15.1334, Calls: Anthropological Ling/Japan;Lang Acquisition/USA
Wed Apr 28 17:59:46 UTC 2004
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-1334. Wed Apr 28 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 15.1334, Calls: Anthropological Ling/Japan;Lang Acquisition/USA
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Sheila Collberg, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Andrea Berez <andrea at linguistlist.org>
As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.
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Date: 28 Apr 2004 02:20:21 -0000
From: Debra Occhi docchi at miyazaki-mic.ac.jp
Subject: LX Panel at Anthropology of Japan in Japan Fall Meeting
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 17:52:12 -0400 (EDT)
From: langconf at bu.edu
Subject: 29th Boston University Conference on Language Development
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: 28 Apr 2004 02:20:21 -0000
From: Debra Occhi docchi at miyazaki-mic.ac.jp
Subject: LX Panel at Anthropology of Japan in Japan Fall Meeting
LX panel at Anthropology of Japan in Japan Fall Meeting
Short Title: AJJ
Date: 13-Nov-2004 - 14-Nov-2004
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Debra Occhi
Contact Email: AJJProposals2004 at yahoo.com
Meeting URL: http://ajj-online.net
Linguistic Sub-field: Discourse Analysis ,Pragmatics ,Sociolinguistics
,Writing Systems ,Ling & Literature ,Cognitive Science
,Anthropological Linguistics ,Language Acquisition
Call Deadline: 01-Jun-2004
Meeting Description:
The Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies at Waseda
The Institute of Comparative Culture at Sophia
announce a call for papers to
Anthropology of Japan in Japan (AJJ)
7th Annual Meeting 2004
November 13th (at Waseda) and 14th (at Sophia) in Tokyo, Japan
Ethnographies of Language This panel focuses on ethnography-oriented
research of language use as well as discourse patterns within
contemporary Japanese society. Paper topics may include naming
practices, gendered identity display, language use among youth,
language in media, and other arenas of ethnographic interest.
Papers should be presented in English or Japanese.
Organizers: Debra Occhi (docchi at miyazaki-mic.ac.jp) and Risako Ide
(risako at sakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp)
AJJ is a professional organization comprised of over 150 social
scientists living in and/or conducting research on Japan. In addition
to established scholars, our meetings always include a wide range of
younger scholars (undergraduate and masters course students as well as
those doing Ph.D. fieldwork) who might even be working on their first
project. We offer a supportive and receptive environment for these
scholars to present to a knowledgeable audience and get feedback on
their work.
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 17:52:12 -0400 (EDT)
From: langconf at bu.edu
Subject: 29th Boston University Conference on Language Development
29th Boston University Conference on Language Development
Short Title: BUCLD 29
Date: 05-Nov-2004 - 07-Nov-2004
Location: Boston, MA, United States of America
Contact: Seungwan Ha
Contact Email: langconf at bu.edu
Meeting URL: http://www.bu.edu/linguistics/APPLIED/BUCLD
Linguistic Sub-field: Language Acquisition
Call Deadline: 15-May-2004
Meeting Description:
The conference includes about 90 papers and 40 posters in such areas
as theoretical approaches to language acquisition, cross-cultural
language development, second language development, language disorders,
and literacy development.
CALL FOR PAPERS (2nd call)
NOVEMBER 5, 6 & 7, 2004
Keynote Speaker: Elizabeth S. Spelke, Harvard University
"Language and Core Knowledge"
Plenary Speaker: Ken Wexler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Beauty and Awe: Language Acquisition as High Science"
Lunch Symposium
"Where does grammar come from? A debate on the nature of child
language acquisition?"
Michael Tomasello, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Stephen Crain, University of Maryland - College Park
All topics in the fields of first and second language acquisition from
all theoretical perspectives will be fully considered, including:
Cognition & Language
Creoles & Pidgins
Exceptional Language
Input & Interaction
Language Disorders
Linguistic Theory (Syntax, Semantics, Phonology, Morphology, Lexicon)
Literacy & Narrative
Pre-linguistic Development
Signed Languages
Speech Perception & Production
Presentations will be 20 minutes long followed by a 10 minute question
period. Posters will be on display for a full day with two attended
sessions during the day.
Abstracts submitted must represent original, unpublished research.
Abstracts should be anonymous, clearly titled and no more than 450
words in length. They should also fit on one page, with an optional
second page for references or figures if required. Abstracts longer
than 450 words will be rejected without being evaluated. Please note
the word count at the bottom of the abstract. Note that words counts
need not include the abstract title or the list of references.
A suggested format and style for abstracts is available at the
conference website:
All abstracts must be submitted as PDF documents. Specific
instructions for how to create PDF documents are available at the
Free services/software for creating PDF documents are available from:
(free trial: five free documents)
If you encounter a problem creating a PDF file, please contact us for
further assistance.
Please use the first author's last name as the file name
(eg. Smith.pdf). No author information should appear anywhere in the
contents of the PDF file itself.
Electronic submission: To facilitate the abstract submission process,
abstracts will be submitted using the form available at the conference
Specific instructions for abstract submission are available on this
Abstracts will be accepted between March 15 and May 15.
Contact information for each author must be submitted via webform. No
author information should appear anywhere in the abstract PDF.
At the time of submission you will be asked whether you would like
your abstract to be considered for a poster, a paper, or both.
Although each author may submit as many abstracts as desired, we will
accept for presentation by each author: (a) a maximum of 1 first
authored paper/poster, and (b) a maximum of 2 papers/posters in any
authorship status. Note that no changes in authorship (including
deleting an author or changing author order) will be possible after
the review process is completed.
DEADLINE: All submissions must be received by 8:00 PM EST, May 15,
Late abstracts will not be considered, whatever the reason for the
We regret that we cannot accept abstract submissions by fax or email.
Submissions via surface mail will only be accepted in special
circumstances, on a case by case basis.
Each abstract is blind reviewed by 5 reviewers from a panel of
approximately 80 international scholars. Further information about the
review process is available at:
Acknowledgment of receipt of the abstract will be sent by email as
soon as possible after receipt. Notice of acceptance or rejection will
be sent to first authors only, in early August, by
email. Pre-registration materials and preliminary schedule will be
available in late August, 2004.
If your abstract is accepted, you will need to submit a 150-word
abstract including title, author(s) and affiliation(s) for inclusion
in the conference handbook. Guidelines will be provided along with
notification of acceptance.
Abstracts accepted as papers will be invited for publication in the
BUCLD Proceedings. Abstracts accepted as posters will be invited for
publication online only, but not in the printed version.
All conference papers will be selected on the basis of abstracts
submitted. Although each abstract will be evaluated individually, we
will attempt to honor requests to schedule accepted papers together in
group sessions. No schedule changes will be possible once the schedule
is set. Scheduling requests for religious reasons can only be
considered before the review process is complete. A space is provided
on the abstract submission webform to specify such requests.
Information regarding the conference may be accessed at
Boston University Conference on Language Development
96 Cummington Street, Room 244
Boston, MA 02215
Telephone: (617) 353-3085
Email: langconf at bu.edu
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-1334
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