahs at durham.ac.uk
Subject: 18th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: 21 Jul 2003 18:23:33 -0000
From: s.j.hannahs at durham.ac.uk
Subject: 18th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop
18th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop
Short Title: CGSW 18
Date: 18-SEP-03 - 20-SEP-03
Location: Durham, United Kingdom
Contact: Anders Holmberg
Contact Email: anders.holmberg at durham.ac.uk
Linguistic Sub-field: Syntax
Subject Language Family: Germanic
Meeting Description:
Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop 18
at St John's College, University of Durham
September 18-20, 2003
Organized by the School of Linguistics and Language, University of
Durham, with support from the LAGB.
Thursday 18 September:
19.00-20.00 Invited speaker: Ian Roberts (Cambridge): The EPP and word
order change in Middle English (with Theresa Biberauer)
20.00-21.00 Invited speaker: Halldór Á. Sigurðsson (Lund): TBA
Friday 19 September
9.00-10.00 Invited speaker: Susi Wurmbrand (McGill): TBA
10.00-10.40 Marjo van Koppen (Leiden/Meertens Institute): First
conjunct agreement in Frisian, Dutch and the dialects of Dutch.
10.40-11.20 John R. te Velde (Oklahoma State University): Phase theory
and conjoined V-2 structures in German and Dutch.
11.20-11.40 COFFEE BREAK
11.40-12.20 Sabine Mohr (Stuttgart): Dutch er revisited.
12.20-13.00 Jaume Mateu (Barcelona): Argument structure and auxiliary
selection in Germanic and Romance.
13.00-14.00 LUNCH
14.00-14.40 Maire Noonan (York, Canada): Shadow prepositions in
14.40-15.20 Vera Lee-Schoenfeld (UC Santa Cruz): German possessor
datives: Raised and affected.
15.20-15.40 COFFEE BREAK
15.40-16.20 Peter Ackema (Nijmegen) & Ad Neeleman (UCL): Agreement
checking at PF.
16.20-17.00 Jan-Wouter Zwart (Groningen): Agreement as sisterhood.
18.00 DINNER.
20.00-21.00 Invited speaker: Peter Svenonius (Tromsö): IGLO
(Intercomprehension of Germanic Languages Online) as a research tool.
Saturday 20 September
9.00-10.00 Invited speaker: Manuela Schönenberger
(Konstanz/Stuttgart): The adult grammar taught by children.
10.00-10.40 Shoichi Takahashi (MIT): Pseudogapping -- The view from
Scandinavian languages.
10.40-11.20 Jeroen van Craenenbroeck (ULCL/Leiden): Pseudosluicing in
Dutch dialects.
11.20-11.40 COFFEE BREAK
11.40-12.20 Jarich Hoekstra (Christian Albrechts University, Kiel):
Causal what-questions and the light verb do in Frisian.
12.20-13.00 Henk van Riemsdijk (Tilburg): The silence of the verbs.
13.00-14.00 LUNCH
14.00-14.40 Silke Fischer (Stuttgart): Matrix unloaded: Binding in a
local derivational approach.
14.40-15.20 Marcel den Dikken (CUNY): When particles won't part.
15.20-15.40 COFFEE BREAK
15.40-16.20 Susan Pintzuk (York, UK): Quantified and non-quantified
objects in Old English: Problems for a universal base account.
16.20-17.00 Sjef Barbiers (Meertens Institute): Generalized
focus-particle doubling.
Alternate papers:
Marit Julien (Tromsö): Prenominal and postnominal possessors in
Shin-Sook Kim (Frankfurt): The role of FinP in copular sentences.
For information about registration, how to get there, abstracts, etc.,
please consult http://www.dur.ac.uk/durham.linguist/
Anders Holmberg
anders.holmberg at durham.ac.uk
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-1982
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