14.655, All: FUNd Drive FUN Friday: Percival the Cat
linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Mar 7 05:43:31 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-655. Fri Mar 7 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.655, All: FUNd Drive FUN Friday: Percival the Cat
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Richard John Harvey <richard at linguistlist.org>
To post to LINGUIST, use our convenient web form at
Date: 7 Mar 2003 04:59:54 -0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: FUNd Drive FUN Friday
Date: 7 Mar 2003 04:15:14 -0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: The Continuing Saga of Percival - The LINGUIST List Cat
Date: 7 Mar 2003 04:26:57 -0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: A Percival to India...
Date: 7 Mar 2003 05:19:39 -0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: Cocoa Mochi Cake by Kevin Roddy
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 00:13:20 +0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: How to Donate to LINGUIST and Contributors So Far
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: 7 Mar 2003 04:59:54 -0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: FUNd Drive FUN Friday
Dear Linguists,
Welcome to our FUNd Drive FUN Friday.
You've worked hard all week long, that paper is due, those papers need
marking, more meetings about nothing, your viva is just round the
corner, and to top it all those pesky people at LINGUIST have been
bombarding you with a hundred and one well argued reasons to make a
Well not today, because it's Friday! and we all have to take it a bit
easy on Friday. FUN Friday is all about putting a smile on your face
and getting you in a great mood for the weekend. And we have all sorts
of frivolity lined up for the next few weeks, so keep your eyes open
and join in the fun with us.
And remember, what could be more fun than good food in good
company. In case you didn't know our theme for the fund drive this
year is Food and Cooking, and we have snazzy aprons and a printed
version of our online cookbook to give away to our donors. As a taster
we have attached one of the recipes below for your enjoyment.
And now, let the merriment begin...
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: 7 Mar 2003 04:15:14 -0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: The Continuing Saga of Percival - The LINGUIST List Cat
View online and see the photos:
Like any well oiled international operation, The LINGUIST List has a
cat. But not just your average run of the mill domestic ginger-tom who
sleeps all day and constanly wants feeding. No, Percival, The LINGUIST
List cat is one smart feline. He virtually runs the List, he makes all
the important decisions, he keeps his head when all around him are
panicking like goldfish out of water; in fact we constantly take
credit for his actions.
You may remember that during last year's fund drive, MaLingua
(http://linguistlist.org/malingua2002.html) was first to bring the
shocking news to the linguistic community about the drastic measures
The LINGUIST List had to take in order to raise money: Percival was
sold to a passing circus because of his amazing talents with a
unicycle. Well, thankfully because of the generous support we received
last year we were able to track him down and buy him back; and he was
swiftly put to work.
It appears, however, that during his temporary career change, Percy
developed a serious case of wanderlust! He slipped out of the office
late last Wednesday, leaving a message that said "I've had enough, I'm
off to see the world...I'll send you a postcard."
We seem to be getting these on a weekly basis, so we have attached the
first one below for all to see. In the meantime, we have to once again
reach out to linguists all around the world and ask you to dig deep
into your pockets and send a donation to the 'Get Percy Back
fund'. This money will be used to hire a private detective and will
cover the cost of flying Percival back to Michigan as quickly as
Contribute to the 'Get Percy Back fund' at:
For instructions on how to donate, or how to make a pledge now and pay
later, see the last message in this issue or visit:
Let's get Percy back, we can't operate without him.
-------------------------------- Message 3 -------------------------------
Date: 7 Mar 2003 04:26:57 -0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: A Percival to India...
View online and see the photos:
Hi guys, Percival here,
I hope all is well on the List; sorry I had to jump ship, but you know
how it is. I'm in India at the moment, and what a trip! I managed to
get a lift to Detroit Metro Airport with a nice guy who was delivering
frozen fish. He assured me it was rather tasty halibut and said I
could take some if I liked, but I didn't want to weigh myself down -
gotta travel light you know. Anyway, when all backs were turned, I
managed to sneak past security and get onto the runway. By the time I
got there, it was pretty quiet. There was only one plane that looked
like it had comfortable enough seats, so on I hopped on, not knowing
where I was heading. The flight was uneventful, I got a window seat on
the lap of this lovely old lady who had very wisely packed some
sandwiches and was more than willing to share them for a steady stream
of purrs and offerings of my belly.
