14.766, Calls: Rajasthani Lang/Cognitive Science

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon Mar 17 16:56:49 UTC 2003

LINGUIST List:  Vol-14-766. Mon Mar 17 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 14.766, Calls: Rajasthani Lang/Cognitive Science

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
	Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

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Date:  Sat, 15 Mar 2003 09:26:10 -0500
From:  "Lakhan Gusain" <lgusain at hotmail.com>
Subject:  Call for Papers on Rajasthani Language

Date:  Mon, 17 Mar 2003 18:02:33 +1100
From:  Peter Slezak <p.slezak at unsw.edu.au>
Subject:  UPDATE: Cognitive Science Conference, Sydney July 13-17.

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Sat, 15 Mar 2003 09:26:10 -0500
From:  "Lakhan Gusain" <lgusain at hotmail.com>
Subject:  Call for Papers on Rajasthani Language

Call for Papers on Rajasthani Language

Research papers (2000 words) are invited on Rajasthani language, its
dialects (Bagri, Shekhawati, Mewati, Marwari, Dhundhari, Harauti,
Mewari, and Wagri) and other issues concerning its linguistics,
literature, culture, music, history, social status, constitutional
ramifications, documentation, teaching, relation with other languages,
suprasegmental features (particularly tone system) communication,
business, endangerment, folklore, popular culture, medieval history,
assessment, humor, slang, and its use in actual social settings.

Research paper having the above said information should be sent as an
attachment file (in MS Word only) no later than March 31st 2003 to:
gp010 at hotmail.com or lgusain at umich.edu . Along with the paper, please
also send a letter of consent that the editors can modify the
information in order to make it publishable without destroying the
central meaning of the text.

If you have further questions regarding this, please do not hesitate
to contact Dr. Lakhan Gusain (Email: lgusain at umich.edu), Department of
Asian Languages and Cultures, 3511 Frieze Building, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1285, USA.

The decision of the Editors will be final regarding the selection of
the research papers for publication,

Yours sincerely,

Gobind Prasad & Lakhan Gusain

Chief Editors
Rajasthani Language Series

- --------------------
Dr. Gobind Prasad
Assistant Professor
Centre of Indian Languages
School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi-110 067

Phone: +91-11-2610 7676 extn. 2244 (Office)
      +91-11-2618 4506 (Home)
Fax:   +91-11-2616 5886
Email: gp010 at hotmail.com

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 17 Mar 2003 18:02:33 +1100
From:  Peter Slezak <p.slezak at unsw.edu.au>
Subject:  UPDATE: Cognitive Science Conference, Sydney July 13-17.

		UPDATED Call for Papers

	        Joint International Conference

4th ICCS International Conference on Cognitive Science
7th ASCS Australasian Society for Cognitive Science Conference

			13-17 July, 2003

		The University of New South Wales
			Sydney, Australia


- ---------------
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Daniel Kahneman (Princeton University, USA)

David Chalmers (University of Arizona, USA)
Anne Treisman (Princeton University, USA)
William F. Brewer (University of Illinois, USA)
Tim van Gelder (Melbourne University, Australia)
Nobuo Masataka (Kyoto University, Japan)
Jung-Oh Kim (Seoul National University, South Korea)
Chao-Yi Li. (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Gary Hatfield (University of Pennsylvania. USA)
Byron Reeves (Stanford University and CSLI, USA)
Anna Wierzbicka (Australian National University, Australia)

- ------------
- ------------

Sony Legged Robots
'ROBOCUP' 2001, 2002 World Champion UNSW Team

- ---------
- ---------

We invite submissions from all disciplines within Cognitive Science,

			Computer science & Artificial Intelligence

Submissions for papers and posters will be reviewed on the basis of
abstracts accepted via our website: http://www.cogsci.unsw.edu.au

- -----------------
- -----------------

*Please note: In case early notice of acceptance is needed, we will
provide rapid response to submissions made at any time earlier than
the deadlines below:

1 April 2003 		Abstracts and proposals for symposia due
1 May  2003		Notice of acceptance or rejection
1 June 2003 		Full papers due
13-17 July, 2003	Conference

- ------------------------
- ------------------------

Papers and posters presented at the conference, based on refereed
abstracts, will be published as proceedings in a paper volume and
CD-rom.  (Providing a full-length paper for the proceedings is not a
condition of giving a talk or poster at the conference.) However, in
addition, fully refereed papers will be considered for
publication. Submitting authors are invited indicate whether they wish
to have their full-length papers subject to rigorous refereeing by
acknowledged experts with a view to publishing in volumes of a new
series being planned with Elsevier academic publishers.

