14.893, Calls: Cross-Language Evaluation/Humanities Resources
linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Mar 27 16:43:40 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-893. Thu Mar 27 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.893, Calls: Cross-Language Evaluation/Humanities Resources
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Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
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Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 18:22:17 EST
From: Priscilla Rasmussen <rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu>
Subject: Interactive CLEF 2003 -- Call for Participation
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 17:41:29 -0000
From: Martin Wynne <martin.wynne at ota.ahds.ac.uk>
Subject: Humbul Call for Online Scholarly Humanities Resources
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 18:22:17 EST
From: Priscilla Rasmussen <rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu>
Subject: Interactive CLEF 2003 -- Call for Participation
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Interactive CLEF 2003 - Call for Participation
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Registration is open to participate in the CLEF 2003 interactive
evaluation task. Check the participation instructions here:
iCLEF (interactive Cross-Language Evaluation Forum) is a shared
evaluation task devoted to the study of user-oriented aspects of
Cross-Language and Multilingual Information Retrieval. We have already
carried out two successful editions of iCLEF: in iCLEF 2001, we
focused on cross-language document selection issues, and in iCLEF 2002
we focused on query formulation, translation and refinement issues.
This research draws upon the general CLEF (Cross-Language Evaluation
Forum) evaluation effort, profiting from the CLEF test suite (a
comparable collection of newspaper and newswire documents in eight
european languages) and the CLEF infrastructure for topic creation and
distributed native language assessment in all languages covered by the
So far, eight different experiments have been undertaken by research
groups in five countries, involving over 60 users, 6 european
languages (French, English, German, Spanish, Finnish and Swedish) and
hundreds of controlled searching sessions. These experiments have
provided valuable insights into research issues such as fast
alternatives to Machine Translation for document selection, the role
of user-assisted query translation or the role of phrase
identification for automatic translation and user feedback. Papers
describing the outcome of previous iCLEF experiments can be found in
the CLEF 2002 and CLEF 2001 working notes at
For further information, e-mail the task coordinators:
Douglas Oard (University of Maryland), oard at glue.umd.edu
Julio Gonzalo (UNED), julio at lsi.uned.es
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 17:41:29 -0000
From: Martin Wynne <martin.wynne at ota.ahds.ac.uk>
Subject: Humbul Call for Online Scholarly Humanities Resources
Call for Online Scholarly Humanities Resources
The Humbul Humanities Hub (http://www.humbul.ac.uk/) invites members
of the humanities research and teaching community to share information
about scholarly Web sites via its "Suggest a Resource" page at
Humbul catalogues online resources in the humanities, a remit that
includes English, History, Archaeology, Classics, Philosophy,
Religion, Modern Languages, Linguistics, and cognate subjects. As part
of the Resource Discovery Network, Humbul is a free service supporting
researchers, lecturers and students in higher and further
education. Please note that support for the arts and creative
industries is being developed by RDN Artifact
Scholarly resources suggested by colleagues assist our own resource
discovery activities and benefit humanities academics and students
seeking useful online resources. Each suggested site which meets
Humbul's collection development policy,
http://www.humbul.ac.uk/about/colldev.html, is fully described by a
subject specialist cataloguer and the resulting metadata record is
made available for searching and browsing.
In addition to building its catalogue, Humbul develops tools to make
access to its catalogue easier. The My Humbul suite of personalisation
tools (http://www.humbul.ac.uk/help/myhumbul.html) includes an email
alerting service and enables the reuse of Humbul's records you select
within your own web pages.
The Humbul Humanities Hub is a service of the Resource Discovery
Network funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee and the Arts
and Humanities Research Board, and is hosted by the University of
Humbul Humanities Hub, University of Oxford, 13 Banbury Road, Oxford
OX2 6NN. Tel: 01865 283 343. Fax: 01865 273 275. Email:
info at humbul.ac.uk.
Dr Michael Fraser
Head of Humbul
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-893
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