14.2380, Sum: Language and Music
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Tue Sep 9 13:50:06 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-2380. Tue Sep 9 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.2380, Sum: Language and Music
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
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Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 20:38:17 +0200
From: Energin <energin at wp.pl>
Subject: Language and Music
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 20:38:17 +0200
From: Energin <energin at wp.pl>
Subject: Language and Music
Two weeks ago, I posted a query concerning the relationships between
language and music with emphasis on influences of musical education on
language perception and production (Linguist 14.2168). I would like to
thank the following for their replies:
Ms Ananda Lima who recommended that I contact a person who is looking
at phonology and lexicon, more specifically on how the language in
Australian Hip HOp are Australian, as opposed to the language of
Australian Pop songs use a form of immitation of American language.
Sunny Pang who recommended the special issue on language and music
processing in Nature Neuroscience, v.6, no.7, July 2003.
Madalena Cruz-Ferreira (Dept. English Language and Literature,
National University of Singapore) recommeded that I contact her
student who did a Honours thesis on the phonology of scat singing,
where he discusses, among other things, its relationship with prosody
and child language acquisition.
Dr. Veronika Koller (Department of English Business Communication
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration)
recommended Speech, Music, Sound by van Leeuwen, T. (London:
Macmillan, 1999).
Anna Spagnolli Ph.D.(Researcher- Department of General Psychology,
Padova (ITALY)) recomended contact with Sandro Duranti, the linguist
anthropologist, who has shown, during a course on ethnographie of
music, similiarities between the structure of ordinary conversation
and the structure of jazz musicians' performance. She also suggested
that I may visit his web site at UCLA to find out more information.
Dr. Craig Packard (ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages & Linguistics,
Center for Applied Linguistics) recommended several books, articles,
internet resources (unfortunately some of links are not functioning,
so they are not posted on the list) :
The following Web sites may contain helpful information.
1.) ESL Games http://eslgames.com/ has a section on "Teaching ESL/EFL With
Songs and Music: How and Why"
3.) Karin's ESL Partyland http://www.eslpartyland.com/ has a section
called "Teaching with Music"
4.) Dave's ESL Cafe Idea Cookbook
http://www.eslcafe.com/ideas/sefer.cgi also includes information on
teaching language with music
5.) "Teaching Language With Music" http://gs.fanshawec.on.ca/tlwm/
Here are some other related resources that may also be helpful
1) * Writing and Multiple Intelligences
A working paper by Gerald Grow on applying the theory to writing
2) Interviews with Howard Gardner:
a) There was an article in the Sunday NY Times, Arts & Leisure
Section, NYTimes, Feb. 21, 1999, p. 38
b) The First Seven...and the Eight: A Conversation with Howard
Gardner. This article appeared in the September 1997 issue of
Educational Leadership, a journal of the Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development.
3) There's information about the AMI study [Adult Multiple
Intelligences] and resources being developed at:
4) Multiple Intelligences Theory
Provides a short definition and discussion of MI and how it impacts
And on the ERIC journals database http://www.cal.org/ericcll:
Title: Early Language Learning with and without Music.
Author(s) Fisher, Douglas
Source: Reading Horizons, v42 n1 p39-49 2001
Publication Date: 2001
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Research (143)
Notes how 80 students who spoke Spanish at home were randomly assigned
one of four teachers, two who used a great deal of music in their
classrooms while the other two did not. Suggests that music had a
positive effect on oral language and reading scores. (SG)
Title: Foreign Language Acquisition and Melody Singing.
Author(s) Mora, Carmen Fonseca
Source: ELT Journal, v54 n2 p147-60 Apr 2000
Publication Date: 2000
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Opinion papers (120)
Considers the value of relating music and language in the
English-as-Foreign-Language (EFL) classroom. This "melodic" approach
is based on evidence that musicality of speech has an effect not only
on the pronunciation skills of EFL students but also their entire
acquisition process. (Author/VWL)
Title: The Effect of Music on Acquiring Vocabulary with Technically
Gifted Students.