Proposals are invited for special streams and symposia. Planned
symposia include:

* Music and Cognition
* Mental Representation
* Cognitive Science and Education
* Cognitive Science of Science
* Animal Cognition
* Decision Making, Risk & Behavioural Finance
* Language and Cognition
* Brain imaging
* Machine Learning
* Evolutionary psychology
* Historical Foundations of Cognitive Science
* Psychiatry, Neuropsychiatry & Psychoanalysis

Submission of proposals for symposia and workshops should be emailed
to Peter Slezak: p.slezak at unsw.edu.au

- --------------------------
- --------------------------

Please refer to our website for further details about the conference
including registration,accommodation and travel.  More information
will be available on the website http://www.cogsci.unsw.edu.au as
planning progresses.

We look forward to seeing you in Sydney.

Dr Peter Slezak (Conference Chair)
Program in Cognitive Science
School of History & Philosophy of Science
University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052, AUSTRALIA

Tel: (+61 2) 9385-2422
Fax: (+61 2) 9385-8003
email: p.slezak at unsw.edu.au

- ------------------
Conference Co-Chairs
- ------------------

James Kehoe, University of New South Wales
Marcus Taft, University of New South Wales

- ---------------------
ICCS Steering Committee
- ---------------------

Lin Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Chair of ICCS 2001)
Chansup Chung, Yonsei University, Korea
Koiti Hasida, National Institute of Advanced Science & Technology
(AIST), Japan
Kazuhiko Kakehi, Nagoya University, Japan (president of JCSS)
James Kehoe, University of New South Wales, Australia
Chungmin Lee, Seoul National University, Korea/UCLA
Jung-Mo Lee, Sung Kyun Kwan University, Korea
Charles Ling, University of Western Ontario, Canada.
Naomi Miyake, Chukyo University, Japan
Peter Slezak, University of New South Wales, Australia

- -----------------
Advisory Committee:
- -----------------

Mark Bickhard, LeHigh University, USA
Paul Compton, University of New South Wales
Jon Glass, AMP-Henderson, Australia
Evian Gordon, The Brain Dynamics Centre, Westmead Hospital, Univ of
Grahame Halford, University of Queensland
Mike Kalish, University of Western Australia
Kevin Korb, Monash University
Stephan Lewandowsky, University of Western Australia
Daniel Lovallo, Australian Graduate School of Management
Peter Lovibond, University of New South Wales
Tom Osborn, Nuix Pty Ltd
Robert O'Shea, University of Otago, New Zealand
Mark Peters, University of New South Wales
Arun Sharma, National ICT Australia, University of New South Wales
M. Srinivasan, Australian National University
Shaowu Zhang, Australian National University

- ------------------------
Local Organizing Committee:
- ------------------------

University of New South Wales
	Mengistu Amberber,
	Peter Collins,
	Phillip Staines,
	Philip Cam,
	Anthony Corones,
	George Bindon,
	John Sweller,
	Michael Matthews,
	Iain Giblin,
	Emery Schubert,
	Charles Liu,
	Claude Sammut,
	Norman Foo,
	Peter Krebs,
	Brett Hayes

Macquarie University
	Tim Bayne,
	Max Coltheart,
	John Sutton,

The University of Sydney
	Sally Andrews
	Linda Scott

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Supporting Organisations:
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Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW
School of History & Philosophy of Science, UNSW
School of Psychology, UNSW
School of Computer Science & Engineering, UNSW
School of Education, UNSW

- ----------------------

- -------------------------------------------
Dr. Peter Slezak
Program in Cognitive Science.
School of History & Philosophy of Science.
University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052, AUSTRALIA

Tel: (+61 2) 9385-2422
Fax: (+61 2) 9385-8003
email: p.slezak at unsw.edu.au
Web Page: http://www.arts.unsw.edu.au/sts/peter_slezak.html

Chair, Joint Conference:
International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS)
Australasian Society for Cognitive Science (ASCS)
Web Site: http://www.cogsci.unsw.edu.au

LINGUIST List: Vol-14-766

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