14.2629, Calls: Cognitive Science/UK; Language Acquisition/NL
linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Sep 30 17:10:18 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-2629. Tue Sep 30 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.2629, Calls: Cognitive Science/UK; Language Acquisition/NL
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
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Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 13:05:22 +0000
From: jordan.zlatev at ling.lu.se
Subject: International Conference on Language, Culture and Mind
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 08:44:01 +0000
From: b.hollebrandse at let.rug.nl
Subject: Modular interaction in acquisition
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 13:05:22 +0000
From: jordan.zlatev at ling.lu.se
Subject: International Conference on Language, Culture and Mind
International Conference on Language, Culture and Mind
Short Title: Language, Culture, & Mind
Date: 18-Jul-2004 - 20-Jul-2004
Location: Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
Contact: Jordan Zlatev
Contact Email: jordan.zlatev at ling.lu.se
Meeting URL: http://www.unifr.ch/gefi/GP2/Portsmouth/
Linguistic Sub-field: Cognitive Science
Call Deadline: 15-Jan-2004
Meeting Description:
Human natural languages are biologically based, cognitively motivated,
affectively rich, socially shared, grammatically organized symbolic
systems. They provide the principal semiotic means for the complexity
and diversity of human cultural life.
As has long been recognized, no single discipline or methodology is
sufficient to capture all the dimensions of this complex and
multifaceted phenomenon, which lies at the heart of what it is to be
The goal of this conference is to contribute to situating the study of
language in a contemporary interdisciplinary dialogue. Many of the
relevant disciplines have made highly significant theoretical,
methodological and empirical advances during the last decade.
We call for contributions from scholars and scientists in
anthropology, biology, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, semiotics,
cognitive and neurosciences, who wish both to impart their insights
and findings, and learn from other disciplines. Preference will be
given to submissions which emphasize interdisciplinarity, the
interaction between culture, mind and language, and/or
multi-methodological approaches in language sciences.
Human natural languages are biologically based, cognitively motivated,
affectively rich, socially shared, grammatically organized symbolic
systems. They provide the principal semiotic means for the complexity
and diversity of human cultural life.
As has long been recognized, no single discipline or methodology is
sufficient to capture all the dimensions of this complex and
multifaceted phenomenon, which lies at the heart of what it is to be
The goal of this conference is to contribute to situating the study of
language in a contemporary interdisciplinary dialogue. Many of the
relevant disciplines have made highly significant theoretical,
methodological and empirical advances during the last decade.
We call for contributions from scholars and scientists in
anthropology, biology, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, semiotics,
cognitive and neurosciences, who wish both to impart their insights
and findings, and learn from other disciplines. Preference will be
given to submissions which emphasize interdisciplinarity, the
interaction between culture, mind and language, and/or
multi-methodological approaches in language sciences.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Biological and cultural evolution and language
Comparative study of communication systems
Cognitive and cultural schematization in language
Emergence of language in ontogeny and phylogeny
Language in multi-modal communication
Language and normativity
Language and thought, emotion and consciousness
International Organizing Committee
Carmen Guarddon Anelo, Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Spain
Raphael Berthele, Departement für Germanistik, Université de
Fribourg, Switzerland
Maria Cristóbal, Department of English Philology I. Universidad
Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Iraide Ibarretxe, Department of English Philology, University of
Deusto / Department of Basque Philology, University of the Basque
Country, Spain
Jordan Zlatev, Department of Linguistics Lund University /
Department of Philosophy and Linguistics, Umeå University; Sweden
Local Organizing Committee, Department of Psychology, University of
Portsmouth, England
Karl Nunkoosing
Vasu Reddy
Chris Sinha
Vera da Silva
Joerg Zinken
One page abstracts for 30-minute presentations should be submitted to
Jordan Zlatev (jordan.zlatev at ling.lu.se) by January 15,
2004. Notification of acceptance by March 15, 2004.
Abstracts will be reviewed by an international scientific committee,
to be announced in the second call for papers.
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 08:44:01 +0000
From: b.hollebrandse at let.rug.nl
Subject: Modular interaction in acquisition
Modular interaction in acquisition
Date: 23-Oct-2003 - 24-Oct-2003
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Contact: Petra Bos
Contact Email: phf.bos at let.vu.nl
Meeting URL: http://odur.let.rug.nl/~hollebr/interfaces/info
Linguistic Sub-field: Language Acquisition
Meeting Description:
workshop: Modular interaction in acquisition October 23 and 24 at the
Free University Amsterdam, The Neterlands
This workshop is part of the NWO-program ''Interfaces Issues in L1 and
L2 Acquisition''. Members of the NWO-program ''Interfaces Issues in L1
and L2 Acquisition'' will organize a workshop on October 23 and 24,
2003, at the Free University Amsterdam in the Netherlands:
Modular interaction in acquisition
According to recent linguistic approaches to language, the language
system is built up by grammatical modules (phonology, syntax, and
semantics) and a pragmatic module. Simply put, the grammatical modules
enable us to use the appropriate sounds of a language, to formulate
sentences according to a number of grammatical rules and to make sure
our utterances have meaning, and the pragmatic module enables us to
interpret utterances and to communicate successfully. Each module
consists of a number of rules and constraints, which differ for each
language. On top of that, the grammatical modules interact with each
other and with the pragmatic module. These interactions are called
If we take a modular approach in studying language acquisition, an
important question that can be raised is: How do the modules and the
pragmatics-syntax interface and the semantics-syntax interface develop
during acquisition? The main questions of the workshop will be: (1) To
what extent does the syntax-semantics interface in L1-acquisition
differ from the development of this interface in L2-acquisition? And
(2) To what extent does the syntax-pragmatics interface in
L1-acquisition differ from the development of this interface in
Speakers include:
Sergey Avrutin (Utrecht University), Cécile de Cat (University of
York), Petra Hendriks (Groningen University), Helen de Hoop
(University of Nijmegen), Irene Krämer (University of Nijmegen),
Natascha Müller (Hamburg University), Tom Roeper (University of
Massachusetts), Antonella Sorace (University of Edinburgh), and
members of the ''Interfaces in L1 and L2 Acquisition program''
Members of the ''Interface Issues in L1 and L2 Acquisition'' -
Petra Bos (Free University Amsterdam), Peter Coopmans (Utrecht
University), Ger de Haan (Groningen University), Bart Hollebrandse,
(Groningen University), Roeland van Hout (University of Nijmegen),
Aafke Hulk (University of Amsterdam), Peter Jordens (Free University
Amsterdam), Petra Sleeman (Utrecht University/ University of
For registration & information, contact Petra Bos at phf.bos at let.vu.nl
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-2629
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