Author(s) Quast, Ulrike
Source: Gifted Education International, v14 n1 p12-21 1999
Publication Date: 1999
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Evaluative (142)
This study evaluated the role of music in acquiring foreign language
vocabulary using suggestopedia techniques with 40 technically gifted
students. The study found that the effectiveness of different types
of music depended on student characteristics including gender, musical
ability, foreign language learning ability, and feeling states. (DB)
Title: Bringing Songs to the Second-Language Classroom.
Author(s) Karsenti, Thierry P.
Source: Mosaic, v3 n4 p10-15 Sum 1996
Publication Date: 1996
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Descriptive (141)
Highlights ways of channelling students' passion for English music
through motivating second-language activities. The article presents
useful class activities involving introducing songs in the
second-language classroom. As culture capsules, songs offer insights
into the second culture and contextualize new language information.
(10 references) (Author/CK)
Title: Teaching and Learning Languages through Multiple Intelligences.
Author(s) Christison, Mary Ann
Source: TESOL Journal, v6 n1 p10-14 Fall 1996
Publication Date: 1996
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Descriptive (141)
Discusses a language classroom that helps develop a vision for
expanding intelligent behavior and reinventing language learning. The
article encourages using the seven intelligences--verbal, musical,
logical, spatial, kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal--in
problem situations and focusing on the varied approach to learning
fostered by these intelligences. (five references) (Author/CK)
Title: A Musical Approach for Teaching English Reading to Limited
English Speakers.
Author(s) Fitzgerald, Lori A.
Pages: 111
Publication Date: June 06, 1994
Notes: Master's Thesis, National-Louis University.
Document Type: Dissertations/Theses--Masters Dissertations (042);
Reports-- Evaluative (142)
An experiment using music activities in the classroom to teach
English-as-a-Second- Language reading to limited-English-proficient
elementary school students is described, focusing on the teacher's
discovery process as well as the students' progress. The students
were 23 native Spanish-speaking first-graders in a self-contained
bilingual education class with generally high achievement levels and
parents who were involved in their schooling. The children sang in
English from the first day of class, and sang daily as part of the
curriculum, both in their own class and with a native-English-speaking
class. Spanish-language songs were also incorporated. Often, the
words to the song were indicated as it was being sung. Despite the
songs' simplicity, students initially had difficulty pronouncing
English words. However, they responded well to music and liked to
dance to it. Background music was provided during some science and
math activities. Other music, rhythm, and rhyming activities were
popular with the children. Some songs involved counting, spelling,
and eventually, reading of lyrics. The exercises were found to be
very useful in encouraging literacy skills, minimizing stuttering,
involving a new student, and supporting participation of all students.
Some songs and related materials are appended. (MSE)
Title: La Chanson et la correction phonetique (Song and Phonetic
Correction). Publication B-167.
Author(s) Poliquin, Gaetane
Pages: 75
Publication Date: 1988
Document Type: Reports--Evaluative (142)
A discussion of the use of songs to teach French as a second language
focuses on the value of songs in teaching aspects of pronunciation.
An introductory section describes the benefits of songs as
instructional material, particularly to impart cultural information
about Quebec to Canadian anglophones. Three sections outline
justifications for the use of songs to develop cognitive skills,
demonstrate the relationship of language rhythm and song rhythm, and
to teach a second or third language.Subsequent sections address the
following topics: arguments validating song use, based on classroom
experiments; five classroom experiments gradually developing specific
listening skills and rhythmic acuity; a repertoire of songs for
classroom use; and classification of songs according to different
phonetic phenomena occurring within them. It is concluded that the
qualitative and quantitative evidence resulting from the experiments
described support the value and effectiveness of using songs in
language instruction. A bibliography of 64 items is included. (MSE)
Title: The Rhythm of Language: Fostering Oral and Listening
Skills in Singapore Pre-School Children through an Integrated Music
and Language Arts Program.
Author(s) Gan, Linda; Chong, Sylvia
Source: Early Child Development and Care, v144 p39-45 May 1988
Publication Date: 1988
Notes: Special issue on: "Singapore Childcare and Early Education."
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Evaluative (142)
Examined the effectiveness of a year-long integrated language and
music program (the Expressive Language and Music Project) to enhance
Singaporean kindergartners' English oral-language competency. Found
that the natural communicative setting and creative use of resources
and activities based on the Orff and Kodaly approaches facilitated
language acquisition, music, and social skills. (Author/KB)
Thanks to all concerned.
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