We ended up in Vienna, which I've always wanted to see. But I felt
overwhelmed with jet-lag, so I decided to take a nap in a lovely pile
of cardboard boxes I found in a warehouse. The next thing I knew I
woke up on a rather rickety Fokker F27, with a group of aid workers
bound for Nepal - evidently I'd fallen asleep in their first aid
supplies. Those guys were fun!
To cut a long story short, there I was in Kathmandu. Not deterred, I
decided to make the most of it, and it turned out to be great fun. I
met up with a beautiful Persian Blue called Gandhali, and she sure
knew all the best spots to get food. She also had a great apartment;
she lived in a secluded greenhouse in the Royal Palace, and was more
than looked after by the gardener. All in all Kathmandu is more than
worthy of its name.
I couldn't hang around though, so we said our goodbyes and I jumped on
a bus heading west. I can't tell you exactly how many busses I rode
on; it really was a long journey. It didn't matter because I sat on
the roof all the way - I've always wanted to do that since I watched
Ghandi. And now here I am in Agra, the home of the Taj Mahal. I hope
you like the picture, I got this guy selling tourist maps to take it
for me. Did you know that Mumtaz Mahal had fourteen kids - no wonder
Shah Jehan built a palace of eternal love for her! This place is
brilliant, and the people are so nice. I've had no trouble finding
places to stay, and the food is great. I'm sitting on the bank of the
Yamuna river as I write, with the city behind me and the world in
Wish you were here, and I hope those lovely linguists from around the
world are making lots of donations.
Without Percival, we are a shadow of the list we used to
be. Contribute to the 'Get Percy Back fund' now at:
For detailed information on making a donation, please read the last
message in this issue, or visit:
Once again, thank you from all the LINGUIST List crew.
-------------------------------- Message 4 -------------------------------
Date: 7 Mar 2003 05:19:39 -0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: Cocoa Mochi Cake by Kevin Roddy
Try this tasty cake the next time you fancy something sweet.
Cocoa Mochi Cake by Cocoa Mochi Cake
-2 cups mochiko (1 box) rice flour
-1 3/4 cup sugar
-1 Tablespoon baking soda
-1 teaspoon vanilla
-3 Tablespoon cocoa powder
-1/4 cup melted butter
-1 12 oz. can coconut milk
-1 tall can evaporated milk
Combine all ingredients and pour into greased 9x13" pan.
Bake at 350 degrees F for about one hour. Cool.
Cut with *plastic* knife (won't tear like flatware will).
-------------------------------- Message 5 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 00:13:20 +0000
From: linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject: How to Donate to LINGUIST and Contributors So Far
This year we hope to raise $50,000 to support the students who work on
LINGUIST List and keep the list running. Thank you from all the crew
for your support.
The LINGUIST List is under the umbrella of Eastern Michigan University
and as such can receive donations through the EMU Foundation, which is
a registered 501(c) Non Profit organization. Our Federal Tax number
is 38-6005986. These donations can be offset against your federal and
sometimes your state tax return (U.S. tax payers only). For more
information visit the IRS Web-Site, or contact your financial advisor.
Many companies also offer a gift matching scheme, such that they will
match any gift you make to a non-profit organization. Normally this
entails your contacting your human resources department and sending us
a form that the EMU Foundation fills in and returns to your employer.
This is generally a simple administrative procedure that doubles the
value of your gift to LINGUIST, without costing you an extra
penny. Please take a moment to check if your company operates such a
You can make a contribution by selecting one of three convenient
payment methods: secure credit card form, check, or wire transfer.
