14.881, Calls: Computational Ling, Romania/Lang & Europe, UK
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Thu Mar 27 00:08:29 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-881. Wed Mar 26 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.881, Calls: Computational Ling, Romania/Lang & Europe, UK
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Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
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Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 02:40:12 +0000
From: Amalia.Todirascu at utt.fr
Subject: 2003 EUROLAN Summer School on The Semantic Web and Language Technology
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 11:09:22 +0000
From: prs1 at soton.ac.uk
Subject: Language and the Future of Europe: Ideologies, Policies and Practices
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 02:40:12 +0000
From: Amalia.Todirascu at utt.fr
Subject: 2003 EUROLAN Summer School on The Semantic Web and Language Technology
2003 EUROLAN Summer School on The Semantic Web and Language Technology
Date: 28-JUL-03 - 08-AUG-03
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Contact: Dan Cristea
Contact Email: dcristea at infoiasi.ro
Meeting URL: http://www.infoiasi.ro/~eurolan/eurolan2003/
Linguistic Sub-field: Computational Linguistics
Call Deadline: 22-Apr-2003
Meeting Description:
The EUROLAN-2003 Program Committee invites proposals for workshops to
be held in conjunction with EUROLAN-2003 summer school on The Semantic
Web and Language Technology: Its Potential and Practicalities. One or
two workshops will be held, each during three consecutive evenings,
during the two weeks interval of the summer school.
International Workshop held as part of the
EUROLAN'03 Summer School
July 28 - August 8, 2003
Bucarest, Romania
Call for Papers
Information Extraction systems were designed to filter, to select and
to classify the increasing amount of information available nowadays,
mainly on the Web. Most of them were based on shallow natural language
processing techniques, but semantics was not really used, due to the
unavailability of generic ontologies.
During last years, some generic ontologies become available and a lot
of research projets tried to take into account semantic aspects to
obtain more precise results for IE systems. Meanwhile, important
efforts concentrate on developping tools for semi-automatic building
of domain-specific ontologies, based on IE and text-mining techniques.
This workshop will provide a forum for discussion between leading
names in the field and researchers involved in the development of
ontology-based IE systems or semi-automatic tools for building
ontologies. We would like to invite researchers, master and
Ph.D. students to submit their original and unpublished work to the
workshop. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- semantic annotation;
- content-based indexing and retrieval;
- robust analysis of language data;
- text mining;
- platforms for semi-automatic ontology extraction;
- formalisms for ontology representations.
Submission Requirements
Authors are invited to submit a 4-6 pages extended abstract in
electronic form (postscript or PDF) by 22th of April 2003. Authors of
accepted papers should submit the final version in electronic format
not later than 15th of June. The documents must be in either
postscript or pdf format (PDF is encouraged, but postscript documents
are acceptable as well). If you have problems delivering your paper in
one of these formats, please contact the organising comittee. Maximum
length of paper should be about 10 pages. This workshop uses the same
guidelines as EACL-2003. The instructions can be found at
http://ic.epfl.ch/~pallotta/ontoIE/. Please do not insert page
numbers, headers or footers. If you have any problem following the
style please contact the organising committee as soon as possible.
All the papers should be send to Amalia.Todirascu at utt.fr
Important Dates Submission Deadline: 22th April 2003
Notification of Acceptance: 10th May 2003
Camera-ready Papers: 15th June 2003
Demos of working or under development systems are encouraged.
People wanting to attend the workshop must be registered at the
Eurolan'03 School. Participation to the workshop is open to all
Eurolan'03 attendants. Copies of workshop proceedings will be made
available. Authors of the papers accepted for presentation at the
workshop will benefit of early registration fee no matter the date
they register.
