15.3499, Calls: General Ling/France; Computational Ling/Portugal
linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Dec 16 00:54:19 UTC 2004
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-3499. Wed Dec 15 2004. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 15.3499, Calls: General Ling/France; Computational Ling/Portugal
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Collberg, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 12-Dec-2004
From: Agnès Celle < celle at paris7.jussieu.fr >
Subject: Les connecteurs, jalons du discours / Connectives as Discourse Landmarks
Date: 13-Dec-2004
From: George Weir < chair at ictatll.org >
Subject: ICTATLL Workshop 2005
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 19:48:20
From: Agnès Celle < celle at paris7.jussieu.fr >
Subject: Les connecteurs, jalons du discours / Connectives as Discourse Landmarks
Full Title: Les connecteurs, jalons du discours / Connectives as Discourse
Date: 26-May-2005 - 28-May-2005
Location: Paris, France
Contact Person: Agnès Celle
Meeting Email: lila at paris7.jussieu.fr
Web Site: http://www.ufr-anglais.univ-paris7.fr/COLLOC_CHV/menu.html
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Subject Language(s): English (ENG)
Call Deadline: 10-Jan-2005
Meeting Description:
Les connecteurs, jalons du discours
Paris 26-28 mai 2005
UFR d'Etudes anglophones
Appel à communications
Conférenciers invités :
Karin Aijmer, Université de Göteborg
Claude Guimier, Université de Caen
Raphael Salkie, Université de Brighton
Gregory Ward, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Date limite de soumission: 10 janvier 2005
Notification des acceptations : 10 février 2005
Colloque : 26-28 mai 2005
Connectives as discourse landmarks
Paris 26-28 May 2005
UFR d'Etudes anglophones
Call for papers
Guest Speakers:
Karin Aijmer, University of Göteborg
Claude Guimier, University of Caen
Raphael Salkie, University of Brighton
Gregory Ward, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Submission deadline: January 10th 2005
Notification of acceptance: February 10th 2005
Conference: May 26th-28th 2005
L'objectif de ce colloque est de favoriser des échanges sur les connecteurs
en anglais. Le rôle de connecteur des adverbes et des conjonctions
constitue un domaine de recherche linguistique essentiel, parce qu'il fonde
l'articulation entre syntaxe et discours. C'est sur ce sujet que nous
souhaitons recevoir des propositions de communications, et plus
particulièrement sur les domaines suivants :
- le rôle des marqueurs discursifs dans l'agencement et la structuration de
- l'analyse sémantique des marqueurs polysémiques, notamment la relation
entre leur valeur aspectuo-temporelle et leur valeur causale ou concessive
Un accueil favorable sera réservé aux analyses de corpus. Les
communications pourront être présentées en français ou en anglais, et ne
devront pas dépasser 25 minutes.
Modalités de soumission :
Les résumés, références comprises, doivent tenir sur 2 pages A4, police
Times 12. Sur une page à part, veuillez indiquer vos nom, prénom,
Université de rattachement, adresse postale, adresse électronique, ainsi
que le titre de votre communication.
Les propositions seront envoyées par courrier électronique avant le 10
janvier 2005 à :
lila at paris7.jussieu.fr
Les frais d'inscription, qui comprennent les boissons - thé, café etc -
s'élèveront aux alentours de 50 euros. Des renseignements pratiques seront
disponibles sur le site de la conférence :
Comité d'organisation :
Agnès Celle, Université Paris 7
Stéphane Gresset, Université Paris 7
The conference aims to provide a forum for recent research on connectives
in English. The connective function of adverbs and conjunctions is a
crucial topic of linguistic inquiry because it involves the interface
between syntax and discourse. Abstracts are invited on the above topic,
focusing on such areas as:
- Information structure and discourse markers
- Semantics of polysemous markers, e.g. the relation between
aspecto-temporal meaning and causal or concessive meaning
Corpus-based studies are welcome. Talks will be delivered in French or
English and should not exceed 25 minutes.
Submission guidelines:
Abstracts (including references) should not exceed 2 A4 pages using a Times
12 font. Your name, first name, affiliation, surface mail address, e-mail
address and the title of your paper should be specified on a separate page.
Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail, preferably as attachments to:
lila at paris7.jussieu.fr
Abstracts must be received before January 10th 2005.
The registration fee, including refreshments, is expected to be 50 euros.
Practical information will soon be available on the department website:
Organising committee:
Agnès Celle, University of Paris 7
Stéphane Gresset, University of Paris 7
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 19:48:24
From: George Weir < chair at ictatll.org >
Subject: ICTATLL Workshop 2005
Full Title: ICTATLL Workshop 2005
Short Title: ICTATLL 2005
Date: 10-Mar-2005 - 11-Mar-2005
Location: Aveiro, Portugal
Contact Person: George Weir
Meeting Email: chair at ictatll.org
Web Site: http://www.ictatll.org
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Computational Linguistics; Historical
Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Syntax; Text/Corpus Linguistics; Translation
Call Deadline: 04-Feb-2005
Meeting Description:
ICT in Analysis, Teaching and Learning of Languages
ICTATLL is a two-day international workshop on ICT in the analysis,
teaching and learning of natural languages. Hosted by the Departamento de
Didáctica e Tecnologia Educativa at the University of Aveiro, Aveiro,
Portugal, Thursday 10th & Friday 11th March 2005.
Call for papers
Paper submissions are invited in relevant areas including, but not limited
to, applications of ICT for language analysis (e.g., corpus analysis),
language teaching technologies (including, CBT, teaching delivery systems,
case studies), and language learning technologies (including, CALL, VLEs,
learning assessment and competence testing). Papers reporting practical
experience or theoretical perspectives are also invited.
Papers should be at least 5 pages and maximum 10 pages in length, prepared
in accordance with specified workshop guidelines. Accepted papers will be
included in the Workshop Proceedings. Selected papers will also be
considered for publication in an associated book.
Authors of accepted papers are required to register for the meeting and
present their paper at the workshop. All presentations will take place in
Submission details
When submitting a paper this should be sent by email as an attached PDF
file to papers at ictatll.org to arrive by Friday 4th February 2005.
Submissions will be reviewed by the Workshop committee and decisions
relayed to authors by Friday 18th February 2005.
Paper format
Papers should be formatted according to the provided templates.
Further information
Venue, accommodation and registration information will be available soon.
Meanwhile, please direct any further enquiries by email to: chair at ictatll.org.
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-3499
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