You can also PLEDGE your support to LINGUIST and pay later, i.e. send
in a check. Also, if you do not want to use a credit card, but wish to
pay in a currency other than US Dollars, you can donate via our
European bank account held in Switzerland. See below for details:
Please make checks payable to 'The LINGUIST List Editorial
Support Fund'. The address is:
The LINGUIST Editorial Support Fund
Department of English Language and Literature
612 Pray Harrold
Eastern Michigan University
MI, 48197
For details on how to transfer funds by wire, please contact LINGUIST
at the address donate at linguistlist.org. Both an American and a
European bank account are available.
If you would like to make a pledge of support, please go to:
If you have already pledged to LINGUIST and would now like to pay by
credit card, please go to:
and select 'PAY PREVIOUS PLEDGE' as the Type of Payment from the
dropdown list provided.
LINGUIST Contributors
ANGELS ($1000 and over)
Blackwell Linguist List Plus
MAINSTAYS ($100 to $1000)
Adam Werle
Arienne M. Dwyer
Carolyn Hartnett
Catherine Walter
Donna Christian
elly van gelderen
Linguistics Department - Cornell University
Margaret Winters and Geoff Nathan
Natasha Warner
Pam and Allen Munro
Robin Thelwall
Shanley Allen
Terry Langendoen
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies - English Department
University of Edinburgh- Department of Linguistics
- Plus one anonymous donor
SUPPORTERS ($50 to $100)
Boyd Davis
Catherine Rudin
Christopher Johnson
Claus D. Pusch
Henrik Jørgensen
James L. Fidelholtz, Rosa Graciela Montes
Josep M. Fontana and Louise McNally
Joseph F. Eska
Kathleen M. Ward
Laura J. Downing
Meredith Doran
Northeastern University Linguistics Program
Pius ten Hacken
Richard Hudson
Sharon M. Klein
Stan Dubinsky
Stefan Th. Gries
Stefano Bertolo
Susan Fischer
Suzanne Pauline Aalberse
Thor Sigurd Nilsen
Veronika Koller
Zouhair Maalej
- Plus one anonymous donor
DONORS (Up to $50)
Alexander Brock
Baden Hughes
Barbara Need
Bill Rockenbach
Brook Danielle Lillehaugen
Claudia Bubel
Dafna Graf
Dave Schneider
e. van der linden
Eva Monros
Gary Holton
Hortensia Cuerll
Ivano Caponigro
James Lavine
James M. McCarthy
Jila Ghomeshi
Joan C. Beal
John Halligan
John Justeson
John R. te Velde
Jose Camacho
Kent Johnson
Line Mikkelsen
Louisa Chiang
Max W. Wheeler
Michael Horlick
Nancy Hall
Ora Matushansky
Rene J. Valdes
Sarah Harmon
Simone Mueller
Susanne Bartke
Suzette Haden Elgin
Ute Smit
Will Fitzgerald
- Plus 9 anonymous donors
Cambridge University Press
Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
John Benjamins
Kluwer Academic Publishers
http://www.wkap.nl/ http://www.kluweronline.com
MIT Press
Oxford University Press
Routledge (Taylor and Francis)
CSLI Publications
Cascadilla Press
Evolution Publishing
Graduate Linguistic Students' Assoc., Umass
International Pragmatics Assoc.
Linguistic Assoc. of Finland
MIT Working Papers in Linguistics
Multilingual Matters
SIL International
St. Jerome Publishing Ltd.
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics
Bowne Global Solutions
Brigham Young University
Butler Hill Group
California State University, Dominguez Hills
City University of Hong Kong
Computer Science Innovations
Disetronic Medical Systems AG
Idilia Inc.
Indiana University
National Tsing Hua University
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Rhetorical Systems
Rutgers University
School of Oriental and African Studies
The University of Texas at Arlington
UT-San Antonio
University of Amsterdam
University of Antwerp
University of Helsinki
University of Kansas
University of Macau
University of Muenster, Germany
University of Ottawa
University of Rostock
University of South Florida
University of Tilburg
Université du Québec à Montréal
Uppsala University
Voice Futures
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-655
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