15.1183, Calls: Lang&Lit/Botswana; Forensic Ling/Poland
Mon Apr 12 12:28:57 UTC 2004
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-1183. Mon Apr 12 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 15.1183, Calls: Lang&Lit/Botswana; Forensic Ling/Poland
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Sheila Collberg, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
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Editor for this issue: Andrea Berez <andrea at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 13:33:59 -0400 (EDT)
From: aruaae at mopipi.ub.bw
Subject: 3rd International Conference on Language and Literature (hosted by the Department of English, University of Botswana)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 14:22:51 -0400 (EDT)
From: linglex at uni.lodz.pl
Subject: Language and the Law 2005: East meets West
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 13:33:59 -0400 (EDT)
From: aruaae at mopipi.ub.bw
Subject: 3rd International Conference on Language and Literature (hosted by the Department of English, University of Botswana)
3rd International Conference on Language and Literature
Date: 13-Jun-2005 - 17-Jun-2005
Location: Gaborone, Botswana
Contact: Arua Arua
Contact Email: aruaae at mopipi.ub.bw
Meeting URL: http://www.thuto.org
Linguistic Sub-field: Ling & Literature
Subject Language: English
Meeting Description:
3rd International Conference on Language and Literature (Hosted by the
Department of English, University of Botswana. 3RD INTERNATIONAL
DATE: 13-17 JUNE 2005
The relevance of English Studies to Africa has remained a burning
issue for the last two centuries. The need to revisit the subject has
become increasingly urgent because of the continuing perception that
many departments of English (and their programmes) across Africa have
had very little impact on the governments and peoples of
Africa. Accordingly, this conference will address this crisis of the
relevance of English Studies to Africa, especially at the turn of the
21st century. In particular, the conference will seek to examine and
attempt to clarify the role of English Studies in Africa from various
(interdisciplinary) perspectives: theoretical, pedagogical, cultural,
social and economic.
Abstracts: Abstracts of up to 500 words are invited based on the
sub-themes suggested below. Prospective participants are, however,
free to write on topics related to themes not included on the list.
Sub-themes:A.General: 1.What is English Studies? 2.English and the
Humanities 3.Language, literature and colonialism 4.Language,
literature and gender
B. Language:1.The balance between English language description and
proficiency 2. Evolving standards and models of English in Africa
3.English as an international language: Ownership, adaptability,
identities, etc. 4.English and the new technologies 5. Language and
class 6.Language planning and the national language question 7.English
as a global industry 8.English Studies and social expectations
C. Literature: 1.Literature in English and African culture 2. Literary
education and the global culture 3.African literature and canon
formation 4. Literature and change 5. Literature and identities
6. African literature and the diaspora
Abstracts are to be submitted by email (Email attachments should be in
Microsoft word or rich text formats). The deadline for the submission
of abstracts is 31 December 2004. Prospective participants will be
notified as from 15 January 2005 whether their abstracts have been
accepted or not.
Panels and workshops: Participants who wish to organize special panels
and workshops, or mount exhibitions should notify the organizer early.
Conference venue: The conference will hold on the main campus of the
University of Botswana.
Registration and fees: Conference registration fees are as follows:
a) Participants from Africa (P200)***
b) Participants from other parts of the world (P500)
c) Students from Africa (Free)
Publication of proceedings: Selected papers from the conference will
be published.
Websites: Information will be posted on the Department of English
website (http://www.thuto.org) (click on English) and the UB website
(http://ub.bw/home.html) as soon as they become available.
Accommodation: Details of accommodation will be provided six months
before the conference date.
All correspondence to:
Dr. Arua E. Arua
Department of English, University of Botswana
Private Bag UB00703, Gaborone, Botswana
Tel: (267) 3552177; (267) 3163202
Fax: (267) 3185098
Email: aruaae at mopipi.ub.bw) (use both addresses)
aruaae at botsnet.bw )
*** Exchange rate: US$1.00 = P5.00 (One USD is equivalent to five
Botswana Pula
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 14:22:51 -0400 (EDT)
From: linglex at uni.lodz.pl
Subject: Language and the Law 2005: East meets West
Language and the Law 2005: East meets West
Short Title: L&L 2005
Date: 12-Sep-2005 - 14-Sep-2005
Location: Lodz, Poland
Contact: Krzysztof Kredens
Contact Email: linglex at uni.lodz.pl
Meeting URL:
Linguistic Sub-field: General Linguistics, Forensic Linguistics
Meeting Description:
The conference seeks to provide a forum for discussion in those
scientific fields where linguistic and legal interests converge, and
to facilitate integration between scholars from the former Eastern
Bloc countries and elsewhere in Europe and the world.
Language and the Law 2005: East meets West
Department of English Language
University of Lodz
12 - 14 September 2005
The Department of English Language at Lodz University plans to hold an
international conference devoted to language and the law. Our aim is
to provide a forum for discussion in those scientific fields where
linguistic and legal interests converge, and to facilitate integration
between scholars from the former Eastern Bloc countries and elsewhere
in Europe and the world.