Programme Commitee
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
Roberto Basili (University of Rome 2 ''Tor Vergata'', Italy)
Bill Black (UMIST, Manchester, UK)
Paul Buitelaar (DFKI, Saarbrucken, Germany)
Amedeo Cappelli (University of Pisa, Italy)
Paola Merlo (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Malvina Nissim (University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)
Fabio Rinaldi (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Laurent Romary (LORIA, Nancy, France)
Patrick Ruch (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Horacio Saggion (University of Sheffield, UK)
Manuela Speranza (IRST, Trento)
Steffen Staab (AISB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
Valentin Tablan (University of Sheffield, UK)
Dan Tufis (Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania)
Organising commitee
Amalia Todirascu (Technological University of Troyes, France)
Vincenzo Pallotta (EPFL, Laus
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 11:09:22 +0000
From: prs1 at soton.ac.uk
Subject: Language and the Future of Europe: Ideologies, Policies and Practices
Language and the Future of Europe: Ideologies, Policies and Practices
Date: 08-Jul-2004 - 10-Jul-2004
Location: Southampton, United Kingdom
Contact: Patrick Stevenson
Contact Email: lipp at soton.ac.uk
Meeting URL: http://www.lang.soton.ac.uk/lipp/
Linguistic Sub-field: Translation, Sociolinguistics, Discourse
Analysis, Applied Linguistics, Anthropological Linguistics
Call Deadline: 31-Jan-2004
Meeting Description:
This conference will explore the tensions between national and
transnational interests in contemporary Europe in terms of conflicting
language ideologies, policies and practices. It will give an
opportunity to look behind political rhetoric and consider both the
attitudes that lie behind policy and the specific practices with which
effective policy must be compatible. It will also consider the impact
of European policies and practices on the wider world, including the
consequences of colonial and neo-colonial legacies.
The Centre for Transnational Studies School of Modern Languages
University of Southampton, UK
8-10 July 2004
An international conference on
Language and the future of Europe: ideologies, policies and practices
Keynote speakers
Jan Blommaert, University of Ghent
Susan Gal, University of Chicago
Thomas Ricento, University of Texas
With the accession to the European Union of ten new member states on 1
May 2004, the process of social transformation within and across
national boundaries throughout Europe will be given a new impetus. At
the same time, the accelerated process of unification has renewed and
heightened the tension between national and supra-national
interests. One of the most tangible manifestations of this tension -
between the promotion of, and resistance to, social, economic and
political unification - is in conflicting language ideologies,
policies and practices. At this decisive moment in contemporary
European history, the Centre for Transnational Studies at the
University of Southampton, UK, invites contributions to debates on
these issues at a conference to be held in Southampton on 8-10 July
The conference will give an opportunity to look behind political
rhetoric and consider both the attitudes that lie behind policy and
the specific practices with which effective policy must be
compatible. It will also consider the impact of European policies and
practices on the wider world, including the consequences of colonial
and neo-colonial legacies. Papers are invited on all aspects of this
European theme, but proposals which analyse the relationships between
language ideologies, policies and practices will be particularly
It is anticipated that selected papers will be published following the
Papers could focus on the following topics:
language rights
language and citizenship
international and global languages
the contest for domination of linguistic markets
discourses of ethnolinguistic and European identity
language and transnational relations
mobility, migration and linguistic identities
multilingual cities
official and working languages of the EU
national language policies
language in education
regional and minority languages
regionalism versus globalisation
the negotiation of communities / the creation of publics
Please send proposals for papers by 31 January 2004 to
lipp at soton.ac.uk (preferably in Word or PDF). Abstracts should be no
longer than 250 words, with no more than essential references.
The conference web site can be found at
http://www.lang.soton.ac.uk/lipp/. For further information, please
contact a member of the organising committee.
Organising committee
Christopher Brumfit, Professor of Language in Education
cjb1 at soton.ac.uk
Michael Kelly, Professor of French
mhk at soton.ac.uk
Clare Mar-Molinero, Reader in Spanish sociolinguistics
cmm at soton.ac.uk
Patrick Stevenson, Reader in German sociolinguistics
prs1 at soton.ac.uk
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-881
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