14.738, Books: Pragmatics: Mateas, Sengers (eds.)

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Mar 13 16:36:46 UTC 2003

LINGUIST List:  Vol-14-738. Thu Mar 13 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 14.738, Books: Pragmatics: Mateas, Sengers (eds.)

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
	Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

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Date:  Wed, 12 Mar 2003 12:55:30 +0000
From:  paul at benjamins.com
Subject:  Narrative Intelligence: Mateas, Sengers (eds.)

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 12 Mar 2003 12:55:30 +0000
From:  paul at benjamins.com
Subject:  Narrative Intelligence: Mateas, Sengers (eds.)

Title: Narrative Intelligence
Publication Year: 2003
Publisher: John Benjamins
           http://www.benjamins.com/, http://www.benjamins.nl		
Book URL:

Editor: Michael  Mateas, Carnegie Mellon University
Editor: Phoebe Sengers, Media Arts Research Studies, Sankt Augustin,
	Germany; Cornell University

Hardback: ISBN: 158811273X, Pages: viii, 342 pp., Price: USD 90.00
Hardback: ISBN: 9027251711, Pages: viii, 342 pp., Price: EUR 90.00
Paperback: ISBN: 1588112748, Pages: viii, 342 pp., Price: USD 54.95
Paperback: ISBN: 902725172X, Pages: viii, 342 pp., Price: EUR 55.00

Narrative Intelligence (NI) - the confluence of narrative, Artificial
Intelligence, and media studies - studies, models, and supports the
human use of narrative to understand the world. This volume brings
together established work and founding documents in Narrative
Intelligence to form a common reference point for NI researchers,
providing perspectives from computational linguistics, agent research,
psychology, ethology, art, and media theory. It describes artificial
agents with narratively structured behavior, agents that take part in
stories and tours, systems that automatically generate stories,
dramas, and documentaries, and systems that support people telling
their own stories. It looks at how people use stories, the features of
narrative that play a role in how people understand the world, and how
human narrative ability may have evolved. It addresses meta-issues in
NI: the history of the field, the stories AI researchers tell about
their research, and the effects those stories have on the things
they discover. (Series B)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Narrative Intelligence
     Michael Mateas and Phoebe Sengers
Chapter 2. A Brief Overview of the Narrative Intelligence Reading Group
     Marc Davis and Michael Travers
Part I: Human Narrative
Chapter 3. The Narrative Construction of Reality
     Jerome S. Bruner
Chapter 4. Stories of Lemurs and Robots -- The Social Origin of
     Kerstin Dautenhahn
Chapter 5. Interactive Media for Kids: Ethics, Poetics, and Technology
     Brenda Laurel
Chapter 6. We Are What We Tell: Designing Narrative Environments for
     Marina Umaschi Bers
Part II: Story Generation
Chapter 7. The Dr. K - Project
     Brandon Rickman
Chapter 8. The Recline of Black Velvet Flag: An "Intelligent" System
	   for Youth Culture Documentary
     Sheldon Schiffer
Chapter 9. The Recombinant History Apparatus Presents: Terminal Time
     Steffi Domike, Michael Mateas and Paul Vanouse
Chapter 10. Experiments with the Theatrical Greek Chorus as a Model
            for Interactions with Computational Narrative Systems
     Carol Strohecker, Kevin M. Brooks and Larry Friedlander
Chapter 11. Assumptions Underlying the Erasmatron Storytelling System
     Chris Crawford
Chapter 12. Story Grammars: Return of a Theory
     R. Raymond Lang
Part III: Agents and Narrative
Chapter 13. Virtual Babyz: Believable Agents with Narrative
     Andrew Stern
Chapter 14. Web Guide Agents: Narrative Context with Character
     Katherine Isbister and Patrick Doyle
Chapter 15. Agneta & Frida: Merging Web and Narrative?
     Per Persson, Kristina Höök and Marie Sjölinder
Chapter 16. Schizophrenia and Narrative in Artificial Agents
     Phoebe Sengers
Part IV: Analyzing the Stories we Tell
Chapter 17. Writing and Representation
     Philip E. Agre
Chapter 18. Stories and Social Networks
     Warren Sack

Lingfield(s):   Pragmatics
Written In:  English (Language Code: ENG)




	Cambridge University Press

	Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd

	John Benjamins

	Kluwer Academic Publishers

	Lincom GmbH

	MIT Press

	Oxford University Press


	Routledge (Taylor and Francis)


	CSLI Publications

	Cascadilla Press

	Evolution Publishing

	Graduate Linguistic Students' Assoc., Umass

	International Pragmatics Assoc.

	Linguistic Assoc. of Finland

	MIT Working Papers in Linguistics

	Multilingual Matters

	Palgrave Macmillan

	SIL International

	St. Jerome Publishing Ltd.

	Utrecht Institute of Linguistics
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-738

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