15.1221, Calls: General Ling/Cuba; Computational Ling/Hong Kong
Fri Apr 16 18:36:17 UTC 2004
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-1221. Fri Apr 16 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 15.1221, Calls: General Ling/Cuba; Computational Ling/Hong Kong
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Sheila Collberg, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
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State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Andrea Berez <andrea at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 16:49:42 -0400
From: "Leonel Ruiz Miyares (Centro Ling. Aplicada)" <leonel at lingapli.ciges.inf.cu>
Subject: 9th International Symposium on Social Communication
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 04:42:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: hlt2004 at hkusua.hku.hk
Subject: International Workshop on Human Language Technology
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 16:49:42 -0400
From: "Leonel Ruiz Miyares (Centro Ling. Aplicada)" <leonel at lingapli.ciges.inf.cu>
Subject: 9th International Symposium on Social Communication
9th International Symposium on Social Communication
JANUARY 24-28, 2005
The Center of Applied Linguistics of the Santiago de Cuba's branch of
the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment, is pleased to
announce the Ninth International Symposium on Social
Communication. The event will be held in Santiago de Cuba January 24
through the 28, 2005. This interdisciplinary event will focus on
social communication processes from the points of view of Linguistics,
Computational Linguistics, Medicine, Voice Processing, Mass Media, and
Ethnology and Folklore.
The Symposium will be also sponsored by:
University of Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
. Higher Institute for Medical Sciences Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
. Pedagogical University "Frank Pais Garcia" Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
. African Cultural Center "Fernando Ortiz" Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
. Provincial Branch of Ministry of Culture, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
. Heredia Teather, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
. Melia - Santiago de Cuba Hotel
. University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands
. Institute for Computational Linguistics, Pisa, Italy
. Knowledge Web, Ireland
. Basque Country University, Spain
. Goteborg University, Goteborg, Sweden
. University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain
Authors will be allowed to present only one paper pertaining to the
following disciplines:
1. Linguistics:
- Spanish and foreign language teaching
- Spanish as a second language
- Applied Linguistics
- Phonetics and Phonology
- Lexicology and Lexicography
- Morphology and Syntax
- Anthropology Linguistics
- Textual Linguistics and Pragmalinguistics
- Terminology
- Translations
2. Computational Linguistics:
- Software related to linguistics research
- Automated grammatical tagging of texts
- Electronic dictionaries
- Software related to the teaching of mother tongues and foreign
- Related issues
3. Voice Processing:
- Applications of analysis, synthesis and voice-recognition
- Artificial intelligence and voice processing
4. Medical specialties related to speech and voice and with Social
Communication in general:
- Logopedy and Phoniatry
- Neurology
- Otorhinolaryngology
- Stomatology
5. Mass Media:
- Linguistics research related to the speech of journalists, actors
and radio and television announcers
- Textual Analysis of radio and television programs, and of print and
electronic media articles
6. Ethnology and Folklore:
- Research related to Social Communication
Activities that will take place within the event are:
- Pre-Symposium seminars
- Discussion of papers in commissions
- Master conferences
- Round Table
The Symposium will be preceded by two seminars that will be taught by
prestigious specialists to be announced. The seminars will take place
Monday, January 24th of 2005 and will focus on the following subjects:
- Corpus Linguistics: current studies
- Lexicology and Lexicography: trends and
Participants should say in advance what pre-symposium seminars they
want to take part in. An additional fee of 25.00 USD will be charged
for each seminar. Participation certificates will be available.
A round table entitled " The Mass Media: its impact in the use of
language" will be held on the occasion of the IX International
Symposium on Social Communication.
During the symposium several keynote speeches will be delivered by:
- Prof. Dr. Vitelio Ruiz Hernández
Emeritus Academic
Academy of Science of Cuba
Center of Applied Linguistics
Santiago de Cuba
- Prof. Dr. Nicoletta Calzolari
Professor and Researcher
Institute for Computational Linguistics
Pisa, Italy
- Prof. Dr. Anton Nijholt
Professor and Researcher
University of Twente
Enschede, The Netherlands
- Prof. Dr. Ruslan Mitkov
Professor and Researcher
University of Wolverhampton
United Kingdom
- Prof. Dr. Raul Avila
Professor and Researcher
El Colegio de Mexico
Mexico, Mexico
- Prof. Dr. Michael Zock
Professor and Researcher
Department of Computer Science
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tokyo, Japan
- Prof. Dr. Sylviane Cardey
Prof. Dr. Peter Greenfield
Professors and Researchers
Centre de Recherche en Linguistique Lucien Tesniere
Besancon, France
The deadline of submission of paper abstracts is July 1st, 2004. They
should not exceed 250 words. Notification of acceptance of a paper by
the Symposium's Scientific Committee will be sent before July 30th,
To enable the Organizing Committee to include the Proceedings as part
of the Symposium's documentation -as we did in the 5th ('97), 6th
('99), 7th (2001) and 8th (2003) Symposiums-, accepted papers must be
sent before September 15, 2004, with the following requirements:
1. The paper will not exceed 5 pages including graphics, footnotes and
2. It should be written using Word 6.0 or Word 7.0 for Windows and
sent to the Symposium's Executive Secretary either via e-mail
(attachment) or by mailing a 3½-inch diskette.
3. Each page must be written in an A4 (mail type) format with left,
right, top, and bottom margin of 2.5 cm.
