14.2561, Calls: Discourse; Syntax/Semantics
linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Sep 25 17:25:09 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-2561. Thu Sep 25 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.2561, Calls: Discourse; Syntax/Semantics
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
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Editor for this issue: Steve Moran <steve at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 17:27:01 +0000
From: francesca.bargiela at ntu.ac.uk
Subject: Journal of Asian Pacific Communication
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 09:16:32 +0000
From: snippets at unimi.it
Subject: Snippets
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 17:27:01 +0000
From: francesca.bargiela at ntu.ac.uk
Subject: Journal of Asian Pacific Communication
Journal of Asian Pacific Communication
Call Deadline: 31-Oct-2003 Subject: ASIAN BUSINESS DISCOURSES
Contact: Francesca Bargiela
Contact Email: francesca.bargiela at ntu.ac.uk
Abstracts are invited for articles on the theme of ASIAN BUSINESS
DISCOURSES for a special issue of the Journal of Asian Pacific Studies
and an edited collection to be published by Peter Lang.
The next few years will witness a consolidation of Asian perspectives
on business communication that will broaden and enrich the profile of
this already multi-disciplinary field and may indeed change it in yet
unforeseeable ways.
It is therefore quite timely and appropriate that the Journal of Asian
Pacific Communication (JAPC) should host a special issue on Asian
Business Discourses in Spring 2006 (Guest editor: Francesca Bargiela).
A complementary volume on Asian Business Communication is also planned
for Autumn 2006, to be published by Peter Lang. It will appear in the
series 'Linguistic Insights. Studies in Language and Communication'
edited by Professor Maurizio Gotti, University of Bergamo (Italy). The
volume will be co-edited by Francesca Bargiela and Maurizio Gotti.
Topic Areas
Asian business discourses
Asian linguae francae
English as an Asian language
English as a lingua franca in Asian business
Written business communication in Asia
Spoken v. written communication in Asian businesses
Asian Meetings, negotiations, and other face-to-face encounters
Computer-mediated communication in Asian businesses
Asian cultural influences on the language of work
Inter-cultural business communication: between Asians and with
Cross-cultural studies of communicative practices (Asian cultures
compared with other cultures)
Intra-cultural business communication (Asian cultures in contact with
other cultures)
The impact of Asian philosophies and religions on business
The language of advertising and public relations in Asian companies
Annual company reports by Asian companies
Internal and external Asian corporate communication
Interpersonal communication in Asian work contexts
Asian native psychologies and their relevance to work settings
The concept of ''face'' in Asian business interactions
This list is not exhaustive. Contributions on other relevant topics
are encouraged. Contact the editor at the address below for informal
Guidelines for submission of abstracts
Authors interested to contribute to either the special journal issue
or to the edited volume are invented to submit long abstracts of
approx. 1000 words by the end of October 2003, accompanied by a
bio-note of approx. 200 words.
The editors will select up to 8 articles for publication in the
journal special issue and up to 12 articles for the edited
collection. Criteria for acceptance include: relevance, originality,
significance and timeliness. All authors will be notified of the
selection outcome by November 30th. All manuscripts will be
peer-reviewed and only high quality contributions will go through for
-Last date for submission of abstracts: 31st October 2003
-Notification of acceptance: 30th November 2003
-Last date for submission of manuscripts: 30th September 2004
-Publication dates Spring 2006 (special journal issue)
Autumn 2006 (edited collection)
Please address all correspondence, including queries and informal
discussion of ideas for possible contributions to:
francesca.bargiela at ntu.ac.uk
Francesca Bargiela
Senior Research Fellow
Nottingham Trent University
Department of English and Media Studies
Clifton Lane
Nottingham NG11 8NS
Fax: + 44 115 848 6632
Tel: + 44 115 848 6354
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 09:16:32 +0000
From: snippets at unimi.it
Subject: Snippets
Call Deadline: 01-OCT-2003
This is a reminder that the next submission deadline for
the syntax/semantics minijournal SNIPPETS is
* October 1, 2003 *
As usual, submissions are to be sent to the address snippets at unimi.it.
Some relevant excerpts from the SNIPPETS editorial statement follow.
Further details can be found at the website
http://www.ledonline.it/snippets/index.html, together with all
published issues. The contents of the most recent issue are:
1. Elissa Flagg. Against heterogenous origins for _nâEuro(tm)t_ and
2. Danny Fox and Jon Nissenbaum. VP ellipsis and the position of
3. Naomi Harada. No head raising in light verb constructions.
4. Shigeto Kawahara, Makoto Kadowaki and Kazuko Yatsushiro. A gap in
the interpretation of embedded tense in Japanese.
5. Feng-shi Liu. Definite NPs and telicity in Chinese.
- ---------------
Excerpts from the SNIPPETS Editorial Statement:
1. Purpose
The aim of Snippets is to publish specific remarks that motivate
research or that make theoretical points germane to current work. The
ideal contribution is the ideal footnote: a side remark that taken on
its own is not worth lengthy development but that needs to be
said. ...
2. Content
We will publish notes that contribute to the study of syntax and
semantics in generative grammar. The notes are to be brief,
self-contained and explicit. They may do any of the following things:
- point out an empirical phenomenon that goes against accepted
generalizations or that shows that some aspect of a theory is
- point out unnoticed minimal pairs that fall outside the scope of any
existing theory;
- point out an empirical phenomenon that confirms the predictions of a
theory in an area where the theory has not been tested;
- explicitly describe technical inconsistencies in a theory or in a
set of frequently adopted assumptions;
- explicitly describe unnoticed assumptions that underlie a theory or
assumptions that a theory needs to be supplemented with in order to
make desired predictions;
- call attention to little-known or forgotten literature in which
issues of immediate relevance are discussed.
We also encourage submissions that connect psycholinguistic data to
theoretical issues. A proposal for a pilot experiment in language
acquisition or language processing could make for an excellent
snippet. ...
3. Submission details
...We will accept electronic submissions at the address
snippets at unimi.it. Electronic submissions may take the form of (a) the
text of an e-mail message, or (b) an attached file. The attached file
should be a simple text file, a Word file (Mac or Windows), or a Rich
Text Format (RTF) file. All submissions must state the name and
affiliation of the author(s), and a (postal or electronic) return
Submissions are to be a maximum of 500 words (including examples),
with an additional half page allowed for diagrams, tables and
references. Given that we envision the submissions themselves as
footnotes, the submissions may not contain footnotes of their own. The
ideal submission is one paragraph; a submission of five lines is
perfectly acceptable. We will not consider abstracts.
4. Editorial policy
Submissions will be reviewed by our editorial board, and review will
be name-blind both ways. While we guarantee a response within 3 months
of the submission deadline, we will only provide a yes/no response to
the submitter. We will not request revisions (barring exceptional
cases). We allow resubmission (once) of the same piece.
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-2561
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