14.2423, Confs: Theoretical Linguistics/Tromsoe, Norway
linguist at linguistlist.org
Sat Sep 13 20:27:23 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-2423. Sat Sep 13 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.2423, Confs: Theoretical Linguistics/Tromsoe, Norway
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
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Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 10:54:45 +0000
From: peter.svenonius at hum.uit.no
Subject: Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics Conference in Linguistics
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 10:54:45 +0000
From: peter.svenonius at hum.uit.no
Subject: Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics Conference in Linguistics
Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics Conference in Linguistics
Short Title: CASTL
Date: 02-OCT-03 - 04-OCT-03
Location: Tromsoe, Norway
Contact: Asbjoern Bartnes
Contact Email: castl at hum.uit.no
Meeting URL: http://castl.uit.no
Linguistic Sub-field: General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 15-JUL-03
Meeting Description:
CASTL Conference in Linguistics in Tromsoe, Norway, October 2-4, 2003
Conference Program October 2-4 in Tromsoe: Phonology talks on Thursday
and Friday are listed first, then Syntax talks on Friday and
Saturday. The Friday sessions are parallel. Poster presenters are
identified after the program of talks.
For more details see our website at http://uit.no/castl/
1900 Registration
THURSDAY October 2 (Phonology talks and posters in syntax and
0900 Conference opening
new look at the difference between fast and slow speech: Mandarin
tone sandhi
1015 BRUCE MOREN: Featural and Representational Economy: The Parallel
Structures Model of Feature Geometry
1100 Coffee break (30 min)
1130 DONCA STERIADE Choosing a base of affixation: what LPM OT can't
1230 CURT RICE Optimal gaps in optimal paradigms
1315 Lunch (1 hr)
1415 Poster presentations I: Argument Structure, Noun Phrases,
Phonology (see below for details)
1515 GEORGE N. CLEMENTS Features and Sound Inventories
1615 Coffee break (15 min)
1630 ARMIN MESTER & JUNKO ITO Contrast and Merger: Systemic Effects in
Japanese and elsewhere
1730 Poster presentations II: Clausal Architecture, Movement (see
below for details)
FRIDAY October 3 (Parallel Session: Phonology)
0900 STUART DAVIS On the Prosodic Alignment of Laryngeal Features: Two
Cases from English
1000 GJERT KRISTOFFERSEN Feet in Norwegian: Moraic or syllabic
1045 Coffee break (30 min)
1115 KATHERINE CROSSWHITE Contrast-Enhancing Vowel Reduction in a
Bantu Tone Language: An OT Analysis of Shimakonde
1215 OVE LORENTZ The bells and whistles of Saami quantity
1300 Lunch (1 hr 15)
1415 TOBIAS SCHEER Lateralisation of structure and causality: the Coda
1515 PATRIK BYE Opacity in English: A Firthian view
1600 Coffee break (30 min)
1630 CHANTAL LYCHE French liaison and data
1715 PAUL de LACY Deconstructed Candidates
FRIDAY October 3 (Parallel Session: Syntax)
0900 JOAN BRESNAN Is Clause Structure Projected from Lexical
Semantics? Evidence from the Dative Alternation
1000 KNUT TARALD TARALDSEN 'Get' passives
1045 Coffee break (30 min)
1115 HAGIT BORER Words Can't Describe It: The Syntax of Quantity
1215 PETER SVENONIUS Complex predicates and functional structure
1300 Lunch (1 hr 15)
1415 SANDRA CHUNG Predicate Restriction and the Dynamics of
Modification (work w/ Ladusaw)
1515 ANDERS HOLMBERG & DAVID ODDEN DP structure in Hawrami
1600 Coffee break (30 min)
1630 MARIT JULIEN Movement in Scandinavian DPs
1715 MARK BAKER Nominalization, Complementation, and Polysynthesis
SATURDAY October 4 (Syntax only)
0900 HILDA KOOPMAN Language variation: the case for complexity filters
1000 OYSTEIN NILSEN VP movement without positions
1045 Coffee break (30 min)
1115 NORVIN RICHARDS Minimal Linearization, Holmberg's Generalization,
and wh-movement in Tagalog and Zazaki
1215 MICHAL STARKE Movement: The size factor
1300 Lunch (1 hr 15)
1415 GUGLIELMO CINQUE The dual source of adjectives and XP-
vs. N-Raising in the Romance DP
1515 OYSTEIN VANGSNES A microparametric approach to Wh-questions and
lack of V2 in Norwegian dialects
1600 Coffee break (30 min)
1630 RICHARD KAYNE Some Thoughts on Comparative Syntax
1900 Dinner and party
Mikael Vinka: ''The Torne Sami applied causee''
Vita Markman: ''Causatives without causers and Burzio's
Eugenia Romanova: ''Prefixes and objecthood'' (work w/ Marina
Natasa Milicevic & Tanja Milicev: ''Inceptive verbal prefixes in
Serbian and event structure''
Isabel P. Jimenez: ''The central role of aspectual notions in the
lexicon-syntax interface''
Mai Tungseth: ''Particles, prepositions and aspectual prepositions''
Mayumi Hosono: ''Defocalization strategy in Merge: Parallelism of
Clitic Left Dislocation with null object construction''
Enoch O. Aboh: ''Deriving relative and factive clauses''
Balkiz Ozturk: ''Configurationality: A typology based on case and
Chia-hui Huang: ''S-selected case and the structure of nP''
Asya Pereltsvaig: ''Determiner phrase in languages with and without a
Evan Mellander: ''Weightless syllables in Alamblak and the case
Shigeko Shinohara: ''Perceptibility scales and segment deletion
patterns in loanword phonology''
Chiara Frigeni: ''Underlying prosodic specification: The importance of
being faithful''
Kristin M. Eide: ''Universal and non-universal properties of tense''
Jonny Butler: ''Having arguments and agreeing: The semantics of EPP
Remus Gergel: ''Aspects of clausal architecture in the domain of
Kaori Takamine: ''The formal determination of word order in Japanese''
Krzysztof Migdalski: ''Predicate inversion in South Slavic''
Mariana Lambova: ''Contrastive focalization and XP/X
Emma Ticio: ''Locality, anti-locality, and extraction out of Spanish
Toshiko Oda: ''Wh-movement by _Move_''
Cheng-Fu Chen: ''Morphosyntax of verbal interrogatives in Rukai''
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-2423
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