4. The paper must be written in one of the event's official
languages: Spanish, English, French or Portuguese.
Instructions for paper submission:
1. Write down the authors' names, one under the other, at the left top
of the first page, all in Arial bold capital letters, 9 points (Word
6.0 or 7.0). Under the authors' names should appear in bold (only
initials capital letters) the institution, city, country and e-mail
address if available.
2. In a separate line, at the center, the title of the paper must be
written in Arial bold, Italics, 10 points size letters.
3. The text will follow -not in bold- with the same Arial letter, 9
points size and leaving one space between lines.
4. Paragraphs will have no indentation. Spaces between paragraphs
will be of 3 points.
5. Section titles will be written in Arial bold, 9 points size and
sub-sections titles will be written in Arial Italic, 8 points size.
6. Footnotes will appear at the end of each page in Arial 8 points
size letters.
Presentation time will be 15 minutes and 5 minutes for discussion.
Authors must advise in advance if they will need a tape recorder,
video set, computer or other kind of equipment for presentation.
All mail or inquiries should be addressed to:
Dr. Eloina Miyares Bermudez
Secretaria Ejecutiva del Comite Organizador
IX Simposio Internacional Comunicacion Social
Centro de Linguistica Aplicada
Apartado Postal 4067, Vista Alegre
Santiago de Cuba 4, Cuba 90400
Telephones: 53-22-642760, 53-22-656141
E-mail: leonel at lingapli.ciges.inf.cu
OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: Spanish, English, French and Portuguese
Speakers and Delegates
200.00 USD
100.00 USD
Payment must be in cash during registration and it covers a copy of
the Proceedings where your paper is printed, all other documentation
related to the event, speaker's certificate, welcome cocktail and
other cultural activities. Companions will have access to all of the
above, except copies of the Proceedings.
The Organizing Committee guarantees accommodation in 3, 4, and 5 star
hotels with preferential prices for participants in the event.
- Abstract Submission deadline: July 1st, 2004
- Notification on paper's approval by Scientific Committee: by July
30, 2004
- Delivery of papers either by e-mail or by mail using 3½-inch
diskette: September 15, 2004
- Pre-Symposium seminars: January 24th, 2005
- 9th International Symposium on Social Communication:
January 25 through 28, 2005
Santiago de Cuba, located at some 900 kms from Havana, is Cuba's
second largest city. Its economic, cultural and social importance in
Cuban history is unquestionable. Santiago is also the capital of the
province with the same name. Surrounded by the green mountains of the
Sierra Maestra range and the Caribbean Sea, Santiago is unique in its
geography and beautiful landscape. Its surroundings make the city one
of the most important tourist attractions on the entire island. The
Organizing Committee, in coordination with the city's tourist agencies
will offer visiting delegates a host of options allowing participants
to enjoy the city's beauty and charm.
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 04:42:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: hlt2004 at hkusua.hku.hk
Subject: International Workshop on Human Language Technology
International Workshop on Human Language Technology
Date: 16-Sep-2004 - 17-Sep-2004
Location: Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Contact: Adams Bodomo
Contact Email: hlt2004 at hkusua.hku.hk
Meeting URL: http://web.hku.hk/~hlt2004/
Linguistic Sub-field: Computational Linguistics ,Linguistic Theories
,Semantics ,Syntax ,Text/Corpus Linguistics ,Cognitive Science
Call Deadline: 01-Jul-2004
Meeting Description:
Proposals for presentation or demonstration in the form of papers,
research notes and software demos are now invited for the
International Workshop on Human Language Technology. Work, completed
or in progress, should be original in nature and previously published
papers should not be submitted. All presentations and demonstrations
should be approximately twenty minutes in duration, to be followed by
a ten-minute discussion. A special session on Treebank Construction
will be held. Works with special focus on the processing of Chinese
are particularly welcome. A selection of workshop papers will be
considered for publication. Areas of Interest
All aspects of Human Language Technology, including, but not limited
Constraint-Based Grammar
Computational Models
Evaluation and Standards
Human Computer Interaction
Information Extraction/Retrieval
Multilingual Lexicons
Linguistically Annotated Corpora
Machine Learning and Translation
Natural Language Parsing and Generation
Part-of-Speech Tagging
Speech Recognition and Synthesis
Tokenization and Segmentation
Web Intelligence
Invited Speakers
Josef van Genabith, Dublin City University
Andy Way, Dublin City University
Important Dates
Closing date for abstract submission: July 1, 2004
Notification to authors: August 10, 2004
Closing date for pre-registration: August 31, 2004
Conference: September 16 - 17, 2004
Submission of final camera-ready copy: October 15, 2004
Method of Submission
A Microsoft Word version AND a PDF version of a two-page abstract,
single-spaced with a 1-inch margin on all sides and processed in at
least a 12-pt font, should be submitted as e-mail attachments to the
Organizing Committee (hlt2004 at hkusua.hku.hk). Examples, if any, should
be part of the body of the abstract. References may be included on a
separate page. Reference to the author(s) in any form should, as much
as possible, be avoided.
Further Information
For further information, please contact Dr. Adams Bodomo, the
organizer, and the members of the Organizing Committee at
hlt2004 at hkusua.hku.hk. Latest information will be posted on the
Workshop's web site at http://web.hku.hk/~hlt2004/.
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-1221
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