Research in the interrelations of language and the law has of late
gathered momentum in continental Europe. More and more academic
projects are being implemented every year, which has been made
possible by the development of the European Research Area, a structure
designed as a research-coordinating equivalent of the common
market. On May 1st 2004 ten new countries will join the European
Union, making it a political structure of as many as 25 official
languages. A timely acknowledgement of New Europe's role in
jurislinguistic scholarship, the conference will be an excellent
opportunity to address linguistic aspects of law-enforcement in a
multilingual community, and in a legislatively uniform environment
with different legal systems, adversarial and inquisitorial.
We invite papers discussing the role and shape of language in legal
and forensic settings. The topics include:
analysis of legal discourse,
structure and semantics of statutes and legal instruments,
legal terminology issues,
legal translation,
speech style in the courtroom,
social organisation of conversation in legal settings,
structure of cross-examination,
sociopragmatic aspects of interpreting in court,
comprehensibility of legal instruments,
language and disadvantage before the law,
linguistic minorities and linguistic human rights,
forensic linguistics (particularly forensic authorship attribution,
analysis of contested meanings and forensic phonetics)
This list is not exhaustive.
The conference will be held over 3 days, from 12 to 14 September 2005
(arrival day 11 September) at the Lodz University Conference
Centre. We expect approximately 100 participants from Poland and
Eastern Europe, Western Europe and other parts of the world.
Susan Blackwell, The University of Birmingham, UK
Ronald R. Butters, Duke University, USA
Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, University of Lodz
Lawrence M. Solan, Brooklyn Law School, USA
Maria Teresa Turell, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Marek Zirk-Sadowski, University of Lodz
Malcolm Coulthard, University of Birmingham, UK
Maurizio Gotti, University of Bergamo, Italy
Peter Sandrini, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Susan Sarcevic, University of Rijeka, Croatia
We have also invited a number of scholars to be semi-plenary
speakers. Their names will be made public in the second circular.
Abstracts of papers should be up to 750 words long and forwarded (by
e-mail, fax or mail) to the organisers. Deadline for submission of
abstracts is 31 December 2004.
Presentations should last 30 minutes including demonstrations,
questions and discussion.
Selected papers from the conference will be published by Peter Lang
GmbH in a volume of the Lodz Studies in Language series.
The cost of conference registration, accommodation and meals at the
conference centre is:
150 EURO fee
300 EURO accommodation and meals
Colleagues from newly-joined EU states, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania,
Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and the former Yugoslavia can apply
for a bursary to participate in the conference.
The conference fee will cover conference materials, participation in
sessions, conference dinner and social programme. The
accommodation/meals charge will cover accommodation in a single, twin
or double room at the Lodz University Conference Centre, three meals a
day and coffee breaks.
Payment should be by cheque (in US dollars or equivalent in other
currencies), made out to:
Lodz University, Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (L&L 2005)
and forwarded to:
University of Lodz
Department of English Language
Al. Kosciuszki 65
90-514 Lodz
Bank transfers are also welcome. The account number is:
PKO S.A. II O/Lodz 86124030281111000028222488
Please state the following in your transfer description: L&L
Alternatively, cash or cheque payment can be made on arrival.
Dr Krzysztof Kredens
Dr Stanislaw Goźdź-Roszkowski
Department of English Language
Al. Kosciuszki 65
90-514 Lodz
tel: (#48) 42 6655220
fax: (#48) 42 6655221
e-mail: linglex at uni.lodz.pl
Further details about the conference will be publicised in regular
circulars to participants and academic institutions. A web page will
soon be operational where more information on our plans for the
conference, Lodz, and Lodz University will be made available.
Official language of the conference will be English.
Lodz, whose history dates back to the 15th century, is the second
largest city in Poland, with a population of nearly one million
people. It is located 130 km (85 miles) south-west of Warsaw, almost
in the very centre of Poland. Its short yet remarkable history is
closely linked to the growth of the textile industry - even today its
most characteristic sights include late-19th-century neogothic
factories and well-preserved, magnificent villas and palaces of former
factory owners, now turned into museums or sites of various cultural
and educational institutions. Lodz is not only an important industrial
centre, but also a city of culture, often referred to as the capital
of Polish film. The most renowned Polish film directors such as
Krzysztof KieÅ>lowski, Roman PolaÅ"ski and Andrzej Wajda are all
graduates of the world-famous Lodz Film School. Despite the fact that
Lodz is an industrial city, it has the largest urban green areas in
Poland, among them Lagiewniki, the biggest municipal park in Poland,
with two wooden chapels and a Baroque monastery. Since 1945 Lodz has
been an important academic centre with numerous state-run academic
institutions, among them the University of Lodz.
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