14.644, Jobs: Cognitive Sciences: Post Doc, U/of Rochester
linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Mar 6 05:48:47 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-644. Thu Mar 6 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.644, Jobs: Cognitive Sciences: Post Doc, U/of Rochester
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Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 10:11:20 +0000
From: kdean at ling.rochester.edu
Subject: Cognitive Sciences: Post Doc, University of Rochester, NY
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 10:11:20 +0000
From: kdean at ling.rochester.edu
Subject: Cognitive Sciences: Post Doc, University of Rochester, NY
University or Organization: University of Rochester
Department: Brain and Cognitive Sci / Center for Language Sci
Rank of Job: Post Doc
Specialty Areas: Cognitive Science, language, learning and development
University of Rochester seeks five or more outstanding postdoctoral
fellows with research interests in the Cognitive Sciences, including
the areas of language, learning, and development. Two NIH training
grants provide support.
(1) LANGUAGE: An NIH training grant is affiliated with the Center for
Language Sciences. The Center brings together faculty and students
with interests in spoken and signed languages from the Departments of
Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Computer Science, Linguistics,
Philosophy, and the interdepartmental Neuroscience cluster. We seek
applicants from any of these disciplines who have expertise in any
area of natural language. We are particularly interested in
postdoctoral fellows who want to contribute to an interdisciplinary
(2) LEARNING AND PLASTICITY: A second NIH training grant spans the
disciplines of Learning and Developmental Plasticity. Applicants
should have interests in human or animal research on learning and
developmental plasticity, in computational modeling of learning, or in
cognitive neuroscience including fMRI. Contributing faculty are in
the Departments of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Computer Science, and
the interdepartmental Neuroscience cluster, and study learning ranging
from language and bird song acquisition to perceptual learning in
vision and motor learning. We seek applicants from any discipline
with interests in the study of learning and plasticity within an
interdisciplinary community.
All fellowships are open only to US citizens or permanent residents.
Applicants should send a letter describing their graduate training and
research interests, a vita, and arrange to have three letters of
recommendation sent to:
Professor Richard N. Aslin
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences,
Meliora Hall
University of Rochester,
Rochester, NY 14627-0268
Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the
positions are filled, with expected start dates ranging from June 30
to September 1, 2003.
Learn more about the faculty, students, and training facilities of the
Center for Language Sciences, the Department of Brain and Cognitive
Sciences, and their affiliated departments and programs by visiting
our web sites.
http://www.cls.rochester.edu and http://www.bcs.rochester.edu
Address for Applications:
Attn: Professor Richard Aslin
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences,
358 Meliora Hall
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627-0268
United States of America
Position is open until filled.
Contact Information:
Email: carlson at ling.rochester.edu
Tel: 585-275-8053
Website: http://www.cls.rochester.edu
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LINGUIST List: Vol-14-644
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