14.2999, FYI: Integrated PhD; Lisa Forum USA
linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Nov 4 02:42:54 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-2999. Mon Nov 3 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.2999, FYI: Integrated PhD; Lisa Forum USA
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Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Sheila Collberg, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
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Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2003 14:59:59 -0000
From: "David Denison" <d.denison at man.ac.uk>
Subject: Integrated PhD in Linguistics and English Language
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 10:35:54 +0100
From: Michael Anobile <lisa at lisa.org>
Subject: LISA Forum USA December 8-12 Washington, D.C.
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2003 14:59:59 -0000
From: "David Denison" <d.denison at man.ac.uk>
Subject: Integrated PhD in Linguistics and English Language
May I publicise another outcome of the ever-strengthening links
between Linguistics and English Language at Manchester (resulting in
formal merger next year)? We have recently added to our portfolio an
integrated PhD in Linguistics and English Language. This four-year
programme involves taught courses in research methods and specialist
fields related to the research topic chosen, culminating in a PhD
dissertation. Teaching and dissertation supervision is drawn from the
exceptional range of expertise available. For details please see
Please draw this to the attention of potential postgraduate students
and those who advise them. Thank you. (Apologies for cross-posting.)
David Denison
David Denison
Dept of English and American Studies
University of Manchester | Manchester M13 9PL | U.K.
+44 (0)161-275 3154 (phone) +44 (0)161-275 3256 (fax)
d.denison at man.ac.uk (email) http://www.art.man.ac.uk/english/staff/dd/
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 10:35:54 +0100
From: Michael Anobile <lisa at lisa.org>
Subject: LISA Forum USA December 8-12 Washington, D.C.
The LISA Forum USA
Through best practice - Services - Language Technology and Open Standards
December 8-12, 2003 Washington D.C.
The LISA Forum is the place where key stakeholders in the global
information society come together to develop a better understanding of
the opportunities and issues faced by enterprises and governments
alike - and how they can best be addressed through effective
implementation of language technologies.
AGENDA http://www.lisa.org/events/2003dc/agenda.html
REGISTER http://www.lisa.org/events/2003dc/registration.html
PROGRAM OVERVIEW http://www.lisa.org/events/2003dc/index.html
LISA WORKSHOPS http://www.lisa.org/events/2003dc/workshops/
All About Arabic World events have generated considerable focus and
interest in the culture, traditions and language of the Arabic
world. All About Arabic educates business, information technology,
linguistic, government, defense and security industry professionals
about Arabic language representation, interpretation and processing.
SPECIAL PROGRAMS Monday, December 8th
Global Content Management Seminar sponsored by Hewlett-Packard
Machine Translation Seminar - Can MT work for you?
Applications, Technology and Implementation Planning
Global business is evolving at pace few of us ever anticipated. The
accelerated convergence between multiple technologies from
telecommunications, through to information and communication systems
is driving the need for efficient internationalization, localization,
and translation to help companies reduce their operating costs across
countries, languages and cultures.
This has resulted in the development of new products and services, as
well as ways of conducting multilingual business and ecommerce.
Through case studies, business advisories, workgroup discussions and
management seminars, participants will examine today's market sectors
and growth in the localization industry.
Topics include:
- Language and Technology requirements
How to do business with US Government agencies
- Implementing Global Content Management Systems
Getting it right the first time!
- Process Outsourcing:
Developing offshore localization & partnership networks
Maintaining Global Context - Managing content across borders
Open standards - Moving business communications beyond the PC
Developing global ready voice applications
- Vendor Selection
Choosing the right partner and technology
- Streamlining content, coding and workflow management systems
- SME Focus - Industry Consolidation - Commoditization - Growth
- Translation Ethics - Professionalism in the GILT community
- Enterprise Content Management
- Implementing Cross-platform TM
- Machine Translation
- Localizing Graphics
- Localization Workflow
- Web services
- Enterprise Terminology
- All About Arabic
- Defining Globalization Requirements
- Internationalization and Localization Testing
- Creating Multilingual Websites
- Automating Localization Workflow
- XML and Localization
- Managing Localization Projects
Workgroup, advisory leaders and invited speakers include:
Asian Development Bank - Audium Corporation - Canadian Translation Bureau -
Cisco - CNN.com - CLS Corporate Language Services - Connect Global
Solutions - Department of Defense - Documentum - eBay - FBI - Foreign
Language Technology Center - Google - Hewlett-Packard - i18N Inc. -
IBM - International Monetary Fund - Kirusa - Mitre Corporation -
Microsoft - Motorola - Multilizer - Neoteny - Newfound Communications
- NMSS - Nokia - NTT - NVTC - Oracle - RWS Group - Scansoft - SDL
International - Targus Info - Touchpoint Consulting - Trados - TTS
Technologies - USA-INSCOM - XML.Intl - Welocalize - World Bank
LISA Forum USA Sponsors
RWS Group - CLS Corporate Language Services - IBM - Lionbridge
Technologies - Welocalize - Echo International
- Notices -
Founded in 1990, LISA is the premier professional organization for the
GILT (Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, and
Translation) business community. With more than 400 members from the
high-tech and vertical market sectors, LISA is well-known for its best
practice guidelines for language technology standards and enterprise
globalization. It's the organization to join when you're serious about
international business.
Please cc: lisa at lisa.org
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